(Tıp, İlaç) Lactose intolerance, also called lactase deficiency, is the inability to digest and metabolize lactose, a sugar found in milk. It is caused by a lack of the enzyme lactase in the digestive system, required to break down lactose. It results in symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, and acid reflux
inability or difficulty digesting milk sugar (characterized by symptoms such as cramping, diarrhea, etc. following the consumption of dairy products)
congenital disorder consisting of an inability to digest milk and milk products; absence or deficiency of lactase results in an inability to hydrolyze lactose
süt şekerini (laktoz) sindirme zorluğu veya sindirme yetersizliği
süt şe·ke·ri·ni (lak·toz) sin·dir·me zor·lu·ğu ve·ya sin·dir·me ye·ter·siz·li·ği