(Askeri) TEDAVİ SONU EĞİTİMİ: Bazı hastanelerle nekahethanelerdeki belirli hastalara, hastane veya nekahethaneden çıkınca doğrudan doğruya bir fiili görev durumuna dönmelerini temin maksadıyla gösterilen, bütün sınıflarda müşterek, askeri tazeleme eğitimi
(Askeri) BEDENİ VE RUHİ GELİŞTİRME TEDAVİSİ: Hastanede yatan hastaları, tedavileri sırasında tedrici faaliyetlere iştirak ettirmek suretiyle, bedeni ve ruhi zindeliklerini tekrar elde etmeleri ve bu durumu devam ettirmeleri gayesi güden tedavi tarzı
Definition von reconditioning im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
All activities connected with restoring and or adjusting the packaging of a product In such manner that it can be presented to the customer in the requested form
The deepening, reaming, casing, recasing, perforating, reperforating, jetting, swabbing, installing of liner pipe, packers and seals or any other significant change in the design or construction of a water well
To recondition a machine or piece of equipment means to repair or replace all the parts that are damaged or broken. He made contact with someone with an idea for reconditioning laser copiers They sell used and reconditioned motorcycle parts. to repair something, especially an old machine, so that it works like a new one