Media Access Control: IEEE specifications for the lower half of the data link layer (layer 2) that defines topology dependent access control protocols for IEEE LAN specifications
In a WLAN network card, the MAC is radio controller protocol It corresponds to the ISO Network Model's level 2 Data Link layer The IEEE 802 11 standard specifies the MAC protocol for medium sharing, packets formats and addressing, and error detection
Media Access Control Layer 2 of the OSI model; the data link layer responsible for scheduling, transmitting and receiving data on a local area network
abbreviation, mycobacterium avium complex a disease caused by a dust particles Symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, and fever MAC is considered an AIDS-defining condition in the United States
A media-specific access control protocol within IEEE 802 specifications; currently includes variations for Token Ring, token bus, and CSMA/CD; the lower sublayer of the IEEE's link layer (OSI), which complements the Logical Link Control (LLC)
Multiply-and-Accumulate Used in Xilinx DSP applications to denote MACs per second – e g : one trillion multiply-and-accumulate operations per second (1 Tera MACs/sec) Media Access Control The lower sublayer of the OSI data link layer The interface between a node's Logical Link Control and the network's physical layer The MAC differs for various physical media
A mac is a raincoat, especially one made from a particular kind of waterproof cloth. Military Airlift Command. Used as a form of address for a man whose name is unknown. A mackintosh. a coat which you wear to keep out the rain = mackintosh (mackintosh). Mac ind Óg Conchobar mac Nessa Mac Mahon Marie Edme Patrice Maurice count de
An acronym for Media Access Control, the globally unique hardware address of an Ethernet network interface card
(Medium Access Control): In a WLAN network card, the MAC is radio controller protocol It corresponds to the ISO Network Model's level 2 Data Link layer The IEEE 802 11 standard specifies the MAC protocol for medium sharing, packets formats and addressing, and error detection
Message Authentication Code; a code that can be used to verify the integrity of information that is transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium