
listen to the pronunciation of principal
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} okul müdürü

Okul müdürü, öğretmenden sonra içeri geldi. - The principal came in after the teacher.

Okul müdürü onun dürüstlüğü konusunda beni ikna etti. - The principal assured me of her honesty.


Alüminyum'un başlıca doğal izotopu alüminyum-27'dir. - The principal natural isotope of aluminium is aluminium-27.

Örgüt, yaban hayatı korumasında başlıca rol oynar. - The organization plays a principal role in wildlife conservation.


Jüpiter esas olarak hidrojen ve helyumdan oluşan bir gezegendir. - Jupiter is a planet principally composed of hydrogen and helium.


Bütün hayvanlar, insanın dışında, yaşamın asıl işinin ondan zevk almak olduğunu biliyor. - All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.

{i} sermaye
{i} düellocu
{s} ana

Bir büyük girişimin ana elemanı kendine güvendir. - Self-confidence is the principal element of any great endeavor.

{i} anapara
{i} fail
(Ticaret) işin sahibi

Alüminyum'un başlıca doğal izotopu alüminyum-27'dir. - The principal natural isotope of aluminium is aluminium-27.

Örgüt, yaban hayatı korumasında başlıca rol oynar. - The organization plays a principal role in wildlife conservation.

en önemli

Bay Jackson bizim şefimiz. - Mr. Jackson is our principal.


Bu, senin planına karşı temel argümanlardan biridir. - This is one of the principal arguments against your plan.

NASA'nın Juno misyonunun temel hedefi Jüpiterin kökeni ve evrimini anlamaktır. - The principal goal of NASA's Juno mission is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter.


Bay Jackson bizim başkanımız. - Mr. Jackson is our principal.

ticaret - sermaye, anamal, anapara
hukuk - müvekkil
MÜVEKKİL: Başka bir kuvvet komutanlığı veya makamdan ikmal maddeleri ve hizmet elde eden Kuvvet Komutanlığı veya bu komutanlığa bağlı makam
principal parts gram
{i} huk. müvekkil
düelloda karşılaşan taraflardan biri
ana para
en mühim
(Tıp) Birinci, başta gelen, ana, başlıca en mühim, princeps
{i} tic. sermaye, anamal, anapara
{i} müvekkil
ana akçe

Okul müdürü mezun öğrencilerin her biri ile el sıkıştı. - The principal shook hands with each of the graduating pupils.

Okul müdürü mezunların her birine diplomasını sundu. - The principal presented each of the graduates with diploma.

{s} belli başlı
vekil tutan kimse
{i} anamal
asıl mesul kimse
(Ticaret) amir
okul öğretmeni
principal agency
(Ticaret) ana acentalık
principal branch
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ana dal
principal capital
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) esas sermaye
principal component
(Askeri) temel bileşenler
principal components
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ana bileşenler
principal directions
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) başat yönler
principal line
(Askeri) fotoğraf esas hattı
principal name
(Bilgisayar) asıl ad
principal stress
(İnşaat) asal gerilme
principal stresses
asal gerilmeler
principal axis
asal eksen
principal beam
esas kiriş
principal beam
ana kiriş
principal debtor
asıl borçlu
principal focus
esas odak
principal plane
asal düzlem
principal plane
ana düzlem
principal rafter
ana kiriş
principal section
ana kesit
principal series
ana seri
principal sum
ana toplam
principal beam
ana kırış, esas kırış
principal behavior
temel davranış
principal contract
(Kanun) Aslı akit
principal curvature
prinsipal eğrilik, basçil eğrilik
principal engineer
Baş mühendis

Kathy worked as a principal engineer for a large company during the summer; her principal goal was to help build motherboards.

