
listen to the pronunciation of powder
Englisch - Türkisch

Alüminyum, magnezyum, silisyum vb. tozları patlayıcıdır. - Powders of aluminium, magnesium, silicon, etc. explode.

Bu keki yapmak için kabartma tozu ve tuzsuz tereyağına ihtiyacın var. - In order to make this cake you need baking powder and unsalted butter.

{f} toz haline getir
toz halinde şey

Hiçbir insan onları bilemez, hiçbir avcı barut ve kurşunla onları vuramaz. - Düşünceler özgürdür! - No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them, with powder and lead - Thoughts are free!

Orta Doğu hâlâ barut fıçısı olarak kabul ediliyor. - The Middle East is still considered a powder keg.


Pudra suda çözümlenir. - Powder is soluble in water.

Sana tokat atsam bütün şehir makyaj pudrasından boğulacak. - If I slap you, the whole city will suffocate from face powder.

{f} toz haline getirmek
{f} pudralamak
powder horn barutluk barut mahfazası
powdered milk süt tozu
(Askeri) BARUT: Bak. "propellant"
toz,v.toz haline getir: n.pudra
dövüp toz haline getirmek
toz haline gelmek
powdered sugar pudraşekeri
{f} toz serpmek
eski hızla koşturmak
pudra kullanmak
üzerine toz ekmek
(Tıp) Toz halinde ilaç
powder bag
(Askeri) barut kesesi
powder coal
(Madencilik) toz kömür
powder coat
toz boya
powder coating
(İnşaat) toz boyama
powder coating
elektrostatik boyama
powder compact
powder compact
powder detergent
toz deterjan
powder flask
barut mahfazası
powder horn
barut mahfazası
powder metallurgy
(Mekanik) toz metal bilimi
powder metallurgy
toz metalürjisi
powder milk
(Gıda) süt tozu
powder mill
(Askeri) baruthane
powder paint
toz boya
powder snow
toz kar
powder sugar
(Gıda) pudra şekeri
powder flask
powder magazine
powder magazine
barut deposu
powder puff
pudra ponponu
powder puff
pudra pomponu
powder room
bayanlar tuvaleti
powder blue
toz mavi
powder day
karlı gün
powder factor
(Madencilik) Birim metreküp kayacı ya da kayayı patlatmak için gerekli patlayıcı miktarı
powder keg
barut fıçısı

Orta Doğu hâlâ barut fıçısı olarak kabul ediliyor. - The Middle East is still considered a powder keg.

powder keg
Patlama ihtimali, patlama ihtimali olan şey
powder metallurgy
toz metalurjisi, toz metalbilimi
powder bag
(Askeri) BARUT KESESİ: İçinde bazı tip toplara ait barut hakları bulunan bez kese
powder blast
(Askeri) NAMLU AĞZI BASINCI: Bir mermi namlu ağzını terkederken, namlu ağzından çıkan sıcak hava ve gazların hazlı fırlayışı. Buna genel olarak, (muzzle blast) denir
powder chamber
(Askeri) barut haznesi
powder chamber
(Askeri) BARUT HAZNESİ: Bir silah namlusunda, tepkisiz cephaneye ait sevk barutunun konduğu ve iştial ettiği kısım
powder charge
(Askeri) BARUT HAKKI: Tepkisiz veya yarı tepkili cephanede sevk barutu olarak kullanılan alçak infilak maddesi
powder charge card
(Askeri) barut hakkı çizelgesi
powder charge index
(Askeri) barut hakkı çizelgesi
powder compact
pudra kutusu
powder for syrup
(Tıp) şurup için toz
powder fouling
(Askeri) BARUT ARTIĞI; BARUT RÜSUBU: Silah ateş ettikten sonra namlu içinde yanmadan veya kısmen yanmış olarak kalan barut pislikleri
powder fouling
(Askeri) barut artığı
powder gas
(Askeri) BARUT GAZI: Barutun yanmasından hasıl olan gaz
powder gas
(Askeri) barut gazı
powder horn/flask
powder lead
(Kimya) toz kurşun
powder magazine
cephanelik [den.]
powder magazine
barut deposu [den.]
powder measure
(Avcılık) barut ölçeği
powder metallurgy
(Nükleer Bilimler) toz metalurjisi
powder mill
barut fabrikası
powder oneself
powder ring
(Askeri) BARUT KESESİ: Bazı mühimmat çeşitlerinde, sevk barutunun bir kısmını koymaya mahsus halka şeklinde bez torba
powder room
barut deposu
powder room
powder room
bayanlara ait tuvalet
powder room
tuvalet tazeleme odası
powder silk
(Askeri) ipek barut haklı kese
powder silk
(Askeri) İPEK BARUTU HAKLI KESE: Büyük toplara ait sevk barutunu koymaya mahsus özel ipek kese. Sevk barutu ateşlendiği zaman ipek barutu kesesi kül bırakmaz
powder tag
(Askeri) barut etiketi
powder tag
(Askeri) BARUT ETİKETİ: Bir barut kesesine iliştirilen bez etiket. Bu etiketin üzerine, dolduran müessesenin adı, doldurma tarihi ve barutu kullanacak silahın modeli, çapı gibi teferruat yazılır
powder train
(Askeri) İMHA SERİSİ: Patlayıcı maddelerin imhası için hazırlanan ateşleme serisi
powder train time fuze
(Askeri) BARUT ZAMANLI TAPA: Barut tablosu kanallarında sıkıştırılmış kara barut uzunluğunu ayar etmek suretiyle faaliyete geçirilen ihtiraklı tapa cinsi. Bak. "fuze" ve "time fuze"
powder tray
(Askeri) BARUT TESKERESİ: Barut keselerini topun yanına taşımak için kullanılan teskere
powder tray
(Askeri) barut teskeresi
potato powder
patates tozu
polishing powder
parlatma tozu
Fenugreek powder
Çemen tozu
gun powder
(Askeri,Avcılık) barut
washing powder
çamaşır deterjanı
copper powder
(Madencilik) bakır tozu
dental powder
(Tıp) diş tozu
effervescent powder
(Tıp) efervesan toz
garlic powder
sarımsak tozu
igniting powder
(Askeri) yemleme barutu
in powder form
toz haline getirilmiş

Hiç süt tozun var mı? - Do you have any powdered milk?


