price at which a company recommends its product to be sold

listen to the pronunciation of price at which a company recommends its product to be sold
Englisch - Englisch
price at which a company recommends its product to be sold


    price at which a com·pa·ny recommends its prod·uct to be sold

    Türkische aussprache

    prays ät hwîç ı kʌmpıni rekımendz îts prädıkt tı bi sōld


    /ˈprīs ˈat ˈhwəʧ ə ˈkəmpənē ˌrekəˈmendz əts ˈprädəkt tə bē ˈsōld/ /ˈpraɪs ˈæt ˈhwɪʧ ə ˈkʌmpəniː ˌrɛkəˈmɛndz ɪts ˈprɑːdəkt tə biː ˈsoʊld/