raggedlyyırtık pırtık

listen to the pronunciation of raggedlyyırtık pırtık
Türkisch - Englisch
Wearing tattered clothes; as, a ragged fellow
Rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken; as, a ragged coat; a ragged sail
Rough; shaggy; rugged

What shepherd owns those ragged sheep? - John Dryden.

Broken with rough edges; having jags; uneven; rough; jagged; as, ragged rocks
Hence, harsh and disagreeable to the ear; dissonant

A ragged noise of mirth. - George Herbert.

Ragged clothes are old and torn
Someone who is ragged looks untidy and is wearing clothes that are old and torn. The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted. + raggedly rag·ged·ly raggedly dressed children
{s} tattered, torn, worn; rough, having jagged edges
You can say that something is ragged when it is untidy or uneven. O'Brien formed the men into a ragged line. = uneven + raggedly rag·ged·ly Some people tried to sing, but their voices soon died raggedly away
being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn; "clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's"; "a ragged tramp"
layout and type term
having an irregular outline; "text set with ragged right margins"; "herded the class into a ragged line" worn out from stress or strain; "run ragged" being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn; "clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's"; "a ragged tramp
having an irregular outline; "text set with ragged right margins"; "herded the class into a ragged line"
being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn; "clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's"; "a ragged tramp
Type that is not justified on the right or left side
A flop (or board) that doesn't appear to help anybody very much A flop that came down Jd-6h-2c would look ragged
raggedlyyırtık pırtık