property damage insurance

listen to the pronunciation of property damage insurance
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von property damage insurance im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

property insurance
eşya sigortası
Englisch - Englisch
Liability insurance for claims brought against a person who causes damage to another's property, as by an automobile accident
property insurance
insurance that guards against damage or destruction of property
property insurance
Provides financial protection against loss or damage to the insured's property caused by such perils as fire, windstorm, hail, explosion, aircraft, motor vehicles, vandalism, malicious mischief, riot and civil commotion and smoke
property insurance
Covers an insured's property against damage, destruction or loss by a covered peril
property insurance
Insurance that provides a benefit payable if a specified property belonging to the insured is damaged, destroyed, or lost as the result of the occurrence of a specified risk, such as fire, theft, accident, or other cause described in the policy
property insurance
Insurance that protects against losses from fire, theft, storm, explosion, and neglect 530
property insurance
Insurance that indemnifies a person with an interest in physical property for its loss or the loss of its income producing abilities This definition encompasses all lines of insurance written by Property and Inland Marine insurers and can also include certain kinds of insurance written by Casualty insurers, e g , Burglary and Plate Glass coverages
property insurance
Line of Insurance that includes many types of coverages designed to handle the risk that a person will suffer financial loss because something he or she owns is damaged or destroyed
property insurance
A type of insurance that covers you for loss or damage to possessions
property insurance
This coverage is applicable to your real property and personal property on your premises The coverage form is termed "all risk", i e a "named exclusion contract This form of coverage is customer friendly because it will provide coverage unless an event or circumstance is specifically excluded Other coverages that are within this format include "loss of income" and "extra expense" Loss of income provides income dollars lost due to an insured event while extra expense provides cash to fund the additional dollars required to remain in business after the insured event
property insurance
Insurance which protects the physical (tangible) property of an individual   Fire insurance is one example
property insurance
Covers the risk of damage or loss to property Property includes building, equipment and stock or contents It also includes related and contingent losses such as business interruption
property insurance
- Property Insurance indemnifies an insured whose property is stolen, damaged, or destroyed by a covered peril The term property insurance includes direct or indirect property losses covered in several lines of insurance
property insurance
Covers injuries to firms resulting from physical damage to or loss of real estate or personal property
property insurance
Property Insurance that indemnifies a person with an interest in physical property for its loss or the loss of its income producing abilities   This definition encompasses all lines of insurance written by Property and Inland Marine Insurers and can also include certain kinds of insurance written by Casualty insurers, e g , Burglary and Plate Glass coverages
property insurance
A type of insurance that provides a benefit if insured items are damaged or lost because of fire, theft, accident, or other cause described in the policy
property insurance
First party insurance of real and personal property against physical loss or damage
property insurance
Insurance which indemnifies a person with an interest in physical property for its loss or the loss of its income-producing ability
property insurance
Covers an insured's property against damage, destruction or loss by a covered peril top
property insurance
Insurance written to cover the loss, by damage or theft, to specified objects of value owned, possessed, or held by the insured Sometimes called physical damage in case of automobile insurance
property insurance
Covers accidental losses resulting from damage to property of the member
property insurance
Provides financial protection against physical loss or damage caused by fire, windstorm, vandalism or other covered incidents to many kinds of business property that you own Covered business property can include your building, equipment, tools, supplies, furniture, fixtures and improvements
property insurance
Insurance which indemnifies a person with an interest in physical property for its loss or the loss if its income-producing ability
property insurance
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property damage insurance


    prop·er·ty dam·age insur·ance

    Türkische aussprache

    präpırti dämıc înşûrıns


    /ˈpräpərtē ˈdaməʤ ənˈsʜo͝orəns/ /ˈprɑːpɜrtiː ˈdæməʤ ɪnˈʃʊrəns/