
listen to the pronunciation of review
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} gözden geçirmek

Tom yaklaşan testi gözden geçirmek için biraz ekstra zaman kullanabilirdi. - Tom could use a little extra time to review for the upcoming test.

{i} yeniden inceleme
(Mukavele) yeniden gözden geçirme
{i} eleştiri yazısı

Ben o kitap için bir eleştiri yazısı yazacağım. - I will write a review of that book.

{i} eleştiri

Film karışık eleştiriler aldı. - The film received mixed reviews.

The New York Times onun galerisini her zaman eleştirir. - The New York Times reviews her gallery all the time.

ders tekrarı
(Ticaret) bir daha gözden geçirme
muhasebesini yapmak
yeniden gözatmak
(Arılık) bir daha incelemek
tekrar gözden geçirme
yeniden gözden geçirmek
göz atmak
tekrar gözden geçirmek
(Askeri) tören denetlemesi
(Arılık) derleme

Bu benim en son incelemem. - This is my latest review.

Lütfen incelemesi için belgeyi idari ofise gönderin. - Please forward the document to the administrative office for review.

(Ticaret) mecmua
imzalayanın sıfatı -dır
(Bilgisayar) gözdengeçirme

Amazon'daki birçok kullanıcı değerlendirmesi sahtedir. - Many of the user reviews on Amazon are fake.

eleştiri yazmak
bir daha gözden geçirmek
kitap eleştirisi
yazın ve düşünce dergisi
gözden geçir

Her gün kelimeleri gözden geçirerek biraz zaman harcamalısın. - You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary.

Pazarlığının sonucunu uygun bir şekilde gözden geçirmelisin. - You must appropriately review the outcome of your bargain.

mahkeme kararını yeniden incelemek
yargıtayca mahkeme kararının yeniden incelenmesi
yeniden incelemek
teftiş etmek
{i} dergi
court of review yargıtay
(Askeri) TÖREN DENETLEMESİ: Bir teşkilin resmen denetlenmesi
(Nükleer Bilimler) gözden geçirme

Tom yaklaşan testi gözden geçirmek için biraz ekstra zaman kullanabilirdi. - Tom could use a little extra time to review for the upcoming test.

Pazarlığının sonucunu uygun bir şekilde gözden geçirmelisin. - You must appropriately review the outcome of your bargain.

pass in review geçit
{f} detayları ile görmek
{i} denetim
bir davanın temyiz mahkemesince yeniden incelenmesi
{f} denetim yapmak
edebiyat ve fikir mecmuası
{i} araştırma
{f} 1. tekrar gözden geçirmek, yeniden
{f} tekrar etmek (ders)
{f} kritiğini yapmak
gözden geçir,v.incele: n.inceleme
{f} bir bakışta kavramak
{i} edebiyat ve fikir dergisi
{i} kritik
{f} geçmişi düşünmek
{i} geçit töreni
{i} revizyon
{f} geçmişi anmak
{i} revü
mahkeme karar
{i} tekrar (ders)
bir daha inceleme
temyiz mahkemesi
{f} yeniden göz atmak
review conference
(Askeri) gözden geçirme konferansı
review date
(Bilgisayar) inceleme tarihi
review of literature
(Dilbilim) artalan taraması
review of literature
(Dilbilim) yazın taraması
review report
(Bilgisayar) raporu gözden geçir
review revisions
(Bilgisayar) düzeltmeleri gözden geçir
review settings
(Bilgisayar) ayarları gözden geçir
review status
(Bilgisayar) gözden geçirme durumu
review technique
(Bilgisayar) gözden geçirme tekniği
review the contract
sözleşmeyi incelemek
review to
(Politika, Siyaset) gözden geçirmek
review copy
eleştirmene gönderilen kopya
review service
inceleme hizmeti
review, criticism, critical analysis
inceleme, eleştiri, kritik analiz
review period
(Ticaret) gözden geçirme süresi
review period
(Askeri) inceleme süresi
review period
(Askeri) İNCELEME SÜRESİ: Stok muhasebesinde iki bütünleme isteği arasındaki süre
readiness review
(Askeri) HAZIRLIK KONTROL DENEMESİ: Bir kompüterin, montajdan sonra verimli kullanılmasıyla ilgili hazırlıkları yeterlik derecesini anlamak ve gerekli düzeltme işlemlerini meydana çıkarmak için montaj yerinde yapılan muayenesi
be under review
İncelenmekte olmak
movie review
Film değerlendirmesi/incelemesi
aerial review
(Askeri) hava merasimi
aerial review
(Askeri) hava geçit resmi
analytical review
(Ticaret) analitik inceleme
annual review
(Tıp) yıllık gözden geçirme
financial review
(Ticaret) finansal inceleme
peer review
(Ticaret) emsal değerlendirme
peer review
(Ticaret) akran değerlendirmesi
peer review
(Politika, Siyaset) bağımsız değerlendirme
peer review
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) akran incelemesi
peer review
(Ticaret) akran değerlendirmeleri
pending review
(Bilgisayar) bekleyen
performance review
performans değerlendirmesi
please review the products you ordered
Sipariş verdiğiniz ürünleri lütfen gözden geçirin
press review
(Basın) basın özeti
prior review
(Ticaret) ön inceleme
kontrol edilmiş
gözden geçirilmiş
gözden geçiren
gözden geçirmeler
seminal review
(Tıp) yeni ufuklar açan araştırma
submit for one's review
bilgilerine arz etmek
submit for one's review
bilgilerine sunmak
submit for one's review
bilgisine sunmak
book review
kitap eleştirisi
contracting agency review
sözleşme temsilcisi değerlendirmesi
court of review
temyiz mahkemesi
project review
proje incelemesi
kitap eleştirmeni
security review
güvenlik incelemesi
Final review
Son İnceleme
a review
bir inceleme
abstract review
(Kanun) Soyut denetim
chart review
tablonun gözden geçirilmesi
concrete review
(Kanun) Somut denetim

Europen system uses concrete review and abstract review.

