quoted price

listen to the pronunciation of quoted price
Englisch - Türkisch
(Ticaret) kote edilen fiyat
quote price
quote fiyat
quoted market price
(Ticaret) kote edilmiş piyasa fiyatı
quoted market price
(Ticaret) kayıtlı piyasa fiyatı
Englisch - Englisch
Price at which the last sale or purchase was transacted for a specific security or commodity
Price at which the last sale and purchase of particular security or commodity took place
The price at which the last trade of a particular security or commodities took place
The price at which the last trade of a particular security or commodity took place
quoted price


    quot·ed price

    Türkische aussprache

    kwōtıd prays


    /ˈkwōtəd ˈprīs/ /ˈkwoʊtəd ˈpraɪs/