saturated solution

listen to the pronunciation of saturated solution
Englisch - Türkisch
doygun çözelti
doymuş çözelti
doymuş çözelti, doygun çözelti
saturated solid solution
doymuş katı çözelti
Englisch - Englisch
a solution in which the solvent can dissolve no more of a specific solute at a particular temperature
fluid which has reached its maximum capacity for dissolving materials
saturated solution


    sa·tu·ra·ted so·lu·tion

    Türkische aussprache

    säçıreytıd sıluşın


    /ˈsaʧərˌātəd səˈlo͞osʜən/ /ˈsæʧɜrˌeɪtəd səˈluːʃən/