
listen to the pronunciation of roly-poly
Englisch - Englisch
A steamed pudding made from suet pastry containing jam or fruit
short and plump
A short, plump person
A pill bug, potato bug or sowbug
In gymnastics, a forward or sideways roll, such as that down a hill
Roly-poly people are pleasantly fat and round. a short, roly-poly man with laughing eyes. a roly-poly person is round and fat (ROLL). roly-polies a British sweet food made of jam that is rolled up inside pastry
pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed
sweet dough spread with jam or fruit filling then rolled and baked; fat person, fatso (Slang)
roly poly pudding
{i} pudding made of sweet dough topped with jam or fruit and rolled into a roll and baked
Rolly- poly