(Askeri) DENİZAŞIRI NOKSAN MALZEME RAPORU: Bir ilk ikmal kaynağı tarafından denizaşırı yerlere gönderilen ve en geç sevkiyat tarihinde veya bu tarihten önce hazırlanması mümkün olmayan maddeleri gösteren rapor. Bu rapor, bir tali ikmal kaynağının tayini için bir teknik hizmet stok kontrol şubesine gönderilir
(Askeri) BİRLİK TEÇHİZAT DENETLEMESİ NOKSAN RAPORU: Denizaşırı hareket hazırlığı sırasında, mevki komutanına, teçhizat denetleme noksanlarını bildirmek için, birlik komutanı tarafından hazırlanan rapor
(Askeri) NOKSAN MALZEME İSTEK BİLDİRİMİ: Bir stok kontrol noktasında hazırlanan ve denizaşırı veya yurtiçi noksan malzeme raporuna dahil edilmiş bir veya birkaç kalem malzemenin tedarik edilmesini isteyen döküman
A situation in which quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied at the current price (p 87, 180)
Please check you packing list for backorders or drop-shipped items for lost or missing merchandise before calling School Health Customer Service
A term used to indicate non-receipt of a part of the total quantity shipped Also referred to as shortlanding
A condition that occurs when the demand for a good or service exceeds its supply Shortages occur when the price for a good or service is lower than its equilibrium price
the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
Any deficiency in the actual number of pieces in a shipment against the quantity reported to Customs by the carrier on the cargo control document
If there is a shortage of something, there is not enough of it. A shortage of funds is preventing the UN from monitoring relief Vietnam is suffering from food shortage. a situation in which there is not enough of something that people need shortage of
(Ticaret) A list of components or finished goods not available to meet requirements for production or purchase orders. Normally a report that nets available quantities against required, and does not provide a bill of material explosion, lead time offset or suggested orders as done by MRP