
listen to the pronunciation of reference
Englisch - Türkisch

Bu işle ilgili daha iyi bir referans veremeyeceğim için özür dilerim. - I apologize that I'm not able to give a better reference to this work.

Bir referans olarak onu yazdım. - I put him down as a reference.

{i} ilişki
{f} kaynakçayı işaretlemek (kitap)
{i} başvurma
(İnşaat) karşılaştırma yapılan
(Bilgisayar) gönderi
(Bilgisayar) başvuru kaynakları
başvuru kitabı

Bir sözlük mükemmel bir başvuru kitabıdır. - A dictionary is an excellent reference book.

(Bilgisayar) yollama
(Dilbilim) gönderge
(Bilgisayar,Dilbilim) gönderim
havale etme
(Ticaret) baş vurma kitabı
ağzına alma
söz etme
havale etme veya olunma
{i} kastetme
(fiil) kaynakçayı işaretlemek (kitap)
(Tıp) Müracaat yeri, herhangi bir araştırmada başvurulan kaynakları gösteren liste
{i} ait olma
kaynak,v.başvur: n.referans
müracaat kitabı veya yeri
{i} belge
{i} bilirkişi raporu
{i} yararlanılan kaynak
{i} ekspertiz
reference library araştı
{i} referans veren kişi
tavsiye eden kimse
{i} bakma

Referans kitaplarına bakmak istiyorum. - I want to look at the reference books.

(Bilgisayar) kullanma

Bahçecilikle ilgili birkaç faydalı referansı kopyaladım. - I copied down several useful references on gardening.

Bu işle ilgili daha iyi bir referans veremeyeceğim için özür dilerim. - I apologize that I'm not able to give a better reference to this work.


Bir sözlük mükemmel bir başvuru kitabıdır. - A dictionary is an excellent reference book.


O bir önceki yönetmene gönderme yaptı. - He made reference to the previous director.

müracat yeri

Bugünlerde yaşlı insanları kastetmek için kıdemli vatandaş terimini sıklıkla kullanırız. - Nowadays, we often use the term senior citizen to refer to old people.

ima etmek
reference angle
(Matematik) müracaat açısı
reference axis
referans hattı
reference books
danışma kaynaklar
reference code
(Bilgisayar) başvuru kodu
reference coil
başlangıç noktası bobini
reference cycle
referans çevrimi
reference flag
(İnşaat) işaret uzantıları
reference frame
(Matematik) referans koordinat eksenleri
reference frame
(Matematik) başvuru koordinat sistemi
reference gages
referans mastarlar
reference ground
(Otomotiv) referans şasi
reference groups
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kaynak grupları
reference index
referans indeksi
reference lamp
(Aydınlatma) referans lambası
reference length
(Bilgisayar) referans boyu
reference mark
reference mark
reference memory
referans bellek
reference menu
(Bilgisayar) başvuru menüsü
reference paper
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kaynak makale
reference plane
(Askeri) referans düzlemi
reference point
röper noktası
reference point
reference point
(Askeri) belirli nokta
reference points
(Bilgisayar) referans noktaları
reference stake
referans kazığı
reference style
(Bilgisayar) başvuru biçemi
reference tests
(Ticaret) referans testleri
reference to
(Bilgisayar) başvuru
reference tube
(Biyokimya) ölçünlü tüp
reference type
(Bilgisayar) başvuru türü
reference value
(Teknik,Ticaret) referans değer
reference values
(Elektrik, Elektronik) kılavuz değerler
(Dilbilim) referans 
reference address
referans adresi
reference book
başvuru kitabı

Bir sözlük mükemmel bir başvuru kitabıdır. - A dictionary is an excellent reference book.

