
listen to the pronunciation of proportional
Englisch - Türkisch

Çıkıştaki akış hızı, çıkış kapakçığının etrafındaki basınç farkıyla orantılıdır. - The exit flowrate is proportional to the pressure difference around the exit valve.

İki nesne arasındaki çekim kuvveti iki kütlenin ürünü ile orantılıdır ve onların kütle merkezleri arasındaki mesafeyle ters orantılıdır. - The force of gravity between two objects is proportional to the product of the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass.

{s} oranlı
orantılı miktar
proportional representation nispi temsil
orantılı sayı
bir başkasıyle orantılı olan nicelik veya sayı
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) oransal
{s} orana göre
{s} nispi
{s} uygun
proportional control
orantılı denetim
proportional font
orantılı yazıtipi
proportional representation
nispi temsil
proportional counter
orantılı sayaç
proportional font
orantılı yazitipi
proportional valve
oransal vana
proportional action
orantili eylem
proportional action coefficient
orantili eylem katsayisi
proportional amplifier
(Nükleer Bilimler) orantılı yükselteç
proportional band of a controller
denetleyicinin orantisal kusagi
proportional character spacing
Orantılı karakter boşluğu
proportional control
(Askeri) ORANTILI DÜZELTME: Bir hatayı düzeltme yolundaki işlemin, o hata üzerinde orantılı şekilde dağıtılması
proportional counter
(Nükleer Bilimler) orantılı sayıcı,orantılı sayaç
proportional counter tube
(Nükleer Bilimler) orantılı sayaç tübü
proportional font
orantılı font
proportional navigation
(Askeri) ORANTILI SEYİR; BİRHOMİNG SEYİR METODU: Bunda füze dönüş hızı, görüş hattının boşluktaki dönüş hızı ile doğrudan doğruya orantılıdır
proportional output
(Nükleer Bilimler) orantılı çıkış
proportional printing
orantili yazim
proportional region
(Nükleer Bilimler) orantılı bölge
proportional representation
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) nisbi temsil sistemi
proportional space font
orantılı aralıklı yazıtipi
proportional spacing
orantılı aralık orantılı
orantılı olarak
directly proportional
doğru orantılı
dtrectly proportional quantity
doru orantılı çokluk
inversely proportional
ters orantılı
inversely proportional quantity
ters orantılı çokluk
mean proportional
orta orantılı
height weight proportional
Gazete, dergi, internet gibi ortamlara verilen kişisel ilanlarınızda boyunuzla, kilonuzun orantılı olduğunu, kilolu olunmadığını belirten ibare
non proportional
Englisch - Englisch
In proportion (to), proportionate. More common in US than UK

how much of the Bush administration's immediate post-9/11 emphasis on Iraq was appropriate and proportional to the overall picture of terrorism — retrieved 24 Jan 2005.

At a constant ratio (to). Two magnitudes (numbers) are said to be proportional if the second varies in a direct relation arithmetically to the first

The stopping distance is proportional to the square of the speed of the vehicle. — at

