reye syndrome

listen to the pronunciation of reye syndrome
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von reye syndrome im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

reye's syndrome
Reye's sendromu
Englisch - Englisch
Acute neurological illness in children, following influenza, chickenpox, or other viral infections. Vomiting, lethargy, and confusion begin as the child appears to be recovering. These symptoms are followed hours or days later by drowsiness, disorientation, seizures, respiratory arrest, and coma. At worst, the syndrome includes fatty liver degeneration and potentially fatal brain swelling. There is no specific cure, but treatment of imbalances helps over 70% of patients survive (some with brain damage). The incidence has decreased since the recognition that it often follows use of aspirin or other salicylic acid derivatives in children during a viral illness. It can also result from aflatoxin or warfarin poisoning
Reye's syndrome
A potentially fatal disease that causes numerous detrimental effects to many organs, especially the brain and liver
Reye's syndrome
An acute encephalopathy characterized by fever, vomiting, fatty infiltration of the liver, disorientation, and coma, occurring mainly in children and usually following a viral infection, such as chicken pox or influenza
reye's syndrome
acquired brain disorder following acute viral infections (especially influenza or chicken pox) in young children
reye syndrome


    reye syn·drome



    [ 'rIz-, 'rAz- ] (noun.) 1965. R.D.K. Reye died 1977 Australian pathologist.