(Askeri) GERİ HİZMET BÖLGESİ: Bir ordu veya hava kuvveti gibi büyük bir askeri teşkilata ait idari hizmet birlik ve tesislerinin bulunduğu bölge. Menzil sahası, bir harekat alanı için geri hizmet bölgesidir
Englisch - Englisch
Definition von service areas im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
The territory within certain boundaries that an HMO designates for providing service to members Since easy access into the health delivery system is a primary HMO tenet, it is generally believed that a member should not have to drive longer than 30 minutes in order to gain access to the system Some HMOs establish a mileage radius from their medical delivery sites, some rely on zip codes, and others use county boundaries in defining service areas
The geographical area from which a particular health care program or entity offers to provide health care services and draws the majority of its users Some service areas may be self-defined (ie, an indemnity insurance company has a license for the entire state but chooses to only market its policies in certain areas of the state) while other service areas are defined as a condition of state licensure (ie, an HMO is licensed to do business on a county-by-county basis, with the counties so authorized called the HMO's "service area")
Sometimes called a Service Station Places found on long-distance motorways at frequent intervals providing a place for drivers to stop off the road (since stopping on a motorway is illegal) All must provide free car parking, free toilet facilities, fuel and catering Most are now pretty sophisticated affairs, with shops, restaurants and games arcades
A geographic area (e g , watershed, county) wherein a bank can reasonably be expected to provide appropriate compensation for impacts to wetlands and/or other aquatic resources [top]
A service area is a place beside a motorway where you can buy petrol and other things, or have a meal. = service station. a place on a motorway where you can stop for petrol, food, toilets etc
The area where a health plan accepts members For plans that require you to use their doctors and hospitals, it is also the area where services are provided The plan may disemroll you if you move out of the plan's service area
The geographic area the HMO or PPO is licensed to operate, where applicable, or when licensing is not required, the geographical area where an adequate network is established to provide the services covered under the benefit plan
A geographical territory that an HMO or other provider organization designates for offering and providing enrollment or service to members Since reasonable access to the health care services is a primary objective of HMOs and providers, a common standard is that members or patients should not have to travel more than 30 minutes in order to reach a service site