reference manual
başvuru kitabı
reference model
referans modeli
reference number
referans numarası
reference point
referans noktası
reference record
referans kaydı
reference to
e ilişkin
reference work
referans çalışma
reference aids
referans aıds
reference annotation
referans açıklama
reference assistant
referans yardımcısı
reference bank
referans bankası
reference bureau
referans bürosu
reference card
referans kartı
reference collection
referans koleksiyonu
reference desk
referans masası
reference document
referans belge
reference electrode
referans elektrotu, karşılaştırma elektrotu
reference frequency
referans frekans
reference group
referans grubu
reference list
referans listesi
reference listing
referans listeleme, referans dizelgeleme
reference manual
reference partner
referans ortağı
reference picture
referans resmi
reference power
referans gücü
reference program table
referans program tablosu
reference publication
Referans yayın
reference rate
referans kur
reference retrieval
referans alma
reference service
referans hizmeti
reference star
referans yıldızı, bağlantı yıldızı
reference system
referans sistemi
reference to
-e ilişkin
reference voltage
referans gerilim
reference, touch
referans, dokunma
reference air kerma rate
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans hava Kerma hızı
reference block
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans blok
reference box
(Askeri) REFERANS BÖLÜMÜ: Kara veya deniz haritasında köşeye yerleştirilmiş pafta no, baskı sayısı, seri işaretini göstermek üzere hazırlanmış formdaki bölüm
reference box
(Askeri) referans bölümü
reference conditions
dayanak kosullar
reference configuration
dayanak duzenlesimi
reference data
dayanak verisi
reference datum
(Askeri) müracaat sathı
reference datum
(Askeri) MÜRACAAT SATHI: Uçakların yükletilmesinde kullanılan anlamıyla uçağın burnunda veya burnu yakınında bulunan ve denge maksadıyla bütün yatay mesafelerin ölçülmesinde esas olarak alınan hayali dikey düzlem. Her hava aracına ait diyagramlar bu başlangıç sathını, yük bölme numarası 0 olarak gösterir
reference diversion point
(Askeri) REFERANS SAPMA NOKTASI: Rotayı tespit eden tarafından konvoyun veya tek geminin rotasının her iki tarafında denizde sapmayı kolaylaştırmak için seçilmliş birkaç mevkiden biri
reference dose
(Çevre) referans dozu
reference dose
(Askeri) kıstas doz
reference dose
(Askeri) KISTAS DOZ, ÖLÇÜ DOZ: Bütün vücuda nüfuz etmiş durumda ve personel üzerinde bazı ilk etkilerle münasebetli radyasyon miktarı
reference dose
(Askeri) ölçü doz
reference dose meter
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans doz ölçer
reference equivalent
dayanak esdegeri
reference field
Referans alanı
reference generator
kalibrasyon ureteci
reference level
(Nükleer Bilimler) karşılaştırma seviyesi,referans düzeyleri
reference levels
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans düzeylerı
reference library
araştırma kütüphanesi
reference line
eksen kaydırma çizgisi
reference line
(Askeri) REFERANS HATTI: İstikamet açıları için esas olarak alınan belirgin ve tanınabilen bir hat. 3 tip belirleme hattından biri. Ayrıca bakınız: "spotting line"
reference man
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans insan
reference man
(Çevre) referans kişi
reference mark
kaynakça işareti
reference mark
referans işareti
reference material
dayanak malzeme
reference noise
dayanak gurultu
reference number
(Askeri) müracaat numarası
reference number
(Askeri) MÜRACAAT NUMARASI (İLGİLİ KAYNAK NUMARASI): Özellikle atış idaresinde artır, eksilt, kaldır, indir, sağa, sola terimlerinin kullanılmasını önlemek için ölçü birimleri gerçek değerlerini göstermek üzere seçilmiş numara serilerinden herhangi biri
reference operating conditions
dayanak calisma kosullari
reference period
(Askeri) temel devre
reference period
reference piece
(Askeri) esas kademe silahı
reference piece
(Askeri) ESAS KADEME SİLAHI, ESAS KADEME TOP: Bir bataryada esas olarak seçilmiş top. Bataryadaki diğer topların atışı bu topun atış esasları ile kıyaslanır. Bataryanın diğer toplarından herbirine (test piece-mukayese topu) denir
reference piece
(Askeri) esas kademe top
reference point
(Askeri) REFERANS NOKTASI: Arazideki kolayca bulunan belirgin bir nokta
reference signal generator
(Askeri) referans sinyal jeneratörü
reference slip
(Ticaret) referans fişi
reference source
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans kaynak
reference standard
(Nükleer Bilimler) referans standart
reference star
(Astronomi) bağlantı yıldızı
reference star
(Astronomi) referans yıldızı
reference value scale of a quantity
bir buyuklugun dayanak deger olcegi
(Askeri) referans(lar)
recursive reference
özyineli referans
ready reference
hazır referans
refer from reference
referanstan bakın
register reference instruction
yazmaç referans komutu
{f} değinmek
{f} bahsetmek
{f} -e başvurmak, -e
{f} -e göndermek, -e havale etmek: He referred me to a specialist. Beni bir uzman hekime gönderdi
ait olmak

