
listen to the pronunciation of preventive
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} önleyici

Önleyici tedbirler gerçek tedaviden çok daha etkilidir. - Preventive measures are much more effective than the actual treatment.

(Tıp) prevantif
{i} önlem

Bazı durumlarda, meme ameliyatı koruyucu bir ameliyattır- meme kanseri riski yüksek olduğu düşünülenler tarafından alınan bir önlem. - In some cases, mastectomy is prophylactic surgery - a preventive measure taken by those considered to be at high risk of breast cancer.


Bazı durumlarda, meme ameliyatı koruyucu bir ameliyattır- meme kanseri riski yüksek olduğu düşünülenler tarafından alınan bir önlem. - In some cases, mastectomy is prophylactic surgery - a preventive measure taken by those considered to be at high risk of breast cancer.

preventive war önleme savaşı
preventive detention suçluların
yeni suç işlememesi için
{i} önleyici şey
{i} önleyici ilaç
(Tıp) Bir hastalığın cerrahi müdahale olmadan ilaç v.s. ile tedavisi
(Tıp) Hastalığın önüne geçmek için alınan ilaç, tedbir, aşı, prevantif, profilaktik
önleyici tedbir

Önleyici tedbirler gerçek tedaviden çok daha etkilidir. - Preventive measures are much more effective than the actual treatment.

