(Askeri) GİRİŞ BELGESİ, GEÇİŞ BELGESİ: Bir askeri makam tarafından dağıtılan ve yasak bir bölgeye (restricted area) girmek veya böyle bir bölgede kalmak isteyen şahsın üzerinde bulunması gereken pasaporta benzer bir belge. Giriş belgesine sahip olan bir kimse sınırlı bölgeye eşya getirip götürmeye ve burada ticaret yapmaya da yetkilidir
The security given by authority of a government to a stranger for his quietly coming into and passing out of the territories over which said government has jurisdiction or control
If you are given safe conduct, the authorities officially allow you to travel somewhere, guaranteeing that you will not be arrested or harmed while doing so. Her family was given safe conduct to Britain when civil war broke out. safe passage
That which gives a safe passage a convoy or guard to protect a person in an enemy's country or a foreign country a writing, pass, or warrant of security, given to a person to enable him to travel with safety
[ 'sAf-'kän-(")d&kt ] (noun.) 14th century. Middle English sauf conduit, from Old French, safe conduct.