
listen to the pronunciation of santral
Türkisch - Englisch

This power station alone provides several cities with electricity. - Bu santral, tek başına çeşitli şehirlere elektrik sağlar.

This is Finland's biggest power station of all. - Bu, bütün Finlandiya'nın en büyük elektrik santralı.

(Tıp) center

There are plans to build a power plant right here. - Burada bir elektik santralı inşa etmek için planlar var.

Here is an atomic power plant. - İşte bir atom enerji santrali.

switchboard operator
central office
telephone central
power plant

Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons. - Nükleer enerji santralleri tehlikelidir, nükleer silahlardan söz edilmemeli.

There are plans to build a power plant right here. - Burada bir elektik santralı inşa etmek için planlar var.

telephone exchange, exchange, switchboard, central; powerhouse, power station
telephone exchange, switchboard, central
slang brain, noodle, noggin
power plant, power station, powerhouse
telephone exchange
central line
telephone central/exchange
telephone switchboard
santral memuresi
santral memuru
santral sınıfı
(Bilgisayar) office class
santral amoroz
central amaurosis
santral bağlantı gecikmesi
through-connection delay
santral bağlaşım gecikmesi
(Bilgisayar) through-connection delay
santral betonu
(İnşaat) plant-mixed concrete
santral binası ekipmanı
power house equipment
santral etkili sempatoplejik
(Tıp) central acting sympathoplegic
santral gövdeyolu
central office trunk
santral harç
mill-run mortar
santral hizmet bölgesi
exchange area
santral memuresi
(female) telephone operator, operator; switchboard operator
santral memurluğu
santral memuru
telephone operator, telephonist
santral memuru
santral memuru
santral memuru
telephone operator
santral memuru
telephone operator, operator; switchboard operator
santral nn reseptörü
(Tıp) central nn receptor
santral sinir sistemi
(Tıp) central nervous system
santral venöz kanülasyon
(Tıp) central venous cannulation
santral, tevzi tablosu
(Askeri) switchboard
hidroelektrik santral
hydroelectric plant
termik santral
fossil fuel plant
termik santral
thermal plant
termik santral
thermal power station
dahili santral
extension board
hidroelektrik santral
hydroelectric power station
hidroelektrik santral
hydroelectric power plant
ikincil santral
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) branch exchange
merkez santral
(Bilgisayar) centrex
nükleer santral
nuclear power plant
nükleer santral
nuclear power station, atomic power station
otomatik santral
automatic exchange
termik santral
thermoelectric power plant, plant which generates electricity using thermal power
termik santral
thermal reactor
uydu santral
satellite exchange
yerel santral
(Bilgisayar,Telekom) local exchange
yerel santral
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) local switch
yerel santral
(Bilgisayar) local central office
şehirlerarası santral
long distance
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von santral im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

termik santral
Thermal power station

Thermal power stations in the world effect nature badly.
