she had an accident while she was pregnant with her third child

listen to the pronunciation of she had an accident while she was pregnant with her third child
Englisch - Deutsch
Sie hatte einen Unfall, als sie mit ihrem dritten Kind schwanger war
she had an accident while she was pregnant with her third child


    she had an ac·ci·dent while she was preg·nant with her third child

    Türkische aussprache

    şi häd ın äksıdınt hwayl şi wız pregnınt wîdh hır thırd çayld


    /ˈsʜē ˈhad ən ˈaksədənt ˈhwīl ˈsʜē wəz ˈpregnənt wəᴛʜ hər ˈᴛʜərd ˈʧīld/ /ˈʃiː ˈhæd ən ˈæksədənt ˈhwaɪl ˈʃiː wəz ˈprɛɡnənt wɪð hɜr ˈθɜrd ˈʧaɪld/