You use re in business letters, faxes, or other documents to introduce a subject or item which you are going to discuss or refer to in detail. Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions. = regarding. Réunion (in Internet addresses). real estate. Variant of Ra. The symbol for the element rhenium. The second tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio. In reference to; in the case of; concerning. Religious Education a subject taught in schools. the second note in a musical scale solfa. or Ra In ancient Egyptian religion, the creator god and god of the sun. He was believed to sail across the sky in his solar bark and at night to travel in another bark through the underworld, where he had to vanquish a serpent before he could be born again. As the creator, he rose from the ocean of chaos, creating himself and then engendering eight other gods. From the 4th dynasty, kings held the title Son of Re, and Re later became part of the throne name they adopted at accession and was appended to the names of such gods as Amon and Sebek
Religious Education RTP - Registered Teacher Programme - offers a way of qualifying as a teacher while working With the RTP you can work as an unqualified teacher in any maintained school in England whilst completing the last year of your degree and undertaking teacher training The programme should take 12-24 months, though this could be less if the teacher has considerable teaching experience Retired Teacher Programme - helps match retired teachers who are interested in returning to teaching with LEAs on a part-time, full time or supply basis
meaning simply "sun," the most important name of the sun god, who was later combined with many other gods; the creator and sustainer of the world, who travels in a bark through the sky by day and through the underworld by night
Requirements Engineering - a field of Information Science concerned with the elicitation and formalisation of requirements on an information system to be built
Spanisch - Türkisch
Definition von re notası im Spanisch Türkisch wörterbuch