constitutional review
(Kanun) Anayasal denetim
constitutional review
anayasa yargısı
film review
film analizi
for a review
bir inceleme için
for review
Düzeltilmesi için
institutional review board
Kurumsal İnceleme Kurulu
judicial review
Yargı denetimi, yasal denetim
literary review
edebi eleştiri
management review
yönetim incelemesi
omnibus review
otobüs incelemesi
quarterly review
üç ayda bir gözden geçirme
software review
yazılım inceleme
utilization review
kullanımının gözden geçirilmesi
Armed Forces Identification Review Board
(Askeri) Silahlı Kuvvetler Teşhis Adli Müşavirlik İnceleme Kurulu
Joint Monthly Readiness Review
(Askeri) Müşterek Aylık Hazırlıklılık İncelemesi
Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) Review Board
(Askeri) Müşterek ihtiyaçlar Nezaret Konseyi (JROC) İnceleme Kurulu
Presidential review memorandum
(Askeri) Başkanın gözden geçirme muhtırası
Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board
(Askeri) Silah Sistemi Patlayıcı Madde Güvenlik İnceleme Kurulu
aerial review
(Askeri) HAVA GEÇİT RESMİ, HAVA MERASİMİ: ABD Hava Kuvvetlerine mensup ve bir filodan (squadron) küçük olmayan bir birlik tarafından yapılan merasim; Bir hava filosu ve mürettebatanın iştirakiyle yapılır ve birliğin takdim ve taltifi, merasim denetlemesi ve hava araçlarının geçit resmini içine alır
after action report; after action review
(Askeri) faaliyet sonu raporu; faaliyet sonu incelemesi
board of review
(Askeri) ASKER ADLİ MÜŞAVİRLİK İNCELEME KURULU: Askeri Adalet Sınıfına mensup olan ve Askeri Adalet İşleri Başkanı tarafından kendi dairesinde veya şubelerinde, askeri mahkemelere ait dosyaları incelemek maksadıyla görevlendirilen subaylar kurulu
book review
kitap eleştirisi. book s.o. into a hotel biri için otelde rezervasyon yapmak
budget review
(Askeri) bütçe incelemesi
come under review
(Konuşma Dili) yeniden değerlendirilmek
come under review
(Konuşma Dili) gözden geçirilmek
command relationships agreement; coordinating review authority
(Askeri) komuta ilişkileri anlaşması; koordine eden inceleme makamı
configuration review board
(Askeri) konfigürasyon gözden geçirme kurulu
customer competitive review
(Ticaret) müşteri rekabet notu
design review
(Nükleer Bilimler) tasarımın gözden geçirilmesi
ethical review
(Politika, Siyaset) etik inceleme
high level review
(Ticaret) genel hatlarıyla inceleme
intelligence program review group
(Askeri) istihbarat programı inceleme grubu
intelligence review
(Askeri) istihbarat dergisi
intelligence review
internal review
(Askeri) İÇ DENETLEME: Mali idarenin usule ait veçheleriyle ilgili iç kontrollerin müessiriyetine güven sağlayan bir çalışma
joint review group
(Askeri) müşterek inceleme grubu
joint strategy review
(Askeri) müşterek strateji incelemesi
keep the matter under review
dikkatle izlemeyi sürdürmek
march in review
(Askeri) TÖREN YÜRÜYÜŞÜ: Bir geçit resminde, kıta ve araçların, töreni kabul eden kimsenin önünden geçişi
march in review
(Askeri) tören yürüyüşü
market review
pazar araştırması
market review
borsa cetveli
mission review report
(Askeri) (PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION) GÖREV TETKİK RAPORU (FOTOĞRAF GÖSTERİMİ): Bir fotoğraf uçuşunda çekilen ve tüm hedefler hakkındaki bilgileri içeren bir istihbarat raporu. Bak. "general report" ve "second phase report"
mission review report
(Askeri) görev tetkik raporu
pass in review
geçit töreni yapmak
pass in review
(Askeri) Tören geçişi
pass in review
(Askeri) TÖREN GEÇİŞİ: Bir törende, töreni kabul eden subayın önünden geçiş
pass smth. in review
gözden geçirmek
personnel readiness division; Presidential review directive
(Askeri) personel hazır bulunma tümeni; Başkanın Gözden Geçirme Direktifi
primary review authority
(Askeri) ilk inceleme makamı
program evaluation and review technique
(Askeri) PROGRAM KIYMETLENDİRME VE İNCELEME TEKNİĞİ (HV.): Teşkilatlı herhangi bir çalışmanın incelenmesi ve kıymetlendirilmesiyle ilgili manajman tekniği. Bu teknik; yapılacak her iş unsurunun zaman, maliyet veya performansına değinen ve, başlangıçta planlanmış işi tamamlayacak üç parametreye ait tahminlerle birlikte, yapılan işlere ait bilgileri veren net işletme teorisine dayanır
program review and analysis
(Askeri) PROGRAM İNCELEME VE ANALİZİ: Program tatbikatındaki terim derecesinin kıymetlendirilmesi. Bu terim, aynı zamanda, hazırlanıp henüz tatbikatına geçilmemiş bulunan bir program uygulama imkan ve derecesi ile kifayet derecesinin ölçülmesinde de kullanılır
program review group
(Askeri) program inceleme grubu
programme review and analysis
(Askeri) program inceleme ve analizi
quality system review
(Nükleer Bilimler) kalite sisteminin gözden geçirilmesi
rave review
(kitap, film v.b. hakkında) övgü dolu yazı
tenkit yazarı
{i} eleştirici
send for review
(Bilgisayar) gözden geçirme için gönder
software configuration review board
(Askeri) yazılım konfigürasyonu inceleme kurulu
software release bulletin; system review board (JOPES)
(Askeri) yazılım dağıtım bülteni; sistem inceleme kurulu
subject to review
ileride değiştirme şartıyla
subject to review
(Ticaret) incelenmek koşuluyla
system design review
(Askeri) sistem tasarım incelemesi
technical review authority
(Askeri) teknik inceleme yetkisi
Englisch - Englisch
A military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs

The troops assembled for a review by the Queen.

To see again
A forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code

The regulators demanded a review against NYSE practices.

A periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field

The Times Literary Review is published in London.

To look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise
A second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact

I need to make a review of the book before I can understand it.

A stage show made up of sketches etc

The Cambridge Footlights Review launched many Monty Python faces.

An account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work

The newspaper review was full of praise for the play.

A judicial reassessment of a case or an event

The victims demanded a full judical review of the case.

To survey; to look broadly over

Before I tackle the question directly, I must briefly review historical approaches to the problem.

To write a critical evaluation of a new art work etc.; to write a review

The critic reviews every new play in London.

A survey of the available items or material

The magazine contained a review of Paris restaurants.

{v} to reexamin, survey, smallbook
A review is a report in the media in which someone gives their opinion of something such as a new book or film. We've never had a good review in the music press
A critical evaluation of a book
A method of validation based on examination of an idea (or its deliverable) by a group of the originator's peers Reviews are useful for refining and optimizing requirements, designs, object models, and documentation before proceeding with implementation of those ideas
A critical examination of a publication, with remarks; a criticism; a critique
a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians
To look back; to make a review
a stage of the planning process where a critical assessment of a project or plan is made and during which the results of the monitoring and evaluation stages are fed back into the planning process for corrective action
An examination with a view to amendment or improvement; revision; as, an author's review of his works
Make a survey of, examining the subject critically
Short article containing both descriptive and evaluative comments on a work, usually published in a journal, newspaper, or magazine To locate book reviews, use Book Review Digest ( available at I D Weeks Library - Research Databases- Book Review Digest (via FirstSearch) ) To locate film reviews, look under the heading "Motion picture reviews--Single works" in the paper Reader's Guide Abstracts ( also available at Wallace Library - Electronic Resources - Reader's Guide Abstracts )
A review specifies a critical examination You should analyze and comment briefly in organized sequence upon the major points of the problem
remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"
appraise critically; "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this performance
a new appraisal or evaluation
If you review a situation or system, you consider it carefully to see what is wrong with it or how it could be improved. The Prime Minister reviewed the situation with his Cabinet yesterday
A critical examination of a task or project to determine compliance with requirements and objectives
A second or repeated view; a reëxamination; a retrospective survey; a looking over again; as, a review of one's studies; a review of life
- Make a general survey or examination of the major points in the material A review can also often be a critical report of a situation or problem E g review the main arguments for nuclear energy
{i} survey, general study; examination, inspection
The British Review was nicknamed “My Grandmother ” In Don Juan, Lord Byron says, he bribed “My Grandmother's Review, the British ” The editor took this in dudgeon and gave Byron the lie, but the poet turned the laugh against the reviewer “Am I flat, I tip `My Grandmother' a bit of prose ”- Noctes Ambrosiance Revise (2 syl ) The second proof-sheet submitted to an author or “reader ” “I at length reached a vaulted room, and beheld, seated by a lamp and employed in reading a blotted revise the author of Waverley ”- Sir Walter Scott: Fortunes of Nigel (Introduction) Revival of Letters in England dates from the commencement of the eleventh century
A lesson studied or recited for a second time
a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment
To retrace; to go over again
To go over and examine critically or deliberately
practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory (law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court) an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play) a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"
a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion
To make a formal or official examination of the state of, as troops, and the like; as, to review a regiment
This impressive site defines and gives examples of 300 or more math terms In addition, most terms become working examples of their concepts For example, visitors can watch as an animation builds Base 10 blocks to 100 and then build their own numbers Students can check out multiple examples of Fibonacci numbers Clicking on the term number gives users examples of Hindu Arabic, Roman, Even, Odd, Ordinal, and Whole Numbers Students can learn about subjects ranging from basic numeration through advanced math areas such as trigonometry The use of quizzes, demonstrations, and working examples makes the site very user friendly For any math student, this is an excellent resource in addition to being lots of fun!
To go over with critical examination, in order to discover exellences or defects; hence, to write a critical notice of; as, to review a new novel
a critical examination of a publication, such as a book, periodical, film, etc S "See also" reference: a direction in a catalog or index from a term or name under which entries are listed to another term, name or place under which additional or allied information may be found
hold a review (of troops)
A review of a situation or system is its formal examination by people in authority. This is usually done in order to see whether it can be improved or corrected. The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan
an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)
(accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data
Janet Mendel has lived in Spain for many years and has written a food column for Spain's English-language magazine, Lookout, for more than 25 years During that time, she has collected hundreds of authentic recipes Whenever I write articles on Spanish food, I almost almost consult Mendel's book to verify facts, check how dishes are actually made Spain, quantities, style, etc Janet Mendel is the real thing and such a bona fide authority on Spanish cooking that top cookbook authors and Mediterranean food authorities such as Paula Wolfert often consult her
A process or meeting during which a work product, or set of work products, is presented to project personnel, managers, users or other interested parties for comment or approval [ieee]
{f} survey, conduct a general study; inspect, examine; reconsider, rethink
look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"
the process in which designated people read drafts and provide their assessments of the material Also see editorial review and technical review
practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory
To view or see again; to look back on
In the context of the Act's provisions for independent reviews of decisions made by public bodies, "review" refers to the examination by the Commissioner, or an adjudicator, of a decision, act or failure to act by the head of a public body in the course of processing a request for access to records or information under the Act See also inquiry
refers to the evaluation of a proposal by the Institutional Review Board consistent with the policies established by appropriate federal agencies and the Belmont Report The review (and subsequent approval) are required before the study may be initiated
a formal or official examination; "the platoon stood ready for review"; "we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator"
To reconsider; to revise, as a manuscript before printing it, or a book for a new edition
look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events, etc ); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride"
); remember; "she reviewed her achievements with pride" hold a review (of troops) refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test" appraise critically; "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this performance
look back upon a period of time, sequence of events, etc
– The concurrent oversight of research on a periodic basis by an IRB In addition to the at least annual reviews mandated by the federal regulations, reviews may, if deemed appropriate, also be conducted on a continuous or periodic basis [Federal Policy §___ 108(e)]
When you review for an examination, you read things again and make notes in order to be prepared for the examination. Reviewing for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course Review all the notes you need to cover for each course. Review is also a noun. Begin by planning on three two-hour reviews with four chapters per session
the assessment of management/operational functions or activities to establish their conformance to qualitative specifications or requirements See Management systems review and also, Audit
A periodical containing critical essays upon matters of interest, as new productions in literature, art, etc
hold a review (of troops) refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test"
appraise critically; "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this performance"
refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test"
a periodic assessment of the Performance of the project
An examination (formal or informal) of the specification, code, or another deliverable from a software project
review an issue
examine a problem over again
review board
A review board is a group of people in authority who examine a situation or system to see if it should be improved, corrected, or changed
review copy
a copy of a newly published book that is sent for review to a writer or periodical
restaurant review
critique of a restaurant, rating of a restaurant's qualities (food, service, prices, etc.)
Security Intelligence Review Committee
oversight committee overseeing the CSIS sercurity service of Canada
bar review
A course of study designed to prepare an individual to take a bar examination
code review
The practice of identifying and verifying the choice of algorithms, coding styles and compliance with the software design