Referans kitaplarına bakmak istiyorum. - I want to look at the reference books.

referable havale edilir
(Bilgisayar) başvurmak yollamak
with reference to
ile ilgili olarak
certified reference material
(Bilgisayar) sertifikalı dayanak malzeme
certified reference material
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) sertifikalı referans malzeme
circular reference
(Bilgisayar) çevrimli başvuru
circular reference
(Bilgisayar) döngüsel başvuru
cross reference
execution reference time
(Askeri) nükleer silahlar icra zamanı
grid reference
yerleşim referansı
in reference to
in reference to
in reference to
-e ilişkin
precision of reference
(Ticaret) atfın kesinliği
quote a reference
referans vermek
{f} ilgili olmak
(Ticaret) atıf yapmak
-den söz etmek
(Bilgisayar) ilgi kurmak
refere etmek
(Bilgisayar) yollamak
reference point
(Askeri) referans noktası
reference point
nirengi noktası
reference point
dayanak noktası
(Bilgisayar) başvurular

Tom'un referanslarını kontrol etmeliydim. - I should've checked Tom's references.

Benim referanslarımı görmek istemez misiniz? - Wouldn't you like to see my references?

yararlanılan kaynaklar
(Bilgisayar) bilgi alınabilecek kişiler
(Bilgisayar) referanslarımız
serve a reference
(Ticaret) referans olarak kullanmak
terms of reference
(Kanun) tüzük
terms of reference
(Ticaret) şartname
Englisch - Englisch
A reference work
A relation between objects in which one object designates, or acts as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object
A previously published written work within academic publishing, used as a source for theory or claims referred to which are used in the text
A measurement one can compare to
to refer to, to make reference to, to cite

Reference the dictionary for word meanings.

An object containing information which refers to data stored elsewhere, as opposed to containing the data itself
Information about a person, provided by someone (a referee) with whom they are well acquainted
to mention
{n} the act of referring, a relation, a hearing before referees
That which refers to something; a specific direction of the attention; as, a reference in a text- book
in GEMIS is a data record which contains information on a data source (report, study, measurement, personal communication etc ) A reference consists of a name (e g author + year) and a text which describes the reference in detail, e g the full title (literature citation), or details for the reports etc References can be linked to all data records in GEMIS (products, processes, scenarios, standards, costs, global warming potentials, external costs)
An arbitrarily selected point or section of a circuit or system to which the polarities and values of the circuit voltages are referred See GROUND
Reference is the act of consulting someone or something in order to get information or advice. Please keep this sheet in a safe place for reference
a remark that calls attention to something or someone; "she made frequent mention of her promotion"; "there was no mention of it"; "the speaker made several references to his wife"
A work, or a passage in a work, to which one is referred
A collection of books and other materials in a library useful for supplying information, kept together for convenience and generally not allowed to circulate
Library materials that contain information to which a user might wish to quickly "refer " These items provide basic research information and are housed in the special "Reference" section of the library Examples of reference works include: encyclopedia, almanacs, guides, manuals, dictionaries, thesauri, directories, etc
the act of referring or consulting; "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer" the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to; "the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos" the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to; "he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes" a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to; "he carried an armful of references back to his desk"; "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation" refer to; "he referenced his colleagues' work
A service provided to library and archive users who need assistance in locating information on a specific topic or topics Reference services range from simply looking up a fact to extensive research counseling and information searches *
The act of submitting a matter in dispute to the judgment of one or more persons for decision
A reference is a word, phrase, or idea which comes from something such as a book, poem, or play and which you use when making a point about something. a reference from the Quran
the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to; "the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos"
Service department providing assistance in finding library materials or in conducting research Also, a collection of books used to find information, including dictionaries and encyclopedias, directories, statistical compilations, bibliographies, periodical indexes, etc Mortensen main level, Allen and Bess Graham
an indicator that orients you generally; "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved"
(1) A service that provides assistance to information users to find needed information; (2) sometimes it refers to reference collections, such as encyclopedias, indexes, CD-ROM databases, handbooks, directories, etc
a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage; "the student's essay failed to list several important citations"; "the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book"; "the article includes mention of similar clinical cases"
a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability; "requests for character references are all to often answered evasively"
refer to; "he referenced his colleagues' work"
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic"
An object reference is a pointer to an object in memory, and is held in a variable In Lingo the common way to get an object reference is to return it from the new() method with the statement return me It is used to reference the properties and methods (handlers) of the object This is done with the familiar 'dot syntax', objRef property and objRef method() See OO Fundamentals
1) A service provided by the libraries to assist patrons in the retrieval of information and the use of information resources; 2) SEE ALSO: Citation
The act of referring, or the state of being referred; as, reference to a chart for guidance
1) Sometimes used synonymously with citation, reference is used to refer a person to works cited or quoted within a document or to another part of the document (i e an index) 2) In libraries the term reference may be used to describe the type of assistance a library staff person may provide This assistance is frequently in the form of answering library patrons' detailed questions about research or the library collection
