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Anlambilim tartışıyorsunuz.
- You're arguing semantics.
Anlambilim tartışıyorsunuz.
- You're arguing semantics.
The effectiveness of the commercial’s copy was easy to test using traditional methods because respondents can verbalize semantic information. It was the esthetic information that required more creative techniques such as Picture Sorts.
When the commercial’s announcer says the soda has just one calorie, she is providing semantic information.
Product information that helps you decide which brand of soda to drink and why it is stored in your semantic memory.
Directions to mom’s house are stored in your semantic memory.
Our semantic network results showed that the phrase “good cooks use it” in our commercials was increasing sales because it made people think “fresh” and “taste” which are two of our key attributes.
... The IDE has a deep semantic model of your code and it ...