she suspected him to have an affair with a woman

listen to the pronunciation of she suspected him to have an affair with a woman
Englisch - Deutsch
Sie hatte ihn im Verdacht, eine Affäre zu haben
she suspected him to have an affair with a woman


    she suspected him to have an af·fair with a wo·man

    Türkische aussprache

    şi sıspektıd îm tı häv ın ıfer wîdh ı wûmın


    /ˈsʜē səˈspektəd əm tə ˈhav ən əˈfer wəᴛʜ ə ˈwo͝omən/ /ˈʃiː səˈspɛktəd ɪm tə ˈhæv ən əˈfɛr wɪð ə ˈwʊmən/