sick building syndrome sbs

listen to the pronunciation of sick building syndrome sbs
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von sick building syndrome sbs im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

sick building syndrome
hasta bina sendromu
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von sick building syndrome sbs im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

sick building syndrome
the symptoms experienced by people who work there
sick building syndrome
the adverse environmental conditions in a building that pose a health risk to its occupants
Sick Building Syndrome
sick building syndrome
Sick building syndrome is a group of conditions, including headaches, sore eyes, and tiredness, which people who work in offices may experience because the air there is not healthy to breathe. An illness affecting workers in office buildings, characterized by skin irritations, headache, and respiratory problems, and thought to be caused by indoor pollutants, microorganisms, or inadequate ventilation. Also called building sickness. when chemicals and germs stay in an office building and make the people who work there feel ill
sick building syndrome sbs