saint agnes

listen to the pronunciation of saint agnes
Englisch - Englisch
flourished 4th century, Rome; feast day January 21 Legendary Christian martyr, the patron saint of girls. According to tradition, she was a beautiful virgin who turned away all suitors, declaring that she could have no spouse but Jesus. The rejected suitors informed Roman officials that she was a Christian, and she was punished by being exposed in a brothel. There she was left miraculously unharmed; the only man who attempted to violate her was struck blind, and she healed him with prayer. She was later murdered during the persecutions ordered by Diocletian
Saint Agnes' Eve
The night of January 20, on which traditionally, if she performs certain rituals, a woman is supposed to have dreams of her future husband
Saint Agnes' Eves
plural form of Saint Agnes' Eve
saint agnes's eve
a Christian holy day
saint agnes


    saint Ag·nes

    Türkische aussprache

    seynt ägnîs


    /ˈsānt ˈagnəs/ /ˈseɪnt ˈæɡnɪs/