Bunting consists of rows of small coloured flags that are used to decorate streets and buildings on special occasions. Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station. small flags on strings, used to decorate buildings and streets on special occasions (Perhaps from bunt ). Common name for any of about 37 Old World species (genus Emberiza) of finch, as well as certain similar species found in the New World. All belong to the family Fringillidae, and many are recognizable by strongly patterned heads or bright colours. Emberiza species are seed eaters that commonly breed in temperate Eurasia and from northern Africa to India. The snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) breeds in the far north, and the lark bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys) inhabits the U.S. Great Plains. U.S. species include the indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) and the painted bunting (P. ciris). The male painted bunting, with red, green, and blue feathers, is the most colourful bird that breeds in the U.S
süs ve işaret flamaları için kullanılan pamuklu kaba kumaş
süs ve i·şa·ret fla·ma·la·rı i·çin kul·la·nı·lan pa·muk·lu ka·ba ku·maş