Alüminyum, magnezyum, silisyum vb. tozları patlayıcıdır. - Powders of aluminium, magnesium, silicon, etc. explode.

(Tıp) toz ilaçlar
put powder on
pudra sürmek
aluminium powder
alüminyum tozu
baby powder
bebe pudrası
baking powder
maya tozu
baking powder
pasta mayası
black powder
blast powder
lağım barutu
bleaching powder
beyazlatma tozu
bleaching powder
bleaching powder
ağartma tozu
built soap powder
sabun tozu yapma
chili powder
çili tozu
curry powder
köri tozu
dover's powder
uyuşturucu ilaç
dovers powder
uyuşturucu ilaç
emery powder
zımpara tozu
face powder
keep one's powder dry
savaşa hazır olmak
magnetic powder clutch
manyetik tozlu kavrama
metal powder
maden tozu
milk powder
milk powder
süt tozu
orris powder
süsen kökü tozu
putty powder
cila tozu
quartz powder
kuvars tozu
sit on a powder keg
dikenli fıçı üzerinde olmak
soap powder
sabun tozu
talcum powder
talk pudrası
toilet powder
yüz pudrası
tooth powder
diş tozu
arsenic powder
arsenik tozu
aspirin powder
aspirin tozu
baking powder
Sodyum bikarbonat ya da soda: Kimyasal formülü NaHCO3 olan bir kimyasal bileşiktir. Sodyum tuzlarından birisidir. Antiasit özelliği vardır. Kabartma tozu olarak da kullanılır. Suda çözünür. Beyaz katı kristal tozdur
black powder
siyah toz
buttermilk powder
(Gıda) Tereyağı yapıldıktan sonra yayıkta kalan içeceğin kurutulmasıyla elde edilen toz
chili powder
biber tozu

Kırmızı biber tozu genellikle Hint mutfağında kullanılır. - Chili powder is often used in Indian cooking.

cocoa powder
kakao tozu
face powder
yüz pudrası
gelatine powder
jelatin tozu
glitter powder
Pırıltı verici sım tozu
goa powder
goa toz
moulding powder
kalıplama tozu, kalıp tozu
pearl powder
inci tozu
scented wig powder
kokulu peruk toz
shimmer powder
(Kozmetik) Parlayan allık. Renksiz ışıltı verir
soluble powder
Sıvı içinde çözünebilir toz ilaç
tomato powder
domates tozu
turmeric powder
Toz zerdaçal
welding powder
(Mühendislik) kaynak tozu
wheat germ powder
tam buğday ünü
whey powder
(Gıda) Peynir suyu tozu
abrasive powder
aşındırıcı toz
axial powder compaction
eksenel toz sıkıştırma
baking powder
kabartma tozu

Bu keki yapmak için kabartma tozu ve tuzsuz tereyağına ihtiyacın var. - In order to make this cake you need baking powder and unsalted butter.

black powder
(Askeri) KARABARUT: Tutuşturucu, tutuşturucu kapsülü, fünye ve manevra mermisi haklarının bir ana parçası olarak kullanılan istikrarsız, hassas ve kolayca tutuşabilir, alçak süratli infilak maddesi. Buna "gun powder" de denir
blank file powder
(Askeri) E. C. DUMANSIZ BARUT: Bak. "E. C. smokeless powder"
blank fire powder
(Askeri) dumansız barut
bull's eye powder
(Askeri) FİŞEK BARUTU: Hafif ateşli silah mühimmatında sevk barutu olarak kullanılan adi cins barut
bull's eye powder
(Askeri) fişek barutu
cake powder
chocolate powder
(Gıda) çikolata tozu
curry powder
toz haline getirilmiş kimyon, kişniş, zerdeçal v.b. baharat karışımı
curry powder
acılı hint baharatı
custard powder
krema tozu
double base powder
(Askeri) ÇİFT ESASLI BARUT, ÇİFT BAZLI BARUT: Nitroselilozlu tek esaslı sevk barutunun nitrogliserin ile muamele edilmesinden elde edilen sevk barutu cinsi
dover powder
(Tıp) dover tozu
dovers powder
(Tıp) Sükunet ve ter veren afyonlu bir toz ilaç
dry powder
(Nükleer Bilimler) kuru toz
dutch powder
(Kimya) hollanda tozu
effervescent powder
kabartma tozu
emery powder
aşındırıcı toz
face powder
makyaj pudrası
flashless nonhygroscopic powder
(Askeri) RUTUBET ALMAZ ALEVLİ BARUT: Kolay rutubet almayan, rutubeti muhafaza etmeyen ve yandığı zaman alev vermeyen dumansız barut. Bu barut genellikle mermilerde sevk barutu olarak kullanılır. Buna "FNH powder" da denir
fnh powder
(Askeri) FNH BARUTU: Bak. "flashless-non hydroscopıc powder"
giant powder
dev barut
grinding powder
alıştırma tozu
igniting powder
(Askeri) YEMLEME BARUTU: Bak. "igniter"
inhalation powder
(Tıp) inhalasyon tozu
inhalation powder hard capsule
(Tıp) sert kapsