
listen to the pronunciation of rr
Englisch - Türkisch
{k} Railroad, the Right Reverend
(Askeri) yeniden taarruz tavsiyesi (reattack recommendation)
Englisch - Englisch
Roraima, a state of Brazil
road race
rural route used in addresses in country areas of the US, to show which postal delivery area a letter should go to
Rag paper: paper that was often made out of silk, cotton or other cloth materials Rotary press: A printing press consisting of curved plates attached to a revolving cylinder that prints onto a continuous roll of paper
rotor winding resistance; lr - rotor winding leakage induction coefficient
Resource Record A DNS zone file entry DNS RRs include Start of Authority, Name Server, Mail Exchange, Host, CNAME, and SRV Each RR describes different types of information about hosts (i e , computers) in the DNS domain Win2K uses DNS as its location service to discover network resources
Relative Rate in ABR
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A brokerage firm employee who acts as an account executive for clients In a full brokerage house, a registered representative solicits clients' business and provides advice on when to buy and sell securities For this advice, the RR may receive a percentage of the commission that is charged to the client for making such transactions In a discount firm, a RR facilitates the execution of client orders The RR does not solicit new customers or give investment advice
Respiratory rate
Ruhe, Robert V 1975 Geomorphology: Geomorphic processes and surficial geology Houghton-Mifflin, Boston, MA, 246p
A feedback mechanism whose end result is to slow the transmission of cells down by some percentage (i e , 50%) based on a congested condition
1 Reinvestment Rate 2 Registered Representative
Registered Representative (Also known as account executive, customers' broker, or similar title) - Describes full-time NYSE member organization sales persons who have met the NYSE's background and industry knowledge requirements
Runic Ring
a slightly rolled r sound
Russian language
Abbreviation for Rainbow Riders (Trading Post) For more information about this insulator magazine, see the Rainbow Riders Trading Post listing See also: CIC, CJ
Rapid Response
CRS Reconfirmed
Radio Regulations of the ITU
= R -F F'
A percentage value specifying how much of the right input to play in the right speaker (0-100)
relative risk
Response and Recovery Directorate (FEMA)
both chromosomes code for the amino acid Arginine
Rhythm: A constant sound created by a series of notes differing only in duration and stress
Rendezvous Radar The Rendezvous Radar was mounted on the top of the LM The radar dish on LM-9, originally scheduled to be flown on Apollo 15 when that was an H mission, is shown in a photo by Randy Attwood