put fuel in

listen to the pronunciation of put fuel in
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von put fuel in im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

put in
geçirmek (vakit)
put in
içeri sokmak
put in
olay çıkarmak
put in
araya girmek
put in
put in
put in
(deyim) sarf etmek veya ayırmak (zaman,enerji vb.)
put in
put in
put in
put in
içeri koymak
put in
geçirmek (zaman)
put in
put in
(Dilbilim) burnunu sokmak
put in
(Dilbilim) lafa karışmak
put in
(Dilbilim) lafı kesmek
put in
diye eklemek
put in
(Dilbilim) tesis etmek
put in
put in
(Dilbilim) kurmak
put in
put in
put in
put in
put in
limana girmek
put in
(bir iş için) (zaman) harcamak
put in
put in
put in
put in
(deyim) sözünü kesmek. put sth. in
put in
gelmek (istasyona)
put in
ilave etmek
put in
(deyim) tesisat yapmak. put in for sth. rica etmek,istemek. put one's (own) house in order islerini duzene koymak put in appearance [kd] soyle bir gorunup gidivermek put someone in the picture [kd] birini ir seyden haberdar etmek,birine sorunu tam olarak anlatmak put someone in his proper place [kd] birine haddini bildirmek put someone/sth. in the shade [kd] golgede birakmak,bastirmak put one's oar in [kd] istenilmedigi yer de ise karismak,burnunu sokmak
put in
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von put fuel in im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

put in
To place inside

Just put in the key for the ignition and turn it.

put in
To apply, request, or submit

I'm going to the bank to put in for a transfer.

put in
to insert between other elements; "She interjected clever remarks"
put in
If you put in an amount of time or effort doing something, you spend that time or effort doing it. They've put in time and effort to keep the strike going If we don't put money in we will lose our investment
put in
If you put in a request or put in for something, you formally request or apply for that thing. The ministry ordered 113 of these and later put in a request for 21 more I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary
put in
make an application as for a job or funding; "We put in a grant to the NSF" devote time, effort, etc
put in
set up for use; "install the washer and dryer"; "We put in a new sink"
put in
introduce; "Insert your ticket here"
put in
When a ship puts in or puts into a port, it goes into the port for a short stop. It's due to put in at Aden and some other ports before arriving in Basra
put in
to a task; "He put in three hours every day at the hospital
put in
devote time, effort, etc
put in
break into a conversation; "her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation"
put in
If you put in a remark, you interrupt someone or add to what they have said with the remark. `He was a lawyer before that,' Mary Ann put in
put in
make an application as for a job or funding; "We put in a grant to the NSF"
put in
devote (time, effort, etc ) to a task; "He put in three hours every day at the hospital"
put in
enter; let something/someone enter
put in
keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"
put fuel in