
listen to the pronunciation of schiessen
Deutsch - Türkisch
{'şi: sın} ateş etmek, atış yapmak; ateş ederek öldürmek; (gol) atmak; fırlamak; fışkırmak
ateş etmek
ateş etmek; vurmak, öldürmek; şut çekmek; gol atmak; fırlamak, atılmak; fışkırmak; filizlenmek
atılmak, fırlamak, ateş etmek, kurşun atmak, gol atmaketwas ist zum schießen: çok komik olayjemand ist zum schießen: çok komik kişimit konnen nach Spatzen schießen: hiç uğruna dünyanın zahmetini çekmek
(Gramer) schoß schöße hat geschossen A silah atmak, ateş etmek
film çekme
sürgün vermek
atış yapmak
şut çekmek
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von schiessen im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

ateş etme

Ben polis. Karakola kadar gelir misiniz? N-neden? Kasabanın ortasında tabancayla ateş etmeye gitmenin bir suç olmadığını düşünemiyor musun?! - This is the police. Would you mind coming down to the station? W-why? You can't think it's not a crime to go shooting guns off in the middle of town?!

Dikkatli ol, bu adamın ateş etme ruhsatı var! - Be careful, this guy has a shooting license!

ateşli silahların atılması

Her zaman atış yaparım, hedefi ıskalarım. - Every time I practice shooting, I miss the target.

Atışın kazara olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? - Do you think the shooting was accidental?

{i} filizlenme
(sıfat) filizlenen, zonklayan, sızlayan, atış, atıcılık, av
{i} çekim

Tom çekim hakkında bir şey söyledi mi? - Did Tom say anything about the shooting?

Çekim yaklaşık öğleyin başladı. - The shooting started around noon.

{s} zonklayan
{s} filizlenen
{i} ateş, ateşli silahların atılması: The shooting stopped. Ateş kesildi
{i} zonklama
{i} av
(isim) atış, atıcılık, çekim, film çekme, av, avcılık, av sahası, zonklama, sızlama, filizlenme
{i} av sahası
{i} film çekme
ateş ederek

Onun yapacağını söylediğin gibi o ateş ederek ortaya çıktı. - He came out shooting, same as you said he would.

Deutsch - Englisch
An instance of shooting (a person) with a gun

Police are hunting the people who carried out the shootings last week.

