rezalet çıkararak (birini) utandırmak

listen to the pronunciation of rezalet çıkararak (birini) utandırmak
Türkisch - Englisch
{f} scandalize
{v} to disgrace, to defame
scan·dal·ize scandalizes scandalizing scandalized in BRIT, also use scandalise If something scandalizes people, they are shocked or offended by it. She scandalised her family by falling in love with a married man. to make people feel very shocked
To be offensive to someone
strike with disgust or revulsion; "The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends"
To shock someone
To reproach; to libel; to defame; to slander
To offend the feelings or the conscience of (a person) by some action which is considered immoral or criminal; to bring shame, disgrace, or reproach upon
{f} create a scandal, cause an outrage; shock or offend with immorality; speak falsely or spitefully of; (Archaic) dishonor, bring shame (also scandalise)
rezalet çıkararak (birini) utandırmak