Yol silindiri caddeyi düzleştiriyor.
- The road roller is levelling the street.
Yol silindiri gürültülü.
- The road roller is noisy.
Yol silindiri gürültülü.
- The road roller is noisy.
Yol silindiri caddeyi düzleştiriyor.
- The road roller is levelling the street.
Hangisinden daha çok hoşlanıyorsun, buz pateni mi yoksa tekerlekli paten mi?
- Which do you enjoy more, ice skating or roller skating?
Tekerlekli patenle kaymak eğlencelidir.
- Roller skating is fun.
Tekerlekli patenle kaymak eğlencelidir.
- Roller skating is fun.
Tekerlekli patenleri bedavaya aldım.
- I got the roller skates for nothing.
Tom Mary ile paten kaymaya gitti.
- Tom went roller skating with Mary.
Hayat hızlı bir lunapark trenine binmek gibi bir şey.
- Life is like a roller coaster ride.
Tekerlekli patenleri bedavaya aldım.
- I got the roller skates for nothing.
Tekerlekli patenle kaymak eğlencelidir.
- Roller skating is fun.
Yol silindiri caddeyi düzleştiriyor.
- The road roller is levelling the street.
Yol silindiri gürültülü.
- The road roller is noisy.
Only I thought private eyes were supposed to be discreet; you could hardly call yourself that when you drive a Roller.
I learned a lot from watching, but the part that I should have studied harder was the roller. The names of the writers went on for ever.
I attended a worship service where I was astounded to see holy rollers convulsing on the floor and speaking in tongues.
She's such a holy roller that she steers every conversation around to the joys of religion.
Thommo pointed out on the radio that under normal circumstances the wicket retains moisture beneath a hard surface, and this water is brought to the surface by the heavy roller and causes problems on the first day of a game.
The batting side may decide which of the two rollers to use - the heavy or the light roller.
Tom believes in traditional gender roles.
- Tom geleneksel cinsiyet rollerine inanır.
When we think of the traditional roles of men and women in society, we think of husbands supporting the family, and wives taking care of the house and children.
- Ne zaman kadın ve erkeklerin geleneksel rollerini düşünsek, ailesine destek olan kocalar ve de aile ve çocuklarına bakan karılar aklımıza gelir.
I have an important role.
- Önemli bir rolüm var.
Who will play the role of the princess?
- Prenses rolünü kim oynayacak?
I am sure you will take an active role in your new position.
- Ben, yeni görevinde aktif bir rol alacağından eminim.
Jane saw the students acting well on the stage.
- Jane öğrencilerin sahnede iyi rol yaptıklarını gördü.
Luck plays an important part in your life.
- Şans hayatınızda önemli bir rol oynar.
Slotted spoons have a particular role in the traditional absinthe ritual. They are used to hold a sugar cube over a glass as one dissolves it into her drink with cold water.
- Oluklu kaşıklar geleneksel pelin ayininde belirli bir role sahiptir.Onlar bir adet küp şekeri soğuk suyla bardaklarının içine eritmek için küp şekeri bardağın üstünde tutmak için kullanılır.
... go through a roller coaster of emotions when I'm performing my show, because these are ...
... I've ridden the roller coaster. ...