principal investigator
principal normal
asil normal, basçil düzgen
principal officer
temel subay
principal or chief part of a meal
Bir yemek müdürü veya baş kısmı
principal portion, chief section
ana bölümü şefi bölüm
principal quantum number
ana kuantum sayısı
principal strains
asal deformasyonlar
principal stronghold
ana kalesi
principal activity
(Politika, Siyaset) asli faaliyet
principal agent
(Ticaret) umumi acente
principal agent
(Ticaret) genel acente
principal amount
(Ticaret) ana para tutarı
principal amount
(Ticaret) anapara tutarı
principal and interest
anapara ve faizi
principal and proceeds
(Ticaret) anapara ve faiz
principal and proceeds
(Ticaret) ana para ve faiz
principal axes of inertia
(Fizik) asal atalet eksenleri
principal axis
(Kimya) baş eksen
principal axis
esas eksen
principal axis of inertia
eylemsizlik asal ekseni
principal axis of inertia
atalet asal eksenleri
principal axis of inertia
eylemsizlik asal eksenleri
principal axis of inertia
atalet asal ekseni
principal branch
basat dal, ana dal
principal case
(Kanun) asıl dava
principal claim
(Kanun) asli dava
principal clain
asli dava
principal clerk
(Politika, Siyaset) kalem müdürü
principal competitors
(Ticaret) başlıca rakipler
principal components
ana bilesenler
principal curvature
(Matematik) prinsipal eğrilik
principal curvature
(Matematik) başçıl eğrilik
principal curve
(Matematik) eğrilik çizgisi
principal debt
(Kanun,Ticaret) asıl borç
principal dimensions
esas ölçüler
principal direction
(Askeri) ana yön
principal directions
basat yonler
principal dome
(Mimarlık) ana kubbe
principal earthquake
(Jeoloji) ana deprem
principal earthquake
ana devrem
principal end item
(Askeri) temel mamül madde
principal flight
(Havacılık) yeterlik uçuşu
principal flight
(Havacılık) kontrol uçuşu
principal focus
(Fizik) asal odak
principal force
ana kuvvet
principal ideal ring
(Matematik) tek üreteçli ideal halkası
principal interest
(Ticaret) anapara faizi
principal items
(Askeri) BİRİNCİ DERECEDE MALZEMELER, ESAS MALZEMELER: Yönetim tekniklerinin; depo düzeyi, üs düzeyi ve birliklerin elindeki maddeleri içine alan ikmal sisteminin her yerinde merkezi bireysel madde yönetimini gerektirdiği, öneme haiz son maddeler ve değiştirme ana parçaları. Bunlar özellikle; kuvvet komutanlıklarının yetkisi altında bulunan; gereksinimlerin merkezi hesaplanmasını, merkezi tedarikini, merkezi dağıtım yönü ile merkezi bilgi ve kuvvetlerin sahip olduğu bütün mevcudatların kontrolünü içeren merkezi envanter kontrolu için ihtiyaç duyulan maddeleri ihtiva etmektedir
principal items
(Askeri) esas malzemeler
principal items
(Askeri) birinci derecede malzemeler
principal line
(Askeri) FOTOĞRAF ESAS HATTI: Bir fotoğraf üzerinde indeks işaretlerini birleştiren hat
principal loading case
asal yük durumu
principal loading case
ana yük durumu
principal loading case
ana yük hali
principal minor
asal altbelirten
principal minor
(Matematik) esas minör
principal normal
(Matematik) başçıl düzgen
principal normal
(Matematik) asıl normal
principal normal
(Matematik) esas normal
principal officer
(Ticaret) baş görevli
principal officer
(Politika, Siyaset) diplomatik görevli
principal owner
(Ticaret) esas sahip
principal parallel
(Askeri) esas paralel
principal parallel
(Askeri) ESAS PARALEL: Mail bir fotoğrafta esas noktadan geçen ve hakiki ufka paralel olan bir hat
principal partner
(Ticaret) büyük ortak
principal plane
(Askeri) esas düzlem
principal plane
(Askeri) AKIM EKSENİ; ESAS DÜZLEM: Mail bir fotoğrafın esas noktasını, mercek perspektif merkezini ve yer ayakucunu (nadir) içine alan düşey bir düzlem
principal plane
(Askeri) alım ekseni
principal planes
asal düzlemler
principal point
(Askeri) FOTOĞRAF MERKEZİ: Bir fotoğrafın optik merkezi
principal post
(İnşaat) asal dikme
principal post
(İnşaat) ana dikme
principal punishment
(Kanun) asıl ceza
principal purpose
öncelikli amaç
principal register
(Ticaret) patent tescil dairesi
principal register
(Ticaret) marka tescil
principal registry
(Politika, Siyaset) kalem memurluğu
principal repayment
(Ticaret) anapara geri ödemesi
principal repayment
(Ticaret) ana para ödemesi
principal rights
(Ticaret) asli haklar
principal rights
(Ticaret) doğal haklar
principal risk
(Ticaret) ana para riski
principal road
esas yol
principal role
(Sinema) başlıca rol
principal root
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) ana kök
principal scale
(Askeri) esas ölçek
principal scale
(Askeri) ESAS ÖLÇEK: Kartografide, küresel veya küremsi cismi temsil eden küreye indirilmiş veya küreyi oluşturan bir ölçek olup, onların ilgili yarıçaplarıyla kesri ilişkisiyle tanılanmaktadır. Aynı zamanda nominal ölçek olarak adlandırılır. Bak. "scale"
principal strain
asal şekil değiştirme
principal subordinate commands
(Askeri) ANA AST KOMUTANLIKLAR: Tahsis edilmiş bir coğrafik bölge veya işlev için Ana Ast komutanlara ameli olarak sorumlu olan NATO Komutanlarına tahsis edilmiş teşkil. Ayrıca bak. "Major NATO Commanders", "Major Subordinate Commanders", "subordinate Area Commanders"
principal supplier
(Ticaret) baş ihracatçı ülke
principal surety
(Ticaret) ana kefalet
principal valley
(Jeoloji) ana vadi
principal valley
(Jeoloji) ana koyak
principal vertical
(Askeri) ESAS DÜŞEY HAT: Mail fotoğrafta, gerçek ufka düşey olan ve esas noktadan geçen bir hat
principal vertical
(Askeri) esas düşey hat
principal wall
(Mimarlık) ana duvar
principal wave direction
(Askeri) ana dalga yönü
principal witness
(Kanun) esas tanık
principal, operational interest
(Askeri) BİRİNCİ DERECEDE İŞLETME İLGİLİSİ: Terim; iki veya daha çok Kuvvet Komutanlığı tarafından müştereken faydalanılmak üzere bir kuvvet komutanlığı tarafından işletilen kurulu bir tesisle ilgili olarak kullanıldığı zaman, bu tesis hizmetlerinden en çok faydalanma veya bunlara karşı en çok ihtiyaç duyma durumunu gösterir. Terim; bir kuvvet komutanlığından çok bir komutanlığa uygulanmaktadır
hip principal
mahya merteği
assistant principal
Müdür yardımcısı
deputy principal
Müdür muavini
most important
en önemli

