
listen to the pronunciation of sac
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) sorumlu özel ajan; destek sınıfları koordinatörü (special agent in charge; supporting arms coordinator)
(Tıp) Kese, torba, kese şeklinde organ, saccus
{i} dolmakalem pompası
{i} kese [biy.]
kese gibi
cul de sac
çıkmaz yol
air sac
tenek kesesi
amniotic sac
meşime boşluğu
amniotic sac
amniyon kesesi
cul de sac
cul de sac
çıkmaz sokak
pericardial sac
perikard boşluğu
pollen sac
polen kesesi
vitelline sac
yumurt kesesi
yolk sac
yumurta kesesi
amniotic sac
amnion sıvısı
cul de sac
çıkmaz sokak
culs de sac
kese de culs
embryo sac
Embriyo kesesi
thecal sac
(Anatomi) tekal sak
thecal sac
(Anatomi) Tekal sak, omuriliği çevreleyen ve içinden beyin-omurilik sıvısının aktığı kese şeklindeki koruyucu kılıf
(Askeri) emniyetli telefon ünitesi (STU) giriş kontrol sistemi (secure telephone unit (STU) access control system)
culde sac
culde sac
çıkmaz sokak
dental sac
(Diş Hekimliği) Embriyonal haftanın sonunda oluşan çan organını saran bağ dokusundan oluşmuş bir kapsül; diş torbası
honey sac
(Arılık) bal kesesi
ink sac
{i} mürekkepbalığının kesesi
ink sac
(isim) mürekkepbalığının kesesi
lacrimal sac
gözyaşı kesesi
lung sac
(Tıp) akciğer keseciği
poison sac
(Arılık) zehir kesesi
pollen sac
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) çiçek tozu kesesi
sperm sac
(Denizbilim) atmık kesesi
yolk sac
vitellüs kesesi
yolk sac
(fiil)tellüs kesesi
yolk sac tumors
(Tıp) yolk sak tümörleri
yolk sac tumors
(Tıp) yumurta kesesi tümörleri
Türkisch - Türkisch
Bu nesneden yapılmış dışbükey pişirme aracı
Sacdan yapılmış olan
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Geniş, yuvarlak libas. Araplar giyerler
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hint vilâyetinde yetişen siyah ve büyük cins bir ağaç
Bu nesneden yapılmış dışbükey pişirme aracı: "Esmer, sacda pişirilmiş bir somun ekmeği, eliyle parçalayıp sofradakilerin önüne dağıttı."- N. Cumalı
Demir levha
Sacdan yapılmış olan: "Yüksek bir kahve masası, üstünde minimini bir sac soba."- R. N. Güntekin
Hindistan'dan gelen kerestesi değerli sert ağaç
Yassı demir çelik ürünü
sac böreği
Mayalanmış hamurun yufka hâlinde açılıp içine kıyma, ıspanak, kavrulmuş soğan gibi malzeme konulmasıyla yapılan ve sacda pişirilen bir tür börek
sac ekmeği
Mayalanmış hamurun oklava ile daire şeklinde açılıp sac üzerinde pişirilmesiyle elde edilen ekmek
sac kavurması
Orta yağlı ve fındık büyüklüğünde doğranmış koyun etinin ağır ateşte pişirilmesi ve sonra soğan, domates, yeşil biber, dereotu eklenmesiyle hazırlanan karışımın tekrar kısık ateşte pişirilmesiyle yapılan bir yemek türü
sac kebabı
Sac üzerinde ateşte pişirilen kebap
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Saçları alnı üzerine dökülm
Englisch - Englisch
Strategic Air Command
saeclum ante Christum ("era before Christ")
senior aircraftman
To sacrifice (a creature)

I kept saccing monsters at the altar until I was rewarded with a new weapon.

A bag or pouch inside a plant or animal that typically contains a fluid
{i} North American Indians who formerly occupied lands in Wisconsin Illinois and Iowa (USA); member of these North American Indian people (also Sauk)
{i} Algonquian language spoken by the Sauk Indians (also Sauk)
A cavity, bag, or receptacle, usually containing fluid, and either closed, or opening into another cavity to the exterior; a sack

I'm very grateful for all the sacrifices my parents made for my sake. - I am very grateful for all the sacrifices my parents made for my sake.

He has endured sacrifices for the United States that most of us cannot begin to imagine. - He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine.

STAR Analysis Coordinator
Solid alkylation catalyst Conventional butane alkylation processes use sulfuric or hydrofluoric acid as catalysts For many years, catalyst developers have searched for a solid catalyst that could be used for this application Several candidates, and associated processes, have emerged, but none has yet shown itself economically competitive with the liquid acids This situation may well change in the next decade
Schedule at Completion
Sacrifice -- A base runner advanced to the next base or scored due to the batter's sacrifice hit, usually by bunting or flying out (See also SF )
Special Area of Conservation
{i} pouch or bag-like structure in an animal or plant (often containing liquid)
The State Advisory Committee, a committee created by statute for the State Employee Charitable Campaign Its responsibility is to advise the State Policy Committee All members of this committee are appointed by the Governor There are eight positions One is filled by the Executive Director of AWTS
Specialist Advisory Committee
CFHT Scientific Advisory Council
Special Areas of Conservation: consist of areas which are vitally important for nature conservation have been identified as containing the best examples of habitats and species identified by the European Habitats Directive 1992 (see Section 4 0, Natural Environment)
Student Affairs Committee
Surface Air Consumption
Secure Authenticated Channel
Second Axial Carrier
The privilege formerly enjoyed by the lord of a manor, of holding courts, trying causes, and imposing fines
Suspended and canceled pesticides
State Apprenticeship Council
an enclosed space; "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"
a member of the Algonquian people formerly living in Wisconsin in the Fox River valley and on the shores of Green Bay
a case or sheath especially a pollen sac or moss capsule
A sac is a small part of an animal's body, shaped like a little bag. It contains air, liquid, or some other substance. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs. Strategic Air Command. Variant of Sauk. A pouch or pouchlike structure in a plant or an animal, sometimes filled with fluid. a part inside a plant or animal that is shaped like a bag and contains liquid or air (from saccus; SACK)
Skystar equipment that contains the satellite transmission facility components and data network components
a structure resembling a bag in an animal
Suspended and Cancelled Pesticides Source: US EPA
See 2d Sack
Special Area of Conservation (Habitats and Species Directive)
Space Activities Commision
Strategic Air Command Division of the US Air Force that used to be responsible for bombing and some refueling missions Discontinued when the USAF was reorganized in 1992
abbr Special Access Code
System Assisted Coordination
sac flies
plural form of sac fly
sac fly
A sacrifice fly, a fly out which allows a runner to advance a base
sac fungus
Any fungus of the phylum Ascomycota, having non-motile spores in a sac
A white crappie (Pomoxis annularis)
sac fungus
any of various ascomycetous fungi in which the spores are formed in a sac or ascus
amniotic sac
The sac in which the foetus develops in mammals, reptiles and birds
: A circular area at the end of a dead end street to allow cars to turn around, designed so children can play on street, with little or no through-traffic
A sack-like cavity or tube open at one end only
An impasse
A blind alley or dead end street
lacrimal sac
The upper dilated end of the tear duct
liocranid sac spider
any spider of the family Liocranidae
liocranid sac spiders
plural form of liocranid sac spider
vocal sac
The flexible membrane of skin possessed by most male frogs
yolk sac
A membranous sac attached to an embryo, providing early nourishment in the form of yolk in bony fishes, sharks, reptiles, birds, and primitive mammals
thecal sac
(Anatomi) The thecal sac is a membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and circulates cerebral spinal fluid
thecal sac
(Anatomi) Located in the spinal canal; it contains the cauda equina, cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord
A sac
Air sac
a tiny sac for holding air in the lungs; formed by the terminal dilation of tiny air passageways
Air sac
any of the thin-walled extensions of the tracheae of insects
Air sac
any of the membranous air-filled extensions of the lungs of birds
air sac
any of the membranous air-filled extensions of the lungs of birds any of the thin-walled extensions of the tracheae of insects
air sac
One of the spaces in different parts of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with the air passages of the lungs; an air cell
cul de sac
A street with a dead end, usually with adequate space at the end for vehicles to turn around
cul de sac
{i} dead end, blind alley, street which has no exit; situation in which military forces are surrounded on all sides except from behind
cul de sac
The terminus of a street or alley Usually laid out by modern engineers to provide a circular turn around for vehicles
cul de sac
A street which is open at one end only, and which usually has a circular turnaround; a blind alley
cul de sac
A street with only one outlet having sufficient space at the closed end to provide vehicular turning area
cul de sac
A street with a dead-end, usually with space at the end for vehicles to turn around
cul de sac
A circular turn-around street in a property development
cul de sac
A street or alley that is closed at one end
cul de sac
a street with only one way in or out
cul de sac
a passage with access only at one end
cul de sac
The terminus of a street or alley "Usually laid out by modern engineers to provide a circular turn around for vehicles In French 'the bottom of the sack '"
means a local street that has only one outlet and that has a paved, circular turnaround area at the closed end
a street with an intersection on one end and a closed turning area on the other often valued in the design of residential subdivisions for the privacy provided to homes on the street
A dead end street which widens sufficiently at the end to permit an automobile to make a "U" turn
A street closed at one end by a widened pavement of sufficient size for automotive vehicles to be turned around (Seattle Land Use Code )
French term for a "dead-end street " A street which meets another street at one end but is closed at the other, such that little traffic will travel down it and the property owners enjoy excellent privacy
A street open at one end only It usually has a circular turnaround
French term for a "dead-end street" A street which meets another street at one end but is closed at the other, such that little traffic will travel down it and the property owners enjoy excellent privacy
A cul-de-sac is a short road which is closed off at one end. a four-bedroom detached house in a quiet cul-de-sac. = close
egg sac
The silken pouch in which many spiders deposit their eggs. Also called egg case
embryo sac
See under Embryonic
embryo sac
The female gametophyte of a seed plant, within which the embryo develops
ink sac
{i} large gland of cephalopods (such as squid, octopus etc.) which contains ink that is ejected to distract predators
ink sac
An ink-containing organ located near the rectum in most cephalopods, including the octopus, squid, and cuttlefish
lachrymal sac
top part of the tear duct that conducts tears out of the eyes
lacrimal sac
either of the two dilated ends of the lacrimal ducts at the nasal ends of the eyes that fill with tears secreted by the lacrimal glands
pericardial sac
the membrane surrounding the heart
pollen sac
The microsporangium of a seed plant in which pollen is produced
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools is one of six regional educational accrediting bodies in the United States It is a private, nonprofit, voluntary organization whose members are schools, colleges, and universities Three commissions comprise SACS, with the Commission on Colleges (COC) having responsibility for colleges and universities
plural of sac
sponsored by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools This project involves the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Accreditation Standards Pilot Project SACS is updating its standards and procedures for accreditation and reaffirmation of accreditation of its collegiate membership Richland is one of eight colleges and universities piloting the new process The only other Texas college participating in the project is Texas A&M University In March 2002, Richland will complete the reaffirmation process with its site visit
Sequence Analysis and Consulting Service
A tribe of Indians, which, together with the Foxes, formerly occupied the region about Green Bay, Wisconsin
yolk sac
membranous structure that functions as the circulatory system in mammal embryos until the heart becomes functional
yolk sac
membranous structure enclosing the yolk of eggs in birds reptiles marsupials and some fishes; circulates nutrients to the developing embryo membranous structure that functions as the circulatory system in mammal embryos until the heart becomes functional
yolk sac
thin membrane which surrounds the yolk of an egg and supplies nutrients to the embryo (in mammals, the yolk sac ceases to function when the placenta forms)
yolk sac
A membranous sac attached to an embryo, providing early nourishment in the form of yolk in bony fishes, sharks, reptiles, birds, and primitive mammals and functioning as the circulatory system of the human embryo before internal circulation begins
yolk sac
membranous structure enclosing the yolk of eggs in birds reptiles marsupials and some fishes; circulates nutrients to the developing embryo