(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK HEDEF TESPİT CİHAZI: Cisimleri ve faaliyetleri, enerji, yayınlanan partikülleri, yansıyan veya tadil edilmiş cisimleri belirtip kayıt eden ve tespit eden teçhizat
Englisch - Englisch
Definition von sensors im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
These measure the position and/or acceleration of the Satellite, and transmit this information to the ground controllers via the beacon signal
Sophisticated scientific instruments used for detecting and analyzing material and data Sensor readings are typically displayed on control panel screens, or one can verbally ask the computer to report on what has been detected
Air Temperature Barometric Pressure Distance Evaporation Fuel Moisture & Temp Leaf Wetness Position (GPS) Precipitation Relative Humidity Soil Heat Flux Soil Moisture Solar Radiation Soil/Water Temperature Snow Depth Wind Speed & Direction Water Quality pH Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen ORP Turbidity Water Level Water Flow
Any device that translates the magnitude of one quantity into another quantity Three of the most common transducers used in vibration measurements are accelerometer, velocity transducer, and eddy current probe
A device that responds to a physical stimulus, such as thermal energy, electromagnetic energy, acoustic energy, pressure, magnetism, or motion, by producing a signal, usually electrical
The part of the satellite's scanner which is sensitive to light (visible or otherwise) Each scanner may carry multiple sensors, which may be used to sense different bands or to increase the spatial resolution See also Scanner
A device that responds to a physical stimulus (heat, light, sound, pressure, motion, flow, and so on), and produces a measurable corresponding electrical signal
The computer that monitors the network for intrusion attempts Some sensors store all records locally, while others send reports to a console application or back-end database Sensors usually run in promiscuous mode, often without an IP address
A device that that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus Examples of planned Rolltronics' sensors include biometric (fingerprint), biotech (such as blood analysis), environmental (temperature, etc ), chemical, and industrial
An energy conversion device that measures some physical quantity and converts it to an electrical quantity SmartKey Electronically coded key used both to enter and start the vehicle developed by Mercedes-Benz
1 The component of an instrument that converts an input signal into a quantity which is measured by another part of the instrument Also called sensing element
A component that provides an electrical signal in response to a specific physical or chemical stimulus such as heat, pressure, magnetic field, or a particular chemical vapor
tool that is sensitive to stimulus such as electromagnetic radiation On satellites sensors are used to identify emmited or reflected radiation and use this data to obtain other valuable information about the object or surface reflecting or emmiting it Some examples of sensors are: imagers, specrometers, radiometers, and a combination of them Each providing added resolution for certain aspects pursued
A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information. The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor. a piece of equipment used for discovering the presence of light, heat, movement etc (sensus, past participle of sentire; SENSE)
Equipment of a category specified in Article IV of the Treaty that is installed on an observation aircraft for use during the conduct of observation flights The categories of equipment specified in Article IV are: optical and framing cameras; video cameras with real-time display; infra-red line-scanning devices; and sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar
Device that produces an output (usually electrical) in response to stimulus such as incident radiation Sensors aboard satellites obtain information about features and objects on Earth by detecting radiation reflected or emitted in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum Analyzing the transmitted data provides valuable scientific information about Earth
Technical means, usually electronic, to extend man's natural senses by detecting emitted or reflected energy The energy may be nuclear, electromagnetic (including the visible and invisible portions of the spectrum), chemical, biological, thermal, or mechanical
A device that responds to a physical stimulus and transmits a signal or changes electrical property such as resistance Campbell Scientific uses the words probe, sensor, and transducer interchangeably
A sensor is defined as source of bearing-related information As such, it could clearly be an acoustic sensor such as a sonar, but could also be a periscope or radar Debrief makes no specific assumptions regarding what type of sensor is being represented
The sensor is the heart of all digital cameras It's the electronic chip that takes incoming light and converts it to a digital file The density of the sensor determines a camera's overall picture quality The camera can have a 1-, 2-, or 3- megapixel sensor This means it has millions (the mega in megapixel) of light-sensitive photoreceptor cells
Türkisch - Englisch
Definition von sensors im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch