
listen to the pronunciation of regulations
Englisch - Türkisch

Tüm öğrencilerin okul yönetmeliklerini bilmesi gerekiyor. - All students are supposed to know the school regulations.

Yönetmeliklerin ne söyledikleri umurumda değil. - I don't care what the regulations say.

(Osmanlıca) kavaid

Tüzükler tüketicileri korur. - Regulations protect consumers.

(Ticaret) yönetmelikler

Tüm öğrencilerin okul yönetmeliklerini bilmesi gerekiyor. - All students are supposed to know the school regulations.

Her öğrencinin okul yönetmeliklerini bilmesi gerekiyor. - Every student is supposed to know the school regulations.


Tüzükler tüketicileri korur. - Regulations protect consumers.


İhracat işletmeleri için yeni düzenlemeler olmalı. - There need to be new regulations for export businesses.

Yeni trafik düzenlemeleri yarın yürürlüğe giriyor. - The new traffic regulations come into force tomorrow.


Bu kurallar öğrenciler tarafından incelenmeli. - These regulations ought to be observed by the students.

Senin kuralların benim için geçerli değil. - Your regulations don't apply to me.


İhracat işletmeleri için yeni düzenlemeler olmalı. - There need to be new regulations for export businesses.

İlk olarak birkaç yeni düzenlemeyi duyurmak istiyorum. - In the first place, I would like to announce several new regulations.

{i} kural

Bu kurallar bir tek istisna olmadan herkes için geçerlidir. - Those regulations all apply to everyone without a single exception.

Bu kurallar öğrenciler tarafından incelenmeli. - These regulations ought to be observed by the students.

{i} düzen

Düzenleme kaldırıldı ama sonra yeniden yürürlüğe kondu. - The regulation was abolished, but then it was reenacted.

İhracat işletmeleri için yeni düzenlemeler olmalı. - There need to be new regulations for export businesses.

technical regulations
teknik düzenlemeler
building regulations
yapı kuralları
provisional regulations
geçici tüzük

Tüzükler tüketicileri korur. - Regulations protect consumers.

staff regulations
personel yönetmeliği
export administration regulations
ihracat yönetim düzenlemeleri
go by the regulations
yönetmelikle gitmek
internal regulations
(Kanun) İç tüzük
procedural regulations
prosedür kuralları
{s} resmi

İhracat işletmeleri için yeni düzenlemeler olmalı. - There need to be new regulations for export businesses.

Düzenlemeler işçileri korur. - Regulations protect workers.

{i} ayar
{i} düzene sokma
{s} yönetmeliğe uygun
rules and regulations
ufak sıkıcı formaliteler
subject to all regulations
tüm düzenlemelere tabi
Code of Federal Regulations
(Askeri) Federal Talimatlar Kodu
air force regulations
(Askeri) HAVA KUVVETLERİ TALİMATI: Hava Kuvvetlerinin idaresi için birinci derecede önemi olan idari yayınlar. Bu yayınlar, devamlı neviden olan direktif ve idari talimatları içine alır
armed forces procurement regulations
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER TEDARİK YÖNETMELİĞİ: A. B. D. 10 sayılı Kanun 137 nci Bölümün verdiği yetki dahilinde, ikmal maddeleri ve hizmet tedariki ile ilgili Kara, Deniz, Hava Kuvvetleri müşterek usullerini gösterir yönetmelik
bidding regulations
(Ticaret) ihale usulleri
civilian personnel regulations
compendium of regulations
(Kanun) tüzükler külliyatı
customs regulations
(Ticaret) gümrük tüzükleri
customs regulations
(Ticaret) gümrük yönetmelikleri
embarkation regulations
(Askeri) BİNDİRME YÖNETMELİĞİ: Kıtaların nakliye gemilerine bindirildikleri limanlarda geçerli olan bindirme usul ve kurallarını belirten yönetmelik
field manual regulations
(Askeri) SEVK VE MUHAREBE TALİMNAMELERİ: Tümen ve daha büyük birlik komutanları ve karargah heyetlerinin askeri harekatı idaresinde esas teşkil eden resmi temel doktrinleri ve detaylı usul ve hareket tarzlarını belirtmek üzere yayınlanmış (100-Serisi) Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı talimname serileri. Ayrıca bakınız: "field manual"
fishing regulations
(Denizbilim) balıkçılık düzenlemeleri
internal regulations
iç yönetmelikler
joint Federal travel regulations
(Askeri) müşterek Federal seyehat yönetmeliği
joint travel regulations
joint travel regulations
(Askeri) müşterek seyahat yönergesi
mobilization regulations
(Askeri) seferberlik yönetmeliği
mobilization regulations
(Askeri) SEFERBERLİK YÖNETMELİĞİ: Harp hazırlığı sırasında; malzeme, teçhizat ve kıtaların toplanmasını ve teşkilatlandırılmasını idare için, Milli Savunma Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan ve yönetmelik şeklinde çıkarılan yayın
national guard regulations
naval force regulations
(Askeri) DENİZ KUVVETLERİ TALİMATNAMESİ (YÖNETMELİĞİ): Deniz kuvvetlerinin idaresi için birinci derecede önemli olan idari yayınlar. Bu yayınlar; devamlı neviden olan kural, direktif ve talimatları içine alır
naval forces regulations
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri yönetmeliği
naval forces regulations
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri talimatı
official regulations
resmi düzenlemeler
operator procedure regulations
(Askeri) OPERATÖR İŞLETME USULÜ YÖNETMELİĞİ: Muharebe trafik emniyetinin, operatör işletme usulü hususundaki talimatı ifade ve tatbik eden kısmı
ottoman coal mine regulations
dilaver paşa nizamnamesi
procurement regulations
(Askeri) TEDARİK YÖNETMELİĞİ; TEDARİK MEVZUATI: Bak. "armed service procurement regulations"
procurement regulations
(Askeri) tedarik yönetmeliği
(Biyoloji) regülasyon
{i} yasa
{i} kural, kaide
(Tıp) Vücudun değişen çevre şartlarına kendisini uydurması, adaptasyon
{i} of -in işleyişini/çalışmasını düzenleme/regüle etme/ayarlama/denetleme
(Tıp) Kural, kaide, kanun
{i} sistem
(Askeri) DÜZENLEME: Trafik faaliyetlerinin düzenlenmesi ve kontrolu konusunda yetkili makam
(Mukavele) yönetmelik, düzenleme regulations: mevzuat
(Tıp) Düzenleme, ayarlama, bir olayın seyir veya gelişimini kontrol altında tutma
rules and regulations
(Ticaret) kanun ve yönetmelikler
rules and regulations
(Ticaret) kural ve düzenlemeler
satisfy laws and regulations
(Kanun) kanunları yerine getirmek
special regulations
staging regulations
(Askeri) HAREKAT TOPLANMA BÖLGESİ YÖNETMELİĞİ, KONAKLAMA BÖLGESİ YÖNETMELİĞİ, KONAK YÖNETMELİĞİ: Bir harekat toplanma bölgesi veya konaklama bölgesi komutanı tarafından, bu bölgenin idare ve çalışması ile ilgili olarak çıkarılan yönetmelik. Bu yönetmelik; genel sıhhi muayene, sınıflandırma, teçhiz ve silahlandırma gibi hususları da içine almak üzere, kıtaları deniz aşırı sevkıyata hazırlamada yapılması gerekli işlerin nasıl yapılacağını gösterir
technical regulations
the staff regulations of officials of the european communities
(Avrupa Birliği) Avrupa Toplulukları Görevlileri Personel Tüzüğü
traffic regulations
trafik yönetmeliği
traffic regulations
trafik kuralları
uniform regulations
(Askeri) KIYAFET KARARNAMESİ: Ordu'da kıyafet esaslarını tespit eden kararname
uniform regulations
(Askeri) kıyafet kararnamesi
Englisch - Englisch
plural of regulation
The two principal sets of offshore regulations are those of the EPA in the Gulf of Mexico, which is concerned primarily with hydrocarbon levels in discharged water, and the HOCNS in the North Sea, which is concerned with the toxicity properties of the chemicals themselves At Baker Petrolite we stay abreast of current regulations in order to provide customers with the right products in a timely manner
Regulations are subordinate legislation, passed by the provincial or federal Cabinet pursuant to delegated powers in Acts of the legislature or parliament
A rule, ordinance, law or device, by which conduct or performance is controlled OR A mandatory requirement imposed from outside the company that has legal implications for noncompliance OR An ordinance, a law, or a directive set by an outside agency such as government for the control of people and their environment Infractions are punishable by fines and/or imprisonment OR ****see Standard below
For purposes of this booklet, federal rules of general applicability that are authorized by federal laws or other federal authority and contained in the CFR
In 1989, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned all new uses of asbestos; uses established before this date are still allowed The EPA has established regulations that require school systems to inspect for damaged asbestos and to eliminate or reduce the exposure by removing the asbestos or by covering it up The EPA has set a limit of 7 million fibers per liter (MFL) as the concentration of long asbestos fibers that may be present in drinking water
Are rules, orders, criteria, or performance standards, etc adopted by a state agency to implement, interpret, or make specific the law enforced or administered by it
The IRS Commissioner publishes his interpretation of the tax Code in the form of regulations They do not have the force and effect of law except in those cases in which the law on a particular subject calls for rules on that subject to be expounded through regulations
are lower forms of law and provide the details of broader Acts or statutes They only need to be approved by the Premier and his cabinet, not the whole Legislature (sample of regulation notice)
Requirements developed by the Department of Insurance that implement laws passed by the legislature
laws that state the procedure necessary to carry out a specific task For instance, LDO regulations are issued by a province where the DFA has been promulgated Many national laws require specific regulations for provincial implementation
are statements (which may include policy statements) that are adopted by the Chancellor Many of these regulations relate to issues, practices or operations that are within the scope of authority of the Chancellor An example is the Procedure for Delegation of Authority to Sign Contracts This regulation relates to an operational matter which has such an impact on the majority of the campus that the Chancellor issued this Regulation to ensure consistency as well as compliance with any applicable law
The Fish Export Processing Regulations 1995 [New Zealand], and a reference to a Regulation is to a provision of the Regulations (4)
Specific guidelines for putting a law into effect
The contractual rules and procedures governing sponsored research projects
University rules made by Senate
Rules governing the conduct of certain matters, as regulated by statute or by the direction of an organization's management, such as Industrial Health & Safety Regulations (Workers' Compensation Board)
Rules or orders that are issued by administrative agencies and that have the force of law
Shall mean the Regulations framed by the Commission, as amended from time to time
Rules issued by a government agency charged with interpreting a law
Rules specifying the appropriate behavior of agencies, organizations or individuals in the securities industry
Rules promulgated by the U S Treasury Department
means regulations made by the Minister under this Ordinance
Rather than being the normal laws governing road use, the word 'regulations' tends to refer to motorway regulations For those unfamiliar with the concept (like Americans or non-drivers), the following is a brief introduction In legal terms, a motorway is not a public right of way or a public road - it is a "special road", meaning it is governed by section 19 of the 1984 Road Traffic Act In real terms, that means that legally it can only be used by motorised traffic: no pedestrians, no bicycles, no animals, no 'invalid carriages', no motorbikes under 50cc It also covers other things like a prohibition on stopping except in emergencies See also motorway
governmental orders having the force of law These are published in the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations as the official notification to the public of the implementation of a program or the establishment of rules or procedures
Guidelines of what should be done to meet mandates
In conformity with applicable rules and regulations
A law or administrative rule, issued by an organization, used to guide or prescribe the conduct of members of that organization