An individual to whom inquiries may be made regarding another person's character, ability, or whereabouts A lender generally will ask a borrower to provide the names, phone numbers, and addresses of at least three individuals to be used as references for the borrower In the event that the lender loses track of the borrower's whereabouts, the lender will contact these individuals to try to find the borrower
If you keep information for future reference, you keep it because it might be useful in the future. Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference
A property of a representation which denotes what the representation is about, or 'of' See sense, intentionality <Discussion> <References> Chris Eliasmith
(n ) the appearance of a data object name or subobject designator in a context requiring the value at that point during execution, or the appearance of a procedure name, its operator symbol, or a defined assignment statement in a context requiring execution of the procedure at that point Note that neither the act of defining a variable nor the appearance of the name of a procedure as an actual argument is regarded as a reference
the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to; "he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes"
Reference to someone or something is the act of talking about them or mentioning them. A reference is a particular example of this. He made no reference to any agreement
One persistent object may reference another persistent object Such references may span databases if the two objects reside within different databases
- To pay primary attention to Example: the student will reference the teacher for directions Or, the student will reference his individual visual schedule for directions
1 A direction from one heading to another (also called cross or x-reference, or see or see also, or use for) 2 A note referring to another document or passage
Reference books are ones that you look at when you need specific information or facts about a subject. a useful reference work for teachers
A reference is something such as a number or a name that tells you where you can obtain the information you want. Make a note of the reference number shown on the form
the act of referring or consulting; "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer"
The distance and direction from a nearby geographical point to the earthquake location
One who, or that which, is referred to
One of whom inquires can be made as to the integrity, capacity, and the like, of another
refer to; "he referenced his colleagues' work
A service provided by the libraries to assist patrons in the retrieval of information and the use of information resources See also Citation
Relation; regard; respect
Location in the library where frequently used materials are kept None of these materials can be CHECKED OUT because they need to be available for all users Many encyclopedias, dictionaries, indexes, directories, and bibliographies are located in Reference
You use with reference to or in reference to in order to indicate what something relates to. I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists see also cross-reference, frame of reference, point of reference, terms of reference. to mention another book, article etc that contains information connected with the subject you are writing about
The process of sending any matter, for inquiry in a cause, to a master or other officer, in order that he may ascertain facts and report to the court
(n ) A data element that has an address as a value
{f} add a footnote, place a note that directs readers to another source of information (in a book, journal, etc.)
A service provided by the library to assist users in the retrieval of information and the use of information resources and technologies
A term that can be used in multiple ways: 1) to identify the section of the library which contains indexes and reference books, as well as computer workstations that provide access to CLICnet and library databases; 2) a section or department in the library where librarians can provide assistance or help in researching a topic or locating information; 3) a single citation is sometimes called a reference
1) A service provided by the library to assist patrons in the retrieval of information and the use of information resources 2) A notation that provides all the information a reader needs in order to look up where you got your information See Reference List
a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to; "he carried an armful of references back to his desk"; "he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation"
Each module called by the present module has one reference, whether there is one import from the module being called or several References are resolved when dynamic links are created
{i} comment, remark; ascription, relation; mention, allusion; regard; note that directs a reader to another source of information; supporting evidence taken from another book or publication
In evaluating color difference, the reference is the color against which all measurements are compared Also referred to as Standard
A reference is a person who gives you a reference, for example when you are applying for a job
A reference is a letter that is written by someone who knows you and which describes your character and abilities. When you apply for a job, an employer might ask for references. The firm offered to give her a reference
to refer to, to cite
reference book
A book providing factual information