preventive measures önleyici tedbirler
yargılanıncaya kadar hapse atılması
(Tıp) Koruyucu olarak
preventive action
önleyici faaliyet
preventive detention
(Kanun) tazyik hapsi
preventive health services
(Tıp) koruyucu sağlık hizmetleri
preventive maintenance
preventive measure
(Arılık) kontrol sistemleri
preventive medicine
(Tıp) önleyici tıp
preventive psychiatry
(Tıp,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) koruyucu psikiyatri
preventive treatment
(Tıp) önleyici tedavi
preventive war
(Askeri) önleyici harp
preventive inoculation
koruyucu aşı
preventive maintenance
koruyucu bakım
preventive measures
önleyici tedbirler
preventive medicine
koruyucu hekimlik
preventive medicine
koruyucu ilaç
preventive (in all senses)
(Tüm anlamda önleyici)
preventive maintenance time
koruyucu bakım süresi
preventive accident
önlenebilir kaza
preventive care
önleyici tıbbi müdahale
preventive dentistry
(Diş Hekimliği,Tıp) koruyucu diş hekimliği
preventive diplomacy
(Politika, Siyaset) önleyici diplomasi
preventive heliotherapy
(Tıp) helyoprofilaksi
preventive inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) önleyici denetim
preventive law program
(Askeri) ÖNLEYİCİ HUKUK PROGRAMI: Silahlı kuvvetler personeli ve ailelerini, şahsi hak, menfaat ve vecibeleri ile ilgili konularda bilgi sahibi etmek, yetiştirmek ve öğretimlerini sağlamak maksadı güden bir program. Bu program; özel hukuki meselelerde, tedbirsizce hareketlere girişmeden ve durum, disiplin tedbirlerine müracaat veya mahkemeye intikal önlenemeyecek derecede karışık bir hal almadan, şahısları, hukukçulara danışmaya ve kendilerinden fikir almaya teşvik etmektedir
preventive law programme
(Askeri) önleyici hukuk programı
preventive maintenance
(Askeri) (NATO) KORUYUCU BAKIM (NATO): Bozukluk olasılığını azaltmayı amaçlayan sistematik ve/veya öngörülmüş bakım. Ayrıca bakınız: "corrective maintenance"
preventive maintenance
(Askeri) (DOD-IADB) KORUYUCU BAKIM (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Sistemli denetlemelerde bulunmak, meydana gelmesi muhtemel büyük arızaları önlemek maksadıyla teçhizat ve bakım tesislerini güvenilir bir işletme durumunda tutmak için personel tarafından gösterilen dikkat ve yapılan hizmet
preventive maintenance indicators
(Askeri) KORUYUCU BAKIM İHTİYACI BELİRTİLERİ: Teçhizat üzerinde göz, koklama, dinleme ve dokunma ile arıza yerlerini tespite imkan veren ve arızanın durumu ile bakım şekillerini belli eden muhtemel arıza ve tutukluk sahaları
preventive medicine company
(Askeri) sağlık koruma bölüğü
preventive medicine company
(Askeri) SAĞLIK KORUMA BÖLÜĞÜ: Sahra ordusu ve menzil sahasındaki birliklerin sağlığı ve morali üzerinde etkisi olacak çevre ile ilgili ve diğer faktörleri incelemek, değerlendirmek ve kontrol etmek üzere kurulmuş birlik
preventive medicine measures
(Askeri) koruyucu hekimlik tedbirleri
preventive medicine officer
(Askeri) SAĞLIK KORUMA SUBAYI: Hastalık ve muharebe dışı yaralanmaların önlenmesi sağlık şartlarının yükseltilmesi için hazırlanan programları yürütmek ve murakabe etmek üzere, bir komutanlığa atanmış sağlık subayı. Bu subay; sağlık koruma hususunda özel eğitim gören, tecrübe sahibi olan ve bu sahaya karşı yakın bir ilgi gösteren bir subaydır
preventive medicine officer
(Askeri) sağlık koruma subayı
preventive protective action
(Çevre) önleyici koruyucu tedbir
preventive psychology
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) koruyucu psikoloji
preventive war
(Askeri) ÖNLEYİCİ HARP: Askeri çatışmanın, pek yakın olmamakla beraber, kaçınılmaz olduğuna ve geciktirilmesinin daha büyük tehlikelere yol açabileceğine inanılarak başlatılmış bir harp
rust preventive
pas önleyici
US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Kara Kuvvetleri Sağlık İyileştirme ve Koruyucu Hekimlik Merkezi
corrosion preventive
(Askeri) KOROZYON ÖNLEYİCİ MADDE: Metal yüzeylerine tatbik edilen ve başlıca görevi kimyasal aşınmayı önlemek olan yağ, plastik boya, sargı ve benzeri maddeler. Bu madde, yüzeyde daimi surette ince bir tabaka meydana getirerek hava ile teması önler veya korozyonu başka unsur üzerine yöneltebilir (katodik koruma)
corrosion preventive compound
(Askeri) KOROZYON KORUYUCU BİLEŞİK: Pas veya korozyonu önlemek için metal yüzeylerine sürülen bir bileşik. Bu terim boya tabakalarından ayırt edilmeleri için genel olarak, su veya temizleme mahlulü ile giderilebilen bileşikler için kullanılır
corrosion preventive compound
(Askeri) korozyon koruyucu bileşik
parallel track multiunit; passage material; patient movement; preventive medicin
(Askeri) paralel izleme çoklu birliği; yolculuk malzemesi; hasta sevki; koruyucu hekimlik; program yöneticisi (müdürü); askeri inzibat komutanı (ABD)
önleyici olarak
rust preventive
(Askeri) PASTAN KORUYUCU MADDE: Paslanma veya kimyasal aşınmaya engel olmak üzere madeni yüzeylere sürülen koruyucu madde
Englisch - Englisch
A contraceptive, especially a condom
A thing that slows the development of an illness
Carried out to deter military aggression
Preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to
Slowing the development of an illness; prophylactic
A thing that prevents, hinders, or acts as an obstacle to
{n} an antidote
{a} hindering, preservative
Tending to defeat or hinder; obviating; preventing the access of; as, a medicine preventive of disease
That which prevents, hinders, or obstructs; that which intercepts access; in medicine, something to prevent disease; a prophylactic
tending to ward off; "the swastika a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples"- Victor Schultze
{i} safeguard, means of prevention, something used to avert an unwanted situation or event
Going before; preceding
tending to prevent or hinder
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the doctor recommended several preventatives" preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease; "preventive medicine"; "vaccines are prophylactic"; "a prophylactic drug" tending to prevent or hinder
remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the doctor recommended several preventatives"
{s} averting, avoiding, acting to prevent; delaying, inhibiting, hindering; designed to avert or prevent unwanted events or circumstances
any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
Preventive actions are intended to help prevent things such as disease or crime. Too much is spent on expensive curative medicine and too little on preventive medicine = preventative. intended to stop something you do not want to happen, such as illness, from happening
preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease; "preventive medicine"; "vaccines are prophylactic"; "a prophylactic drug"
preventive war
(Askeri) A preventive war or preventative war is a war initiated to prevent another party from attacking, when an attack by that party is not imminent or known to be planned
preventive custody
imprisonment of a criminal suspect to prevent him from breaking the law before his trial is held
preventive detention
The pretrial imprisonment without the right to bail of a person accused of a felony and judged dangerous to society. a system in which people who are guilty of many crimes are kept in prison for a long time