Terörizm, bir ülkenin bölünmesi ve ayrılıkçı bölgelerin oluşumu için en önemli faktördür. - Terrorism is the most important factor for the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.

Hayatta neyin en önemli olduğu kişiden kişiye değişir. - What is most important in life differs from person to person.

vice principal
Eğitim kurumunda mudur yardımcısı
yardımcısı mudur
acting as principal
axial principal stress
eksenel asal gerilme
axial principal stress
aksiyel asal gerilme
inertia principal
(Fizik) atalet esası
lines of principal
ana gerilme çizgileri
major principal stress
maksimum asal gerilme
minor principal stress
minimum asal gerilme
port security company; principal subordinate command
(Askeri) liman emniyet bölüğü; ana ast komutanlık
aslında, esasen
en çok, çoğunlukla
transverse principal stress
enine asal gerilme
Englisch - Englisch
One who directs another (the agent) to act on one's behalf

When an attorney represents a client, the client is the principal who permits the attorney, the client's agent, to act on the client's behalf.

A company represented by a sales person

My principal sells metal shims.

The principal administrator of a school

Now you're in trouble! You're going to see the principal for that.

A partner or owner of a business
The money originally invested or loaned, on which basis interest and returns are calculated

A portion of your mortgage payment goes to reduce the principal, and the rest covers interest.

Primary; most important in a group

The principal cause of the failure was poor planning.

most important
{a} chief, capital, essential, princely
{n} a head or chief man, a capital sum
The amount of money borrowed or remaining unpaid on a loan Interest is charged as a percentage of the principal Insurance and origination fees will be deducted from this amount before disbursement
One who employs another to act for him, as distinguished from an agent
The chief actor in a crime, or an abettor who is present at it, as distinguished from an accessory
A capital sum of money, placed out at interest, due as a debt or used as a fund; so called in distinction from interest or profit
The amount on which interest is capitalized
The amount borrowed or remaining unpaid, excluding interest The part of the monthly payment that reduces the remaining balance of a mortgage
The amount of the entire mortgage loan, not counting interest Also, as a part of PITI, the amount of the monthly mortgage payment which does not include the interest, insurance, and taxes
The amount of money borrowed in a loan upon which interest is charged
the amount of debt, not including interest, left on a loan; also the face amount of the mortgage
On the manual it is four feet long, on the pedal eight feet
most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"
Unlike interest or fees, the principal reflects the actual dollar amount of the purchases you made or the balance that remains on your loan or credit card account
In Germany this term corresponds to the English open diapason
The amount of money borrowed or the amount of credit extended Also called the face value
The amount of the borrowed loan
Also, loosely, the most important member of a piece of framing
A heirloom; a mortuary
The construction which gives shape and strength to a roof, generally a truss of timber or iron, but there are roofs with stone principals
The amount borrowed not including interest
the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account
capital as contrasted with the income derived from it
the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated
the amount of debt, not including interest, left on a loan; also, the face amount of the mortgage
Principal is the amount of money borrowed under the loan Interest is charged as a percentage of the principal
The amount of the loan owed to the lender at any specified time, not including interest
Of or pertaining to a prince; princely
The amount borrowed Interest is charged on this amount and guarantee and origination fees are deducted from this amount prior to disbursement
{i} school director, school master; capital sum (Finance)
A principal or essential point or rule; a principle
The principal is the amount of money borrowed or remaining unpaid on a loan Interest is charged as a percentage of the principal Insurance and origination fees will be deducted from this amount before disbursement
One of turrets or pinnacles of waxwork and tapers with which the posts and center of a funeral hearse were formerly crowned
the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
{s} chief, head, leading; primary, main, major; first in rank, of the highest importance or priority
A thing of chief or prime importance; something fundamental or especially conspicuous
Principal means first in order of importance. The principal reason for my change of mind is this. the country's principal source of foreign exchange earnings Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election. = main, chief
The amount borrowed or remaining unpaid The part of the monthly payment that reduces the remaining balance of a mortgage
Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or degree; most considerable or important; chief; main; as, the principal officers of a Government; the principal men of a state; the principal productions of a country; the principal arguments in a case
amount owed on a loan not including interest
the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
At the beginning of your loan, it is the amount that you borrow: when you borrow $100,000 your principal is $100,000 During the term of your loan it is the amount you owe exclusive of interest, late charges and other fees The principal is always the amount on which you pay interest (see Interest) With most loans, your early mortgage payments pay mostly the interest that you owe, with very little from each payment going to pay off the principal Only later will a larger portion of your payments begin to pay off the principal
an actor who plays a principal role
The amount of money borrowed to buy your house or the amount of the loan that has not yet been paid back to the lender This does not include the interest you will pay to borrow that money The principal balance (sometimes called the outstanding or unpaid principal balance) is the amount owed on the loan at any given time It is the original loan amount minus the total repayments of principal you have made to date
In commercial law, the principal is the amount that is received, in the case of a loan, or the amount from which flows the interest
A leader, chief, or head; one who takes the lead; one who acts independently, or who has controlling authority or influence; as, the principal of a faction, a school, a firm, etc
A company you represent in as a sales person
In reference to loans, the principal is the amount of money borrowed or remaining unpaid on a loan Interest is charged as a percentage of the principal
In English organs the chief open metallic stop, an octave above the open diapason
The first two long feathers of a hawk's wing
capital as contrasted with the income derived from it the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated
The amount borrowed or remaining unpaid; also, that part of the monthly payment that reduces the outstanding balance of a mortgage
A chief obligor, promisor, or debtor, as distinguished from a surety
distinguished from a subordinate, abettor, auxiliary, or assistant
The principal of a school, or in Britain the principal of a college, is the person in charge of the school or college. Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School. most important = main (principalis, from princeps; PRINCE)
The dollar amount being borrowed/financed This is the amount that will be paid back not including the interest charge
The amount of debt, not counting interest, left on a loan
principal ideal
An ideal which is generated by a single element of the ring
principal ideal domain
An integral domain in which every ideal is a principal ideal
principal photography
The phase of film production during which the film is actually shot, as distinct from pre-production and post-production
principal contract
(Kanun) A contract which is not traded on a board of trade, and includes leverage contracts and dealer options, but does not include transactions executed off the floor of a board of trade pursuant to rules approved by the Commission or rules which the board of trade is required to enforce, or pursuant to rules of a board of trade located outside the country, its territories or possessions
principal diagnosis
(Tıp, İlaç) The condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for admission of the patient to the hospital
principal stress
(Mühendislik) Each of the three purely tensile or compressive stresses acting in mutually perpendicular directions into which any combination of stresses acting at a point can be resolved
principal and agent
two people in a relationship that one carries out a legal action for his deputy
principal axis
main axis, chief axis
principal axis
(1) A line drawn through the center of curvature and the vertex of a curved mirror (2) A line drawn through the center of curvature and the optical center of a lens
principal axis
Line connecting center of curvature of spherical mirror with its geometric vertex Line perpendicular to plane of lens passing through its center
principal axis
a line that passes through the center of curvature of a lens so that light is neither reflected nor refracted
principal balance
balance of a debt that has not yet been repaid
principal boy
the main male character in a pantomime, usually played by a young woman
principal broker
The broker registered with the Real Estate Commission as being in charge of a real estate office and responsible for the actions and inaction's of the salespersons and broker-salespersons
principal broker
the licensed broker responsible for the operations conducted by the brokerage firm
principal broker
The licensed broker directly in charge of and responsible for the real estate operations conducted by a brokerage company
principal broker
The head of a real estate brokerage, licensed as a broker, who is responsible for all transactions run through the firm
principal diagonal
The diagonal in a square matrix that goes from the upper left corner to the lower right corner
principal focus
A focal point
principal investigator
the scientist in charge of an experiment or research project
principal office
A principal office is a major unit within an agency, usually responsible for a broad portion of the agency's authority and mission and headed by a senior political appointee, often an Assistant Secretary if the agency is part of the President's Cabinet
principal office
Centre of Mainframe; houses the Core and serves as the system's town hall RB: 1
principal office
One of six organizational units of the Department responsible for administering programs that award discretionary grants and cooperative agreements: Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (OBEMLA); Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI); Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE); Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE); Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS); and Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE)
principal residence
That single residence, if any, which a taxpayer can sell without paying capital gains tax on any appreciation, provided that the taxpayer buys a new principal residence of equal or greater value within a specified time period Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
principal residence
The home that a taxpayer lives in most of the time during the taxable year
principal residence
Regular, permanent abode
principal residence
the place one lives in most of the time May be a single-family house, condominium, trailer, or houseboat To defer capital gain taxes on the profit from a home, the home must be used as the taxpayer's principal residence PRIORITY legal precedence; having preferred status Generally, upon foreclosure, lenders are repaid according to priority
principal residence
place one lives in most of the time May be a single-family house, condominium, cooperative apartment, trailer, or houseboat In order to defer capital gain taxes on the profit from a home, the home must be used as the taxpayer's principal residence
principal residence
The dwelling in which a person resides for the majority of the time
principal`s liability
legal obligation for the behavior of authorized agent
in principal
Usually refers to agreement to an idea or proposal in general terms, but with reservations

The proposed law is fine in principle, but I'm not sure it would cover every situation well.

The condition, rank or office of a principal
security principal
An entity capable of being authenticated by a computer system or network
{a} chiefly, above all, above the rest
Notional Principal amount
(Finans) The notional amount (or notional principal amount or notional value) on a financial instrument is the nominal or face amount that is used to calculate payments made on that instrument. This amount generally does not change hands and is thus referred to as
assistant principal
An assistant principal, sometimes called a vice-principal or Deputy Principal, assists a principal in the general governance and leadership of a school
Principally means more than anything else. This is principally because the major export markets are slowing = chiefly, mainly. mainly
essentially, mainly, primarily, mostly
In a principal manner; primarily; above all; chiefly; mainly
for the most part; "he is mainly interested in butterflies"
In a primary manner; pertaining to the principal of a matter
Plural of principal
the post of principal
{i} leadership, position of chief; position of schoolmaster, position of school director
school principal
the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
second in charge after the headmaster of an educational institution