Of the color of blood, or of a tint resembling that color; of the hue of that part of the rainbow, or of the solar spectrum, which is furthest from the violet part
Usually waved after a yellow flag Informs drivers that the race is stopped due to unsafe conditions on the race track When a red flag is displayed, all service/repairs on racecars must also stop Cars must line-up, stop in current running position, and shut down in a location designated by NASCAR
If a person or company is in the red or if their bank account is in the red, they have spent more money than they have in their account and therefore they owe money to the bank. The theatre is £500,000 in the red
You describe someone's hair as red when it is between red and brown in colour. a girl with red hair
Ruby Red Ray of Jesus the Christ Divine love and opulence The divine design in the physical dimension The Kundalini Holy Spirit primal force energy Used to cleanse and purify the bloodstream SHIVA: The all-pervasive supreme Reality; also, one of the Hindu trinity of gods, who carries out the act of destruction or dissolution
Red is the most common color for $5 chips If someone bets a stack of red, it means they're betting a bunch of $5 chips, probably 20 of them See also white, black, and green
red admiral kırmızı renkli güzel bir kelebek
red ad·mi·ral kır·mı·zı renk·li gü·zel bir ke·le·bek