
listen to the pronunciation of repro-vorlage
Deutsch - Englisch
A platitude

We hoped the speech would include reassurances, but instead it was merely one bromide after another.

A compound of bromine with a positive radical
a sedative in the form of sodium or potassium bromide any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; used as a sedative
A bromide is a comment which is intended to calm someone down when they are angry, but which has been expressed so often that it has become boring and meaningless. The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment. = platitude
A common term for a bromide salt used to supply bromide ions to the water so they may be oxidized or changed into hypobromous acid, the killing form of bromine Used as a disinfectant
A binary compound of bromine and some other element or radical
Bromide is a drug which used to be given to people to calm their nerves when they were worried or upset. a dose of bromide
a trite or obvious remark
{i} compound of bromine that was formerly used as a sedative (Chemistry); trite and uncreative remark or hackneyed notion; cliché; ordinary person; boring person (Slang)
A photographic paper used in graphic reproduction, phototypesetting on which a photographic image is created
High quality black & white Artwork from either Film or Digital origin (As opposed to a photocopy which is low quality)
Any compound that contains either the Br- ion or bromine with an oxidation state of -1, such as NaBr or HBr
An inorganic compound used in tracer experiments to simulate contaminates
A dose of bromide taken as a sedative
[Slang] A sensitized paper coated with gelatin impregnated with bromide of silver, used in contact printing and in enlarging
A person who is conventional and commonplace in his habits of thought and conversation
Bromide's are created using film negatives or positives and result in high resolution, positive black and white image on permanent photographic paper Logos and logotype are commonly converted into bromides for artwork and scanning purposes Also known as a PMT (acronym for photomechanical transfer) C CAMERA-READY COPY Black and white artwork which is meant to be processed by shooting it on a process camera, converted to negatives and used to make printing plates On a direct-to-plate system, the black and white artwork would be converted directly from the art to the printing plate
A contraction of photo bromide An accepted part of the language of advertising Means black and white photoprint, usually of type, logo or packs, but loosely covers any black and white photograph See Repro Bromide