(Askeri) NİTELİĞİNE GÖRE İNSAN GÜCÜ DAĞILIMI: Silahlı kuvvetler tarafından tedarik edilen insan gücünün, silahlı kuvvetler ehliyet testinde erler tarafından kazanılan numaralar esas alınarak, çeşitli hizmetler arasında eşit şekilde dağılması için Milli Savunma Bakanlığınca kurulan düzen
(Askeri) MALZEME NİTELİK GELİŞTİRME HEDEFİ: Yeni malzeme geliştirilmesiyle ilgili ve tatbik imkanı, bir malzeme nitelik şartının tespitine müsaade edecek derecede kesin bir karara bağlanmayan bir askeri ihtiyaca ait ve Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığınca onaylanmış bir rapor
(Askeri) MALZEME NİTELİK ŞARTI: Yeni bir madde, sistem veya montaj parçasına ait ve geliştirilmesi imkan dahilinde görülen bir askeri ihtiyaçla ilgili, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının tasvibini görmüş bir rapor. Bu rapor askeri özelliklerin geliştirilmesinde bir temel vazifesi görür
(Askeri) HAREKAT NİTELİK RAPORU: Bir komutanlık veya faaliyet merkezinin görevinin verimli şekilde yerine getirilmesi için, yeni bir silah sistemi, kontrol sistemi, destek sistemi veya teçhizatın geliştirilmesi veya seçilmesiyle ilgili bir rapor. Bu raporda; harekat tasarısı arzu edilen harekat imkan ve kabiliyetleri ve bunlarla ilgili ana prensipler yer alır
Sampling that gives approximate measurements of total gases and vapors in air In general, qualitative sampling cannot identify individual chemicals They give "best guess estimates" of total hydrocarbons present in the air FIDs and PIDs are qualitative sampling instruments
a description of an event or occurrence that conveys the sentiment and feeling without using specific measures (i e ' a long walk ')
(adj ) A type of data used as a method of labeling and identifying Qualitative data are classified as being either nominal or ordinal
involving distinctions based on qualities; "qualitative change"; "qualitative data"; "qualitative analysis determines the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture"
relating to or based on the quality or character of something, often as opposed to its size or quantity; observations that do not involve measurements or numbers
Of, relating to, or involving quality or kind; as opposed to quantitative
Expressible in terms of quality, either measurable or subjective, as distinct from quantitative
without using numbers or exact measurements, but just in a rough sort of way By dropping a ball bearing and a pingpong ball I showed qualitatively that dense objects fall faster than less dense ones
Relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount, or expressible in terms of quantity Based on the quality or character of something, often as opposed to its size or quantity
Something that is not summarised in numerical form, such as minutes from community meetings and general notes from observations Qualitative data normally describe people's knowledge, attitudes or behaviours
Refers to what, which chemical or compound or identity regardless of how much, (see quantitative)
A scientific study in which detailed information is obtained about complex issues, sensitive topics or life experiences The information provides a deeper understanding and is used to generate new theories or hypotheses
Qualitative means relating to the nature or standard of something, rather than to its quantity. There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think + qualitatively quali·ta·tive·ly The new media are unlikely to prove qualitatively different from the old. relating to the quality or standard of something rather than the quantity a qualitative analysis/study/research
When used to modify terms as data and research, the term qualitative generally implies that the data or research findings are directional rather than conclusive
factors are those whose levels are nominal, for example plant variety, country, type of cancer, gender
relating to or based on the quality or character of something, often as opposed to its size or quantity