The sport or activity of firing a gun
Present participle of shoot
{n} the killing of game with a gun
to throw the ball at the basket
the act of firing a projectile; "his shooting was slow but accurate"
A sensation of darting pain; as, a shooting in one's head
Heading or kicking the ball on goal with the intent of scoring
the act of firing a projectile; "his shooting was slow but accurate" killing someone by gunfire; "when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies
A wounding or killing with a firearm; specifically (Sporting), the killing of game; as, a week of shooting
when a player kicks the ball at the opponent's net in an attempt to score a goal
The act of one who, or that which, shoots; as, the shooting of an archery club; the shooting of rays of light
{s} of or pertaining to shooting; sharp, sudden (of pain)
Of or pertaining to shooting; for shooting; darting
{i} firing of guns or missiles; hunt; instance in which a person is injured or killed by gunfire
A shooting is an occasion when someone is killed or injured by being shot with a gun. A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city
killing someone by gunfire; "when the shooting stopped there were three dead bodies"
Shooting is hunting animals with a gun as a leisure activity. Grouse shooting begins in August
to expose photographic film or photostencil materials to light
supercritical flow
shooting flow
to dart
to loose off
to loose
to shoot {shot
to dash
Schießen im direkten Richten
direct fire
Schießen im indirekten Richten
indirect fire
Schnellimbissrestaurants schießen in der ganzen Stadt aus dem Boden.
Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over town
schießen (Pflanzen)
to go/run to seed
schießen (beim Schießen in bestimmter Weise funktioneren) (Schusswaffe)
to fire (gun)
schneller als jemand die Pistole ziehen (und schießen)
to outdraw somebody
(auf jemanden/etw.) schießen
to fire (at somebody/sth.)
(auf jemanden/etw.) schießen
(auf jemanden/etw.) schießen
to shoot {shot
(in bestimmter Weise) schießen (Waffe)
to shoot {shot
(in bestimmter Weise) schießen (Waffe)
shot} (in a particular way) (weapon)
(vom anvisierten Zielpunkt) abkommen (Schießen)
to aim off the target (shooting)
(wie eine Rakete) (an/durch einen Ort) schießen
to rocket
(wie eine Rakete) (an/durch einen Ort) schießen
to surge (to/through a place) (followed by adverb/preposition)
(zur Übung) auf ein (improvisertes) Ziel schießen
to plink
Abkommen (vom anvisierten Zielpunkt) (Schießen)
aiming off the target (shooting)
Die Polizei war angewiesen, notfalls zu schießen.
The police were under instruction to fire if necessary
Nicht schießen. Ich ergebe mich.
Don't shoot. I surrender
Sag den Männern, sie sollen nicht schießen bevor ich den Befehl (dazu) gebe.
Tell the men to hold their fire until I give the order
So schnell schießen die Preußen nicht.
We are not that quick on the trigger
am Tor vorbei schießen
to miss the goal
auf jemanden/etw. aus dem Hinterhalt schießen
to snipe at somebody/sth
auf jemanden/etw. wild schießen
to take a pot shot/pot shots at somebody/sth
aus dem Boden schießen
to sprout up
aus dem Boden schießen
to spring up
den Ball aus der Hand schießen
to punt the ball
den Ball ins Aus befördern/schießen
to send/kick the ball into touch
den Ball ins Netz befördern/schlagen/schießen
to net the ball
die Zügel schießen/schleifen lassen
to drop the reins
direktes Schießen
direct fire
ein Eigentor schießen
to score an own goal
ein Tor schießen
to score a goal
eine Sache an einen Ort dreschen/wuchtig schlagen/mit Wucht schießen
to slog
einen Bock schießen
to make a bloomer
einen Bock schießen
to blunder
einen Bock schießen
to commit a blunder
einen Bock schießen
to make a bull
einen Bock schießen
to pull a boner
einen Eckball schießen
to take a corner kick
einen Freistoß schießen
to take a free kick
etw. sturmreif schießen
to weaken/undermine something and expose it to attack
etw. sturmreif schießen
to weaken something in preparation for an attack
harmlos auf den Tormann schießen
to shoot tamely at the keeper
in die Erdumlaufbahn schießen
to send into orbit
in die Höhe schießen
to skyrocket
in die Höhe schießen
to surge
in die Höhe schießen
to rocket
in die Höhe schießen
to shoot up
in die Höhe schießen
to leap (things)
in die Menge schießen
to fire into/on the crowd
in ungezieltem Dauerfeuer schießen
spray and pray
indirektes Schießen
indirect fire
ins Blaue schießen
to stab in the dark
ins Kraut schießen
to run wild
ins Kraut schießen
to run to leaf
mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen
to crack a nut with a sledgehammer
mit Kanonen auf Spatzen schießen
to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
mit Maschinengewehr schießen
to machine-gun
mit Platzpatronen schießen
to fire blanks
mit Platzpatronen schießen
to shoot blanks
mit einer Pistole durch das Fenster schießen
to fire a pistol through the window
mit einer Schusswaffe schießen
to shoot a gun
mit einer Schusswaffe schießen
to fire a gun
sich in einen Körperteil schießen
to shoot yourself in a body part
viele Tore schießen
to score well
vom Platz schießen (Wettkampf)
to wallop an opponent (defeat completely) (competition)
vom Platz schießen (Wettkampf)
to drub
vom Platz schießen (Wettkampf)
to trounce
vorzeitig in Samen schießen
to bolt
wenig Tore schießen
to score badly
wie Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
to mushroom (up)
wie Pilze aus der Erde schießen
to spring up like mushrooms
wie die Pilze aus dem Boden schießen
to spawn
zum Schießen sein
to be hysterically funny