The Red Book is the standard reference book for those naming inorganic chemical compounds.

reference book
such a book that may not be borrowed

I wanted to take out the encyclopedia, but the librarian said it was a reference book.

reference books
plural form of reference book
reference data
Data describing a physical or virtual object and its properties
reference electrode
an electrode with a stable and accurately known electrode potential
reference implementation
A software example of a specification, intended to help others implement their own version of the specification or find problems during the creation of a specification
reference list
The list of sources used or considered in preparing a work
reference point
Alternative form of point of reference
reference points
plural form of reference point
reference variable
A variable used for storing the address of another variable or structure, equivalent to a pointer

The value of a reference variable is the memory address at which the data associated with the object is stored.

reference work
A compendium of information, which is not intended to be read from beginning to end, and is compiled for ease of reference. Examples include encyclopedias and dictionaries
reference works
plural form of reference work
reference book
book containing information
reference book
A book limited to use within the Library, mainly because it is usually consulted for brief information Examples are dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, almanacs, etc
reference book
A work, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia, containing useful facts or information
reference book
a book designed to be consulted for specific information rather than to be read completely Reference books usually cannot be checked out
reference book
a book such as a dictionary or encyclopedia that you look at to find information
reference book
Books such as dictionaries, encylopedias, handbooks, and indexes that provide factual information, and/or lead to other information resources All of the books in the Reference Collection are non-circulating
reference book
Book you may use to find factual information on a subject Because most people consult these books briefly, but do not need to read them from beginning to end, these books do not circulate You can tell a reference book by its call number, which will start with "REF " Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs are all reference books In I D Weeks Library, all Reference Books are located on the first floor behind the Reference Desk
reference book
A source used to identify pieces of information, i e , dictionaries, encyclopedias and indexes, rather than to read all the way through
reference book
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic"
reference book
Book used to find factual information on a subject Because most people consult these books briefly, but do not need to read them from beginning to end, these books do not circulate You can tell a reference book in the library catalog by its location, "REFERENCE COLLECTION " Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs are all reference books
reference book
A book designed by the arrangement and treatment of its subject matter to be consulted for definite items of information/facts, rather than to be read consecutively; a book whose use is restricted to the library building or specific areas within the library
reference book
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic
reference books
books that are used as sources of specific information
reference frame
or frame of reference Coordinate system that allows description of time and position of points relative to a body. The axes, or lines, emanate from a position called the origin. As a point moves, its velocity can be described in terms of changes in displacement and direction. Reference frames are chosen arbitrarily. For example, if a person is sitting in a moving train, the description of the person's motion depends on the chosen frame of reference. If the frame of reference is the train, the person is considered to be not moving relative to the train; if the frame of reference is the Earth, the person is moving relative to the Earth
reference group
social group by which an individual measures himself
reference guide
reference guide
Index Search Glossary
reference library
A reference library is a library that contains books which you can look at in the library itself but which you cannot borrow. a public library or a room in a library, that contains books that you can read but not take away lending library
reference library
library which contains reference books (dictionaries, encyclopedia, etc.)
reference manual
a manual containing information organized in a summary manner
reference mark
point of reference, indicator or marker by which something can be determined
reference point
an indicator that orients you generally; "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved"
reference point
· For the North Island, the Haywards 220kV bus which has the HVDC Pole 2 injection or offtake connected If there is no Pole 2 injection or offtake connected then the first indexed Haywards 220kV node will be used · For the South Island, the Benmore 22kV bus which has the HVDC Pole 2 injection or offtake connected If there is no Pole 2 injection or offtake connected then the first indexed Benmore 220kV node will be used
reference point
(1) A specified location (in plan elevation) to which measurements are referred (2) In BEACH material studies, a specified point within the REFERENCE ZONE
reference point
  In ISDN, a logical point between two, nonoverlapping functional groups   Note:   When equipment is placed at a reference point, that reference point is designated an interface
reference point
is ninety percent (90%) of the maximum of the salary scale of a grade
reference point
The point along a given coordinate axis, given in units of pixel number, at which a value and increment are defined
reference point
In the *graphics state of TrueType *hinting are 3 reference points (rp0, rp1, rp2) These are simply numbers used to index particular *glyph points or *Twilight Zone points Many TrueType *instructions use a combination of a *zone pointer and a reference point to identify a point to be moved or measured Reference points are set explicitly with the instructions SRP0, SRP1 and SRP2, but in real hinting code it can be more efficient to let other instructions (e g MIRP) set them
reference point
an indicator that orients you generally; "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved
reference point
The location in a test chamber where the microphone of a hearing aid must be placed for accurate testing In the 6500-CX, it is the small circle in the center of the test chamber
reference point
(n ) A part of the ISDN reference configuration A conceptual protocol interface between two types of ISDN device
reference point
Identifies a singular idea, person or event
reference point
point of reference, indicator or marker by which something can be determined
reference point
Several reference points defined to characterize the different interfaces for ISDN defined in ITU recommendation I 411 ( V,U,T,S and R reference points will be defined ( physical and electrical characteristics )
reference to
(usually preceded by `with') relation of delimitation; "he inquired with respect to the address"
reference to
(usually preceded by `with') relation of delimitation; "he inquired with respect to the address
relative cell reference
access to a cell in an electronic spreadsheet according to its location relative to the current cell
An evaluation strategy in which the arguments to a function are evaluated first, and a pointer to the result is passed to the function
character reference
A statement, concerning the character of a person, furnished for someone applying for a post
credit reference
The credit history of a person used as evidence of creditworthiness
credit reference
A person or business that can be contacted to validate or vouch for the credit applicant's ability to pay outstanding balances in a timely manner
A reference or direction in one place in a book or other source of information to information at another place in the same work
To provide something with a cross-reference
frame of reference
a set of assumptions, ideas and standards that form a viewpoint from which philosophical, religious and other ideas may be evaluated
frame of reference
a set of axes which enable an observer to measure the position and motion of all bodies in some system relative to the reference frame
grid reference
The point or area on a map described by the numbers or letters indicated

The church is at grid reference 44 12.

inertial frame of reference
a frame of reference that is stationary relative to a body moving at constant velocity and on which no force is being exerted
point of reference
A particular point in space which is used as an endpoint to measure a distance from or chart a map from
point of reference
An unique intellectual datum used to relate other ideas
points of reference
plural form of point of reference
To direct the attention of

The shop assistant referred me to the help desk on ground floor.

