puanter (bir tür av köpeği)

listen to the pronunciation of puanter (bir tür av köpeği)
Türkisch - Englisch
{i} pointer
A breed of hunting dog
An icon that indicates the position of the mouse; a cursor
A tip, a bit of advice (usually plural.)

The instructor gave me some pointers on writing a good paper.

(n ) a data object that has the POINTER attribute It may not be referenced or defined unless it is pointer associated with a target If it is an array, it does not have a shape unless it is pointer associated
Usually Arrow-shaped, this is the marker that is moved around the screen by the mouse Pressing the mouse button will select or activate whatever is beneath the pointer
The little icon that moves on the screen when you move the mouse Its most common shapes are the arrow and the I-beam
A register used to indicate the address of a location in memory
The graphical image that appears on the workspace and represents the current location of a mouse or other pointing device
{i} indicator; something used to point; hand on a clock; clue, advice; hunting dog
A statement within a data product label or catalog object that identifies or references a starting point within the same file or an external file Pointers are used to identify the start of a data object, the location of additional text for insertion, or the location of descriptive information for further reference
The pointer is the pointing device currently attached to the cursor and tracked on the screens
An object on the screen that tracks the position of a pointing device (e g a mouse, tablet, track-ball, or joystick) Photon has several pointers indicating various states: Basic, Busy, Help, Move, Resize, I-beam, No-input
(computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving the cursor allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
A physical device used for pointing, such as a mouse, or the cursor that shows the position of the mouse on the screen
A pointer is a long stick that is used to point at something such as a large chart or diagram when explaining something to people. She tapped on the world map with her pointer
A location in memory which contains the address of another location in memory
a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches; scents out and points game an indicator as on a dial
a mark to indicate a direction or relation