in the process from writing a program to executing it, the time when the program is executed This is also called execution time See Also: compile time, programming time
(Ticaret) Time spent processing or transforming material against an order or schedule, and does not include setup, queue or move time
The period of time during which a program is being executed, as opposed to compile time or load time Can also refer to the runtime environment, which designates the set of conventions that arbitrate how software is generated into executable code, how code is mapped into memory, and how functions call one another
Describes the condition of operations executing while a program is running Opposite of design time See also: design time
The time at which a program is executed Run time information refers to information that is not known until the program is executed, i e , cannot be determined from the source code alone Contrast compile time
The period of time during which a computer program executes Contrast: modeling time
Instant at which a particular computer program executes In Application Integrator, the environment in which a client application tries to invoke a component in Jaguar CTS Synonymous with execution time Compare with design time
The elapsed time taken for the execution of a program Synonymous with run duration
(Bilgisayar) In computer science, runtime or run time describes the operation of a computer program, the duration of its execution, from beginning to termination (compare compile time). The term runtime can also refer to a runtime library, a program or library of basic code that is used by a particular compiler to manage a program written in a computer language while it is running
MS Access run-time is a special version of Access with the development components disabled or removed You can’t create new databases or modify the structure of existing ones Installation requires an extra 7-8 disks (Access 97) and there may be complications if you have other copies/versions of MS Access on your machine
The environment in which a user runs a Panther application The runtime environment is different from the development environment in that the editors and repositories cannot be accessed
Instant at which a particular computer program executes In Application Integrator, the environment in which a client application tries to invoke a component in EAServer Synonymous with execution time Compare with design time
An instance of Host Publisher Server that provides middleware needed to execute J2EE applications developed with Host Publisher Studio The runtime environment includes a Web-based administration function, Host Publisher Server Administration, for managing the middleware components
The period of time during which a program is being executed, as opposed to compile time or load time Can also refer to the runtime environment, which designates the set of conventions that arbitrate how software is generated into executable code, how code is mapped into memory, and how functions call one another
Applications are executed at runtime after having been compiled at compile time Runtime is the point where SQL statements are executed and data is returned