To allude to, make a reference or allusion to
Act or process of referring to itself or oneself
space fixed reference
An independent reference system of positioning points in space
to direct or send for information or other purpose
have to do with or be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments
{v} to leave, send, direct, respect
inertial reference frame
A coordinate system in which Newton's first law of motion is valid(synonym) inertial frame

(synonym) inertial frame.

to direct someone's attention to another person or thing (e g Please refer to your owner's manual if you are having problems with your car )
expand and insert references froma biliograohic database
to make over, or pass over, to another; as, to refer a student to an author; to refer a beggar to an officer; to refer a bill to a committee; a court refers a matter of fact to a commissioner for investigation, or refers a question of law to a superior tribunal
Prounced reefer, but spelled this way, it refers readers to inside or related stories At some papers, these have been called whips
{f} send, direct; ascribe to, relate to; pertain to, apply to; call attention to, allude to
If you refer to someone or something as a particular thing, you use a particular word, expression, or name to mention or describe them. Marcia had referred to him as a dear friend
To submit to an authority figure for consideration
Sending an individual to another person who can provide needed services when a condition is suspected that requires different experience or training
have to do with or be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
make reference to; "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"
If a person who is ill is referred to a hospital or a specialist, they are sent there by a doctor in order to be treated. Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their general practitioners The patient should be referred for tests immediately
To have recourse; to apply; to appeal; to betake one's self; as, to refer to a dictionary
If you refer a task or a problem to a person or an organization, you formally tell them about it, so that they can deal with it. He could refer the matter to the high court
To have relation or reference; to relate; to point; as, the figure refers to a footnote
To place in or under by a mental or rational process; to assign to, as a class, a cause, source, a motive, reason, or ground of explanation; as, he referred the phenomena to electrical disturbances
To carry the mind or thought; to direct attention; as, the preacher referred to the late election
To carry or send back
If you refer to a particular subject or person, you talk about them or mention them. In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada
think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another; "This plant can be referred to a known species"
A "Refer" result means that further testing is necessary to evaluate an infant's hearing This could mean that a hearing problem may exist, but further testing is needed to confirm The most common reasons for a "refer" result on a hearing screening are birthing debris in the ear canal, middle ear fluid or infection, or a permanent hearing loss (3 in 1000 births)
To direct inquiry for information or a guarantee of any kind, as in respect to one's integrity, capacity, pecuniary ability, and the like; as, I referred to his employer for the truth of his story
If you refer someone to a person or organization, you send them there for the help they need. Now and then I referred a client to him
Hence: To send or direct away; to send or direct elsewhere, as for treatment, aid, information, decision, etc
seek information from; "You should consult the dictionary"; "refer to your notes"
send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision; "refer a patient to a specialist"; "refer a bill to a committee"
To send a measure or question to committee
To assign a bill, communication, or other document to a committee for its consideration The House or Senate Journal indicates the committee to which any bill or document was referred The Speaker or presiding officer of the Senate may refer measures to several committees because of the jurisdictional complexities of modern legislation There are three types of multiple referral: joint referral of a bill concurrently to two or more committees; sequential referral of a bill successively to one committee, then a second, and so on; and split referral of various parts of a bill to different committees for consideration
If you refer to a book or other source of information, you look at it in order to find something out. He referred briefly to his notebook
To direct a bill to a committee: HB 2000 was referred to the Ways and Means Committee Bill referrals are made by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
If you refer someone to a source of information, you tell them the place where they will find the information which they need or which you think will interest them. Mr Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto
If a word refers to a particular thing, situation, or idea, it describes it in some way. The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action
To direct to a source for help or information