After several painful episodes, we've decided to adopt code review for all major changes.

code review
To perform code review on

Did anyone code review that class before it went into the shipping version?.

code review
The act of performing code review on a particular piece of code

How did that get through two separate code reviews?.

law review
: An article published in such a journal

Joe has an excellent publication record - he has two books, a law review, and a regular magazine article under his belt.

law review
: A scholarly journal focusing on legal issues, normally published by an organization of students at a law school or through a bar association
law review
: The student organization responsible for publishing such a scholarly journal

Students compete in various ways to be able to join the law review.

peer review
A written idea, hypothesis, or theory that has been reviewed and accepted by experts as worthy of publication in the professional literature of the experts' field

a paper submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is examined by other scientists in the field .

peer review
The reviewing before publication, by an authority or authorities in the pertinent field of study, of the written form of an idea, hypothesis, theory, and/or written discussion of such

Three drafts of his report were peer reviewed before it was accepted for publication.

peer review
The scholarly process whereby manuscripts intended to be published in an academic journal are reviewed by independent researchers (referees) to evaluate the contribution, i.e. the importance, novelty and accuracy of the manuscript's contents

Peer review happens in two ways. In one method, a paper submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is examined by other scientists in the field before an editor (usually an expert in the field) passes judgment on it. The second method is review by an independent panel of experts who, using rigorous criteria, determine whether the findings of the paper are credible.

program evaluation and review technique
A method for diagramming and analyzing the flow of dependent tasks and other events in a project
program evaluation review technique
Alternative form of program evaluation and review technique
project evaluation and review technique
Alternative name of program evaluation and review technique
project evaluation review technique
Alternative name of program evaluation and review technique
Present participle of to review
utilization review
A review of the use of medical resources at a medical facility for purposes of cost control
{n} one who reviews, a kind of critic
Nature Conservation Review
A Nature Conservation Review is a 2-volume work by Derek Ratcliffe, published by Cambridge University Press in 1977. It set out to identify the most important places for nature conservation in Great Britain. It is often known by the acronym NCR, and sites listed in it are termed "NCR sites"
judicial review
(in the UK) a procedure by which a court can pronounce on an administrative action by a public body
judicial review
(in the US) review by the Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act
literature review
A Literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge on a particular topic
A process by which something proposed (as for research or publication) is evaluated by a group of experts in the appropriate field
Evaluate professionally a colleague's work, (synonym) referee
A review
Criminal Cases Review Commission
a British organization, set up in 1997, that investigates cases where it is believed a person might have been wrongfully convicted of a crime
Harvard Business Review
HBR, magazine devoted to business topics which is published by Harvard University (USA)
New York Review of Books
a US magazine with long serious articles on new books, novels, poetry, writers etc
analytical review
an auditing procedure based on ratios among accounts and tries to identify significant changes
bill of review
a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rendered it
book review
survey of a book, literary criticism
book review
a critical review of a book (usually a recently published book)
budgetary review
periodic examination of a budget
engineering change review board
(Ticaret) A cross-functional team that analyzes proposed engineering changes for approval or rejection. It normally includes representation from engineering, operations, purchasing, planning, cost accounting and vendors or customers as required and its members are able to evaluate timing and cost/benefit considerations
film review
movie critique, evaluation of a movie
judicial review
Examination by a country's courts of the actions of the legislative, executive, and administrative branches of government to ensure that those actions conform to the provisions of the constitution. Actions that do not conform are unconstitutional and therefore null and void. The practice is usually considered to have begun with the ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States in Marbury v. Madison (1803). Several constitutions drafted in Europe and Asia after World War II incorporated judicial review. Especially subject to scrutiny in the U.S. have been actions bearing on civil rights (or civil liberty), due process of law, equal protection under the law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and rights of privacy. See also checks and balances
judicial review
review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court
judicial review
judicial examination; power of the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if a law is unconstitutional
literary review
educated critique of a book
literary review
a review devoted to literary criticism
material review board
(Ticaret) (MRB) A cross-functional group that reviews production or purchased items on hold due to usability concerns and determines their disposition, which may include rework, scrap, or returning to the vendor
naval review
demonstration of naval vessels, parade of navy ships
peer review
The evaluation of quality of total health care provided by medical staff with equivalent training
peer review
– A review by members of the profession "peers" regarding the quality of care provided a patient, including documentation of care (medical audit), diagnostic steps used, conclusions reached, therapy given, appropriateness of utilization (utilization review), and reasonableness of charges
peer review
Review of health care provided by a medical staff with training equal to the staff which provided the treatment (H)
peer review
The term 'peer review' in this project involves the exercise of judgement about the quality of an ICT-based teaching and learning resource by peers who are external to the site and process of the development of that resource The review process is 'blind' - independent and anonymous
peer review
A review of a software work product, following defined procedures, by peers of the producers of the product for the purpose of identifying defects and improvements
peer review
Review of applications for support from the NIH by groups composed of scientists from the extramural research community (as opposed to review by federal/NIH employees)
peer review
A system using reviewers who are the professional equals of the principal investigator or program director who is to be responsible for directing or conducting the proposed project It is a form of objective review Peer review is legislatively mandated in some programs and in other programs is administratively required
peer review
The process by which manuscripts submitted to health, biomedical, and other scientifically oriented journals and other publications are evaluated by experts in appropriate fields (usually anonymous to the authors) to determine if the manuscripts are of adequate quality for publication
peer review
Review of health care provided by a medical staff with training equal to the staff which provided the treatment
peer review
Analysis of research by a group of professionals of comparable knowledge and expertise in a specific scientific or medical field
peer review
evaluate professionally a colleague's work
peer review
A formal review of an item by a group of peers of the item's developer
peer review
Mechanism of ensuring quality of care within the medical community The quality assurance review is conducted by health care professionals (peers) to ensure that care provided and services used are appropriate It is also used to identify fraud and other abuses of health care payment systems
peer review
evaluation of the quality of total health care provided by medical staff with equivalent training
peer review
A review by members of the profession "peers" regarding the quality of care provided a patient, including documentation of care (medical audit), diagnostic steps used, conclusions reached, therapy given, appropriateness of utilization (utilization review), and reasonableness of charges claims
peer review
A system in which the appropriateness of healthcare services delivered by a provider to health plan members is evaluated by a panel of medical professionals
peer review
process in which research articles are reviewed and critiqued by experts in that field before publication
peer review
The procedure by which academic journal articles are reviewed by other researchers before being accepted for publication
peer review
The process used by the scientific community to assess a scientific paper, report, project, or proposal by seeking comments on it from independent assessors ('peers') working in the same field
peer review
The process of reviewing a journal article or conference paper to ensure that it meets the required standards for publication Such a review is performed by respected authorities (or peers) in the field
peer review
A review of a CPA firm's accounting or auditing practice involving procedures tailored to the size of the firm and the nature of its practice For PCPS and SECPS firms, includes a review of the firm's compliance with the applicable section's membership requirements Peer reviews are performed in accordance with standards established the AICPA Peer Review Board for PCPS firms and firms enrolled in the AICPA Peer Review Program, and by the SECPS Peer Review Committee for SECPS member firms
peer review
Written, critical response to a study, data, or report provided by scientists and other technically qualified professionals
peer review
The process scientists use to examine the work of fellow scientists before it is published or accepted within the scientific community
peer review
The evaluation of the quality of the services provided by a plan's clinical staff by equivalently trained clinical personnel
peer review
The analysis of a clinician's care by a group of that clinician's professional colleagues The provider's care is generally compared to applicable standards of care, and the group's analysis is used as a learning tool for the members of the group
peer review
The review of casework for technical correctness by a peer
The process of evaluating manuscripts submitted by potential contributors by at least one subject specialist in addition to the editor prior to acceptance for publication Journal articles are usually peer-reviewed Internet documents are not usually peer-reviewed
the process in which scholars or specialists in a field have critically evaluated an article prior to it being accepted for publication Peer-reviewed journals are also sometimes called referreed journals
process used for scholarly journals which insures quality control
An organized method for evaluating scientific work which is used by scientists to certify the correctness of procedures
political review
information and interpretation of political topics
program evaluation and review technique
PERT is a project management technique for determining how much time a project needs before it is completed Each activity is assigned a best, worst, and most probable completion time estimate These estimates are used to determine the average completion time The average times are used to figure the critical path and the standard deviation of completion times for the entire project
program evaluation and review technique
(Ticaret) (PERT) A project management system that determines the project finish date by estimating best (shortest), worst (longest) and most likely duration times for activities on the critical path
program evaluation and review technique
A project management system that determines the project finish date by estimating best (shortest), worst (longest) and most likely duration times for activities on the critical path
program evaluation and review technique
A method for analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, estimating the time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimum time needed to complete the total project
program evaluation and review technique
A technique that tracks a project's progress to determine its critical path and to monitor personnel, schedules, and project resources
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation Review Technique
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncer-tainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation and Review Technique
program evaluation and review technique
An event-oriented network analysis technique used to estimate program duration when there is uncertainty in the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method using durations that are computed be a weighted average of optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely duration estimates PERT computes the standard deviation of the completion date from those of the path's activity durations Also known as the Method of Moments Analysis
program evaluation and review technique
An event­oriented network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty with the individual activity duration estimates PERT applies the critical path method to a weighted average duration estimate Also given as Program Evaluation and Review Technique
rave review
When journalists write rave reviews, they praise something such as a play or book in a very enthusiastic way. The play received rave reviews from the critics
{s} of a survey, of a review, of an appraisal
{i} act of surveying, act of conducting a general study; act of reexamining, act of reinvestigating
past of review
someone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publication
A trained person who provides a secondary check for correctness and appropriateness of data entered into the Personnel/Payroll System and who also ensures against the possibility of entries that could result in fraudulent payments or loss of University funds
a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day
Individual who authorizes purchase orders and requisitions for their processing unit It is the Reviewer’s responsibility to ensure the expenditure authorized is in accordance with University policy and is charged to the correct chart string
A reviewer is a person who reviews new books, films, television programmes, CDs, plays, or concerts. the reviewer for the Times Literary Supplement. someone who writes about new books, plays, films etc in a newspaper or magazine = critic
A person who writes critical reviews for a newspaper or other publication; a critic
One who reviews or reëxamines; an inspector; one who examines publications critically, and publishes his opinion upon their merits; a professional critic of books
A person who reviews a document for a formal Technical Review This person raises issues, and focuses on quality and technical evaluation of the prodcut as correct and complete
A writer who evaluates the quality of things such as books, films, food, art or theater
A person who has used and commented upon your Gallery work
{i} one who reviews; critic, one who writes a critical evaluation
Asbjørn Jøn
An individual who receives the Post Entry Review Messages and reviews them If the individual determines the entry is correct and appropriate no action is necessary This individual initiates corrective action if they determine it is needed, usually by contacting the original enterer and requesting a correcting entry be made Reviewers may also make entries if they are also an enterer
From Booklist , April 15, 1999 Middle-and high-school students will find information about more than 230 African Americans in this easy-to-read dictionary, a revised edition of The Biographical Dictionary of Black Americans [RBB Ag 1 92] Copyright© 1999, American Library Association All rights reserved --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title
Amazon com You wouldn't eat something without knowing what it was--don't you want to take the same care with what you put on your face, hair, and body? Find out what's in that shampoo, makeup, toothpaste, lotion, or perfume here, with more than 6,000 entries, organized alphabetically Cosmetics are barely regulated these days, leaving it up to you to learn what those strange-sounding names mean and how they might affect you For example, did you know these intriguing tidbits? Abietic acid, a texturizer in soaps, is harmless when injected into mice but causes paralysis in frogs The American Medical Association frowns on medicated makeup, because their potential to do harm often outweighs their benefit Mayonnaise is as effective a dry-hair conditioner as the expensive preparations Milk is a good face wash, but you'd better rinse it off well, or rancidity will give rise to bacteria that will cause pimples
Goes over or examines deliberately or critically; analyses results for the purpose of giving an opinion
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third-person singular of review
This dictionary will be of great benefit to all those who have to use or understand diplomatic terms International Affairs very useful, informative, and exceedingly well-written reference tool -American Reference Books Annual, Mark Y Herring
There are currently several types of reviews that appear on an Amazon com detail page These include Amazon com reviews, licensed content from other parties, and customer reviews
plural of review
`Terse,clear,accurate' --JAMA, from a review of the 27 th edition "Carries on an impressive tradition of accuracy, clarity, and conciseness going back to the early years of the century, and users who prefer the medical dictionary with the brick-red covers will find the same amiable and authoritative guide they have come to respect and trust " --JAMA "Dorland's is reasonably priced and would be useful to anyone in the health care field I cannot imagine a practitioner who would not want a copy of this dictionary in the office " --The Journal of Family Practice
savage review
harsh review, sever criticism
security intelligence review committee
an agency of the Canadian government that oversees the activities of the Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada and has the power to intrude on the privacy of suspected terrorists or spies
theater review
criticism given to theatrical productions, review the strengths and weaknesses of a theatrical production
weekly review
recount and explanation of the week's events