sexually transmitted disease std

listen to the pronunciation of sexually transmitted disease std
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von sexually transmitted disease std im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
Any of various diseases that are usually contracted through sexual contact
<span class="word-self">Sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>

Coitus interruptus does not protect against STDs. - Coitus interruptus does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Condoms offer protection against STDs. - Condoms offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
(Medicine) disease that is most often contracted through sexual contact (e.g. gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS, and genital herpes), STD
<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
a communicable disease transmitted by sexual intercourse or genital contact
<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
Any of various diseases, including chancroid, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, that are usually contracted through sexual intercourse or other intimate sexual contact. STD a disease that one person passes to another through having sex, such as AIDS or herpes. Disease transmitted primarily by direct sexual contact. STDs usually affect the reproductive system and urinary system but can be spread to the mouth or rectum by oral or anal sex. In later stages they may attack other organs and systems. The best-known are syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, and herpes simplex. Yeast infections (see candida) produce a thick, whitish vaginal discharge and genital irritation and itch in women and sometimes irritation of the penis in men. Crab louse infestation (see louse, human) can also be considered an STD. The incidence of STDs has been affected by such factors as antibiotics, birth-control methods, and changes in sexual behaviour. See also chlamydia; hepatitis; pelvic inflammatory disease; wart
<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
{i} gonorrhea
<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
{i} VD
<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
{i} gonorrhoea
<span class="word-self">sexuallyspan> <span class="word-self">transmittedspan> <span class="word-self">diseasespan>
venereal disease
sexually transmitted disease std