Providing the customer with the contact details of an external organisation when the agent is sure that no one in their organisation can help the customer directly with their enquiry (See escalate and transfer )
have as a meaning; "`multi-' denotes `many' "
supported with written references or citations; "a carefully referenced biography"
past participle of reference
supported with written references or citations; "a carefully referenced biography
Specify cross-references to specifications and guidelines consulted in writing the data dictionary (see Section 6)   The convention "implied" is used when values in the cross-referenced data element do not map to the NISO-specified values note:   TIFF references include parenthetical notations to the "Baseline" fields, required or optional, that must be present for parsing by baseline TIFF readers (see Section 1 4 3 Redundant Metadata)
plural of reference
<4 3 2 7 2 20020103111328 02a87240@postoffice mail cornell edu><3C338601 C7D1CBE5@manta library colostate edu>
a category of information for enhanced profiles that lists business references
<19990428150348 G13339@mors net> <Pine HPP 3 96n 990428160435 26183A-100000@mlucom6 urz uni-halle de>
Carriere Y, Jenkins E, Gupta N & Legare J (1996) The needs for home care services for the elderly in a context of population aging Facts and Research in Gerontology 1996: Home Care , pp 31-52 Katz S, Ford AB, Moskowitz RW (1963) Studies of illness in the aged The index of A D L , a standardized measure of biological and psychological function JAMA, 185(12), 914-919
third-person singular of reference
1 Gold, V , Loening K L , McNaught A D and Sehmi P (1987) Compendium of Chemical Terminology IUPAC Recommendations
List of works that are referred or consulted by the author(s) in the creation of the document, and listed as part of the document ScienceServer dynamically lists and links references to the local full text of the article or to the CrossRef defined location
A group of people who will say good things about you and who know specifics strengths that you offer Can include work references (current and past supervisors), educational references (former teachers or school administrators), and personal references (who can speak of your character) Never include references on your resume or cover letter; they should be listed on a separate references sheet And always ask people before including them as a reference for you Never provide a list of references unless they are requested Read more
means the resource being catalogued cites, acknowledges, disputes or makes another claim about the related resource
<NFBBJCFMNLCNBIJDAFHIIEODEHAA jacquin@geosys-inc com> <3D402473 7040006@pobox com> <3D4034F2 6B4F78E0@refractions net> <3D4042CA 8050503@pobox com>
<199802182101 PAA63384@spnode01 tcs tulane edu>
BURROUGH, P A 1990 Principles of geographical information systems for land resources assessment Butler & Tanner Ltd , Fromme, Somerset, Great Britain ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Inc 1991 Arc/INFO data model, concepts, and key terms Environ , Syst , Res , Inst , Redlands, CA HUXHOLD, W 1991 An introduction to urban geographic information systems Oxford Univ Press New York, NY MONMONIER, M , and G A SCHNELL 1988 Map appreciation Prentice Halll, Englewood Cliffs, N J MONTGOMERY, G , and G J UHL 1990 Intelligent infrastructure workbook A-E-C Automation Newsletter Fountain Hills AZ KESSLER, B L 1992 Journal of Forestry Vol 90, No 11 Glossary of GIS Terms Society of American Foresters Bethesda, MD
An element in the heading of each Survey Report that identifies published or other finding aids in foreign repositories that assisted an agent in discovering Virginia-related material in those collections
<Pine OSF 3 95 1000314115327 28766B-100000@alf1 mrc-lmb cam ac uk>
At various points references are sited by placing a code inside of square brakets "[]" The various codes used are
the list of references or citations quoted in the text and placed at the end of the document
1 Smith, C , (1980) 2 ASTM, D121-94 (1995) 3 Stach, E , et al , (1975) To request specific information from a Survey geologist click here
JSWW76 J P Jones, D Sato, H Wada and D Wiens, "Diophantine representation of the set of prime numbers," Amer Math Monthly, 83 (1976) 449-464 Matijasevic71 Y V Matijasevic, "Diophantine representation of the set of prime numbers (in Russian)," Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 196 (1971) 770--773 English translation by R N Goss, in Soviet Math Dokl , 12, 1971, 354-358 Matijasevic77 Y V Matijasevic, "Primes are nonnegative values of a polynomial in 10 variables (in Russian)," Zapiski Sem Leningrad Mat Inst Steklov, 68 (1977) 62--82 English translation by L Guy and J P Jones, J Soviet math , 15, 1981, 33--44 Ribenboim95 P Ribenboim, The new book of prime number records, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1995 (Annotation available)
<Pine SOL 3 91 960517160142 16550B-100000@winnie freenet mb ca> <844_9605302023@rational vaxxine com> <Pine SOL 3 91 960602074434 9900A-100000@winnie freenet mb ca> <5XbsxgQ2b5LB083yn@freenet vancouver bc ca>
<19990717111059 B28258@songbird com> <37910030 957EE85D@flywheel com> <19990717163711 H28596@songbird com>
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<15272 52508 330746 510487@zodiac irf se><Pine LNX 4 33 0109191404200 12520-100000@halden devel redhat com>
present participle of reference