preventive driving
course to improve driving that is intended for drivers who have many traffic violations on their record
preventive driving course
course that teaches good driving skills in order to prevent future accidents
preventive maintenance
Changes made to a system to avoid possible future problems (18) See also Adaptive maintenance, Corrective maintenance, Perfective maintenance
preventive maintenance
Visual, mechanical, electrical, and electronic checks that are made to determine whether or not equipment is functioning properly
preventive maintenance
a program of building maintenance implemented to reduce the possibility of problems, usually through periodic inspection, cleaning, adjustment calibration and replacement of functioning, parts of the HVAC system, as well as housekeeping practices to reduce the buildup of potential contaminants
preventive maintenance
Also known as PM, maintenance performed according to a fixed schedule involving the routine repair and replacement of machine parts and components (099)
preventive maintenance
Regular and systematic inspection, cleaning, and replacement of worn parts, materials, and systems Preventive maintenance helps to prevent parts, material, and systems failure by ensuring that parts, materials and systems are in good working order
preventive maintenance
Changes made to a system to avoid possible future problems
preventive maintenance
Maintenance measures taken in advance to avoid breakdowns (3)
preventive maintenance
regular maintenance and repairs in order to prevent serious deterioration
preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance is maintenance which is carried out to prevent an item failing or wearing out by providing systematic inspection, detection and prevention of incipient failure Preventive maintenance is usually programmed In line with the Office of Facilities Management's policy on obtaining the best value from the maintenance funds, preventative maintenance is carried out only on those items where a failure would have expensive or unacceptable consequences e g lifts, fire alarms, electricity supply and gas supply Many of these items are also subject to a statutory requirement for inspection and preventive maintenance
preventive maintenance
(see also Fixed Fee Philosophy) The concept of using NRC's collection services early in the bad debt delinquency cycle to prevent serious bad debts before they occur
preventive maintenance
-Action to minimize unplanned downtime, generally of a machine
preventive maintenance
The maintenance action taken, on the basis of regular methodical inspections, to avoid or minimize costly measures at some future time
preventive maintenance
Maintenance performed according to a fixed schedule involving the routine repair and replacement of machine parts and components
preventive maintenance
programs of inspection and regular care that allows potential problems to be detected and solved early or prevented altogether
preventive maintenance
Ongoing repairs to a facility's buildings and equipment that prevent breakdowns, slow deterioration, and maintain the quality of the facility
preventive maintenance
(Ticaret) Activities done to insure the operating availability of a production resource and its ability to meet process specifications. They are done on a pre-scheduled basis, or based on the identification by a monitoring system of conditions that may cause future breakdowns
preventive maintenance
All actions performed in an attempt to retain an item in specified condition by providing systematic inspection, detection, and prevention of incipient failures
preventive maintenance
service work performed on equipment performed to prevent breakdowns
preventive maintenance
Actions that detect, preclude or mitigate degradation of a functional structure, system or component to sustain or extend its useful life by controlling degradation and failures to an acceptable level
preventive maintenance
an equipment maintenance strategy based on replacing, overhauling or remanufacturing an item at a fixed interval, regardless of its condition at the time Scheduled Restoration tasks and Scheduled Discard tasks are both examples of Preventive Maintenance tasks
preventive maintenance
a proactive approach; reducing breakdowns through a program of lubrication, adjustment, cleaning, inspection, and replacement of worn parts
preventive maintenance
Activities done to insure the operating availability of a production resource and its ability to meet process specifications They are done on a pre-scheduled basis, or based on the identification by a monitoring system of conditions that may cause future breakdowns
preventive medicine
the branch of medicine concerned with preventing disease; "the medical establishment doesn't profit from preventive medicine
preventive medicine
methods of treatment taken in order to prevent in advance the appearance of the disease in the future
preventive medicine
medical treatment, advice, and health education that is designed to prevent disease happening rather than cure it. Efforts toward disease prevention in the community and the individual. It covers patient interviews and testing to detect risk factors; sanitary measures in homes, communities, and medical facilities; patient education; and diet and exercise programs as well as preventive drugs and surgery. It has three levels: primary (e.g., prevention of coronary heart disease in a healthy person), secondary (e.g., prevention of heart attack in a person with heart disease), and tertiary (e.g., prevention of disability and death after a heart attack). The first is by far the most economical. Important advances in preventive medicine include vaccination (see vaccine), antibiotics, diagnostic imaging, and recognition of psychological factors. See also epidemiology, immunology, industrial medicine, quarantine
preventive strike
a strike that is carried out in order to deter expected aggression by hostile forces
preventive treatment
actions done in advance so as to prevent diseases; actions performed so as to detect damages or mishaps early on
preventive war
war that is begun to forestall an anticipated enemy attack
Preventive (in all senses)
{i} medication that prevents disease, prophylactic
any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
tending to prevent or hinder
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease; "preventive medicine"; "vaccines are prophylactic"; "a prophylactic drug"
Preventative means the same as preventive. preventive
That which prevents; incorrectly used instead of preventive
remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the doctor recommended several preventatives"
plural of preventative
in a manner that averts, in a manner which prevents; as a means of avoiding -, as a method for preventing -
In a preventive manner
plural of preventive



    Türkische aussprache



    /prēˈventəv/ /priːˈvɛntɪv/


    ... make sure that we're providing preventive care so we're catching the onset of something ...
    ... them the kind of preventive care that will ultimately save money through the ' throughout ...