she does not take kindly to people who tell her what to do

listen to the pronunciation of she does not take kindly to people who tell her what to do
Englisch - Deutsch
Sie mag Leute nicht, die ihr sagen, was sie zu tun hat
she does not take kindly to people who tell her what to do


    she does not take kind·ly to peo·ple who tell her what to do

    Türkische aussprache

    şi dîz nät teyk kayndli tı pipıl hu tel hır hwʌt tı du


    /ˈsʜē dəz ˈnät ˈtāk ˈkīndlē tə ˈpēpəl ˈho͞o ˈtel hər ˈhwət tə ˈdo͞o/ /ˈʃiː dɪz ˈnɑːt ˈteɪk ˈkaɪndliː tə ˈpiːpəl ˈhuː ˈtɛl hɜr ˈhwʌt tə ˈduː/