{n} a quantity in exact proportion
{a} having due proportion, adjusted
properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'; "punishment oughtt to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production"
The combining weight or equivalent of an element
Having a due proportion, or comparative relation; being in suitable proportion or degree; as, the parts of an edifice are proportional
Any number or quantity in a proportion; as, a mean proportional
the relationship between ports, things, elements with respect to size, shape, degree, ratio, etc
Constituting a proportion; having the same, or a constant, ratio; as, proportional quantities; momentum is proportional to quantity of matter
one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'; "punishment oughtt to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production
Relating to, or securing, proportion
Proportional means the opposite of monospacing When letters are proportionate, they each have their own sizes in width, for instance a w takes up more space than an i
of fonts: having the quality that some characters require more horizontal space than others In a proportional font, typically, a capital M or W take more horizontal space than a lowercase l If the following lines are of different lengths, you are viewing this in a proportional font: WWWWWWWWWW wwwwwwwwww Proportional fonts are often consider more attractive and are used in most books, newspapers, and magazines
Cause and effect relationship between two variables where a positive or negative change in the quantity of one causes a predictable similar quantity change in the other
Corresponding in size, degree, or intensity; having the same or a constant ratio (If you have 4 plums and 7 pears in a bowl, and 8 plums and 14 pears in another bowl, the 2 are proportional )
(pro rata) reinsurance Reinsurer's share of claims carried by the insurer in proportion to its share of premiums received Proportional reinsurance is generally written as a quota share of business or as surplus reinsurance
Magnitudes that have the same ratio
increasing as the amount taxed increases
Each character's pitch varies by character
‘X is proportional to Y’ means that when Y is multiplied by any number, so is X ‘X is inversely proportional to Y’ means that when Y is multiplied by any number, X is divided by that number
one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion
If one amount is proportional to another, the two amounts increase and decrease at the same rate so there is always the same relationship between them. Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing. + proportionally pro·por·tion·al·ly You have proportionally more fat on your thighs and hips than anywhere else on your body. something that is proportional to something else is in the correct or most suitable relationship to it in size, amount, importance etc   disproportionate proportional to
{s} proportionate; balanced, symmetrical; equivalent
proportional representation
A voting principle aimed at securing a close match between the percentage of votes that groups of candidates (usually political parties) obtain in elections, and the percentage of seats they receive in the elected body
proportional counter tube
counter tube whose output pulse is proportional to number of ions produced
proportional elections
method according to which people vote for a particular list or set of candidates
proportional font
A proportional font is one in which each character in the typeface takes up a proportional amount of space, relative to the other characters For instance, a lowercase "i" in a proportional font takes up much less space than does a capital W You're probably saying, "Well, duh " But proportional fonts are very different from monospaced fonts Most typewriters use monospaced fonts, where every character on the keys takes up the same amount of space--yes, a period takes as much space as a capital W You can draw lines between the columns of characters This is a monospaced font It is so dorky that it is trendy right now Ugly fonts are in
proportional font
font that spaces out words according to the various widths of characters in the font
proportional font
A font whose characters have varying amounts of horizontal space depending on the width of the character Thus the uppercase M takes up more horizontal space than the lowercase l
proportional font
Any font in which different characters have different widths; thus, the space taken up by words having the same number of letters can vary
proportional font
a set of characters which have varying widths For example a w is wider than an i
proportional font
any font whose different characters have different widths
proportional font
A proportional font is a font whose width varies depending on the individual characters
proportional font
A proportional font's characters have different widths Proportional fonts tend to be easier to read than fixed-width fonts The user may select which proportional font to use as a base font
proportional font
A set of characters with a variable amount of horizontal space allotted to each For example, the letter i has less space allotted to it than the letter w
proportional font
Fonts that have letters or characters of varying widths The horizontal space occupied by each characters is "propotional" to its shape, therefore an "l" takes up less space than a "w" This is why it is impossible to line up vertical data using just the space bar if you are using proprtional fonts This is also why the unit of measurment for size is a vertical measurment, points
proportional representation
representation of all parties in proportion to their popular vote
proportional representation
method of elections in which delegates truly represent the distribution of opinions of the voting public
proportional representation
Proportional representation is a system of voting in which each political party is represented in a parliament or legislature in proportion to the number of people who vote for it in an election. Representation of all parties in a legislature in proportion to their popular vote. PR a system of voting in elections by which all political parties are represented in the government according to the number of votes they receive in the whole country. Electoral system in which the share of seats held by a political party in the legislature closely matches the share of popular votes it received. It was devised in Europe in the mid-19th century to guarantee minority groups more representation than was possible under the majority or plurality systems. Its supporters claim that it creates a more accurate reflection of public opinion; its opponents argue that by allowing more parties in a legislature, it may result in weaker, less stable governments. Two methods for apportioning seats are the single-transferable-vote method, under which voters rank candidates by preference, and the list system, under which voters select a party's list of candidates rather than individuals. Some countries (e.g., Germany and Russia) use a combination of plurality and proportional methods for allocating seats in the lower house of the national legislature. See also legislative apportionment
proportional spacing
relational spacing, spacing that is relative to other factors
proportional taxes
regular payments which are not dependent on the size of income
directly proportional
proportional to a constant multiple of an independent variable
inversely proportional
Proportional to the reciprocal of the independent variable
the principle that government action ought to be proportional to the ends achieved (e.g. the military should not be deployed to stop petty vandalism)
the degree to which something is in proportion
In proportion; in due degree; adapted relatively
{n} a proportional quality
{a} in a stated or due degree
The state of being in proportion
{i} relationship
The requirement, rooted in biology, that coercion visited upon a wrongdoer be justified by-or proportional to-the level of that person's breach of duty
When determining whether the State's action was in pursuit of a legitimate aim, regard must be had as to whether the action of the State was necessary in a democratic society Using a 'sledge hammer to crack a nut' is not allowed
the property of being proportional
A condition in a factorial analysis of variance where a certain proportionality exists among sample sizes
the quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole
The Classical School believed that punishments could only deter if they were "proportional" to their crime, where proportionality means (1) that the severity of punishments correspond to the severity of the harm done by the crime, so that more serious crimes receive more serious punishments, and (2) that the type of punishment resembles the crime, so that others in society can best associate the punishment with the crime (see general deterrence) Beccaria further argues that proportionality is the only punishment that is morally acceptable according to the social contract Examine Beccaria's arguments and play The Proportionality Game or go straight to chapter 6 of Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishments!
The principle of proportionality is the idea that an action should not be more severe than is necessary, especially in a war or when punishing someone for a crime. Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality He said there was a need for proportionality in sentencing
relatively; in a proportional manner, correspondingly
In proportion; in due degree; adapted relatively; as, all parts of the building are proportionally large
to a proportionate degree; "your salary will rise proportionately to your workload"