preside yönet

listen to the pronunciation of preside yönet
Türkisch - Englisch
To act as president or chairperson
To exercise authority or control, oversit
To be a featured solo performer
{v} to superintend, direct, manage
To be set, or to sit, in the place of authority; to occupy the place of president, chairman, moderator, director, etc
To exercise superintendence; to watch over
To exercise authority or control
act as president; "preside over companies and corporations
{f} act as chairman, have the seat of authority; direct, manage, lead
to direct, control, and regulate, as chief officer; as, to preside at a public meeting; to preside over the senate
If you preside over a meeting or an event, you are in charge. The PM presided over a meeting of his inner Cabinet The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order. to be in charge of a formal event, organization, ceremony etc (praesidere , from sedere )
act as president; "preside over companies and corporations"
preside yönet