Army regulations state a soldier AWOL over 30 days is a deserter.

The act of regulating or the condition of being regulated
{n} a method, form, rule
code of federal regulations
The compilation of administrative laws governing federal regulatory agency practice and procedures. Revised annually, it contains the whole of the daily Federal Register together with previously issued regulations that are still current. Like the U.S. Code, it is divided into 50 titles, each representing a general subject area (e.g., commerce, military) and containing the applicable rules and regulations for agency activities in that area. The purpose of the CFR is to make available the large body of laws that govern federal practice. It can usually be found in university law libraries, large public libraries, and most federal depository libraries
Office of Standards and Regulations
institution which supervises the quality of produce and merchandise
according to civil service regulations
in agreement with civil service rules
army regulations
laws of the army, official instructions of the army
arrest regulations
rules of taking a suspect into custody, arrest procedure
blackout regulations
procedures and rules to be followed during a loss of electrical power
building regulations
Building Control legislation laid down by Acts of Parliament
building regulations
Designed to uphold the standards of public safety, health, and construction, these regulations are in place and have been formulated by responsible authorities to control the quality of buildings
building regulations
All local or national regulations that apply to real estate property as to its nature, purpose, architecture, location, etc Regulations are particularly stringent as far as fire detection and fire fighting installations are concerned
building regulations
Rules of a legal or statutory nature by which local councils control the manner and quality of the building They are designed to ensure public safety, health and minimum acceptable standards of construction
building regulations
the standards formulated by local councils to control the quality of buildings
building regulations
An area of building control that states how a building should be constructed to ensure safe and healthy accommodation and the conservation of energy This form of control is administered by the relevant local authorities, to whom an application must be made and permission received (generally a conditional approval) before work is started Taylor Lane supply structural drawings and engineering for building control approval for the structural shell which are generally completed approximately 2 weeks before the delivery of the frame The client or client's Architect makes the main application before work on site begins
building regulations
The health and safety requirements that any new construction must meet
civil service regulations
regulations which apply to those employed in the branch of government service which manages civil matters
contrary to service regulations
not according to official instructions
emergency regulations
rules to be followed in the case of an emergency
flight regulations
aviation laws, rules guiding the operation and flight of aircraft
international flight regulations
laws and standards that must by followed by aircraft from all countries
procedural regulations
regulations that determine the method for conducting a trial
A requirement (defined broadly) having the force of law
The artificial manipulation of the flow of a stream
A "regulation" is any standard, statement (which may include a policy statement), or procedure of general applicability adopted by the chancellor or chancellor's delegee that addresses any of the following matters
a law made under the authority of an Act of Parliament
the act of controlling or directing according to rule; "fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians" the act of bringing to uniformity; making regular an authoritative rule (embryology) the ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or altered the state of being controlled or governed prescribed by or according to regulation; "regulation army equipment
prescribed by or according to regulation; "regulation army equipment"
A rule or order prescribed for management or government; prescription; a regulating principle; a governing direction; precept; law; as, the regulations of a society or a school
Of or pertaining to a regulation or rules
The governmental function of controlling or directing economic entities through the process of rulemaking and adjudication
A prescribed set of criteria and conditions which will include among other things, procedures, rules, specifications and standards for regulating and monitoring a system of vocational qualifications and accreditation by the NTA
Regulation is the controlling of an activity or process, usually by means of rules. Some in the market now want government regulation in order to reduce costs. used or worn because of official rules
A rule or order that deals with details of procedure, has the force of law, and is issued by an executive authority of a government (i e state agency or commission) Regulations are issued by state agencies in the Texas Register as official rules to follow when implementing laws
The act of regulating, or the state of being regulated
the act of bringing to uniformity; making regular an authoritative rule (embryology) the ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or altered the state of being controlled or governed prescribed by or according to regulation; "regulation army equipment
Preservation of a relatively constant condition through specialized mechanisms which detect changes in the system, and then corrects for those changes
The adoption, enactment and implementation of rules for the achievement of stated objectives by those to whom the regulatory process applies
1) In Community law: "It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States " (Article 189 of the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community) 2) Rules for the implementation of statutes or other detailed rules, given by other authorities than the legislative organ (Rene' David and John E C Brierley)
The insurance industry is state regulated State insurance laws are administered by insurance departments whose job includes approval of rates and policy forms, investigation of company practices, review of annual financial statements, periodic examination of books and liquidation of insolvent insurers
Either a rule or a statute which prescribes the management, governance, or operating parameters for a given group; tends to be a function of administrative agencies to which a legislative body has delegated authority to promulgate rules/regulations to "regulate a given industry or profession" Most regulations are intended to protect the public health, safety, and welfare
– Ability of a power supply to maintain an output voltage to within specified limits under varying conditions of input line and output load Also see Linear Regulation
Regulations are rules made by a government or other authority in order to control the way something is done or the way people behave. The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees = rule
the portion of a generating unit's unloaded capability which can be loaded, or loaded capability which can be unloaded, in response to Automatic Generation Control signals from the ISO's energy management system control computer Regulation is used to provide control area balancing, frequency bias and time error correction
the state of being controlled or governed
A statement of general applicability issued by the state personnel director that: (1) exercises, implements, or applies powers authorized by article XI, section 5, of the Michigan Constitution; (2) exercises, implements, or applies powers authorized by rule; or (3) prescribes the procedures or practice of the Department of Civil Service A regulation is binding on the Department of Civil Service, the Office of the State Employer, appointing authorities, classified employees, and recognized labor organizations, unless a court of competent jurisdiction or the Civil Service Commission determines that a regulation is unconstitutional, contrary to law, or contrary to the rules A regulation does not include the following
a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior; "it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast"; "short haircuts were the regulation"
An authoritative rule having the force of law dealing with details or procedures for implementing governmental programs Regulations are issued by executive authority of the Federal or state government Also see statute
a piece of legislation that is directly applicable in all EU Member States
the act of controlling or directing according to rule; "fiscal regulations are in the hands of politicians"
n To control by means of rules or principles The rules set out the desired behavior and the regulatory administration oversees conformity to the regulations Building codes and broadcast licenses are examples of regulatory regimes
(1) The artificial manipulation of streamflow; (2) a rule established to make laws more precise and to guide actions
the act of bringing to uniformity; making regular
Delegated legislation related to a specific Act Remainder interest An interest in an estate that becomes fully effective only when the life interest ends For example, children can be the remainder persons named in their father's estate, of which their mother has a life interest
an authoritative rule
(embryology) the ability of an early embryo to continue normal development after its structure has been somehow damaged or altered
{i} rule, statute, law; act of controlling, management, direction; state of being controlled, state of being managed
Document providing binding legislative rules, that is adopted by an authority EN 45020: 1998, 3 6 GD - Standards and Regulations
A rule or law established by the federal or state government which sets procedures that a utility must follow
(Hydrology) The artificial manipulation of the flow of a stream
An executive ruling or order authorized by legislative statute
{s} according to the rules
The government function of controlling or directing economic entities through the process of rulemaking and adjudication

Sperm bank regulations restrict a given donor to making sperm donations at only one facility and restrict the number of children that each donor can father. - Sperm bank regulations restricted a given donor to making sperm donations at only one facility and restricted the number of children that each donor could father.

Sperm bank regulations restricted a given donor to making sperm donations at only one facility and restricted the number of children that each donor could father. - Sperm bank regulations restrict a given donor to making sperm donations at only one facility and restrict the number of children that each donor can father.

safety regulations
rules for safety, rules that must be kept to maintain security
service regulations
managerial regulations, rules of service
traffic regulations
laws that control traffic on the roads

    Türkische aussprache



    /ˌregyəˈlāsʜənz/ /ˌrɛɡjəˈleɪʃənz/


    ... What I do agree with is that there's some regulations that ...
    ... The President: Well, it's hard to say exactly what regulations or taxes she ...