The stem of a climbing palm, used for Heavy Weapons because it's weight and handling properties resemble steel while its overall resilience and other properties permit it to be used with relative safety
A plant similar to bamboo but solid throughout, used for making heavy list weapons
Rattan furniture is made from the woven strips of stems of a plant which grows in South East Asia. a light airy room set with cloth-covered tables and rattan chairs. the plant used to make wicker furniture (rotan)
a switch made from the stems of the rattan palms the stem of various climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera used to make wickerwork and furniture and canes climbing palm of Sri Lanka and southern India remarkable for the great length of the stems which are used for Malacca canes
Jungle vine in the palm family that grows along the ground and climbs toward the light by twisting itself around trees Grows to great lengths, reaching to the top of the jungle canopy where it flowers and drops its seeds Stalks are cut into strips, dried and made into baskets and furniture Stalks can be easily bent and hold their shape when dry Also called cane
is also a member of the Palm family But Rattan, a climbing Palm with long tough slender stems is only found in tropical Asia The leaves have long barbed tips which the plant uses to climb to the treetops Also, unlike some palms, the leaves are not clustered in a crown at the top of the stem or trunk The stem of this plant, Malacca, produces the commercial Rattan used for wicker furniture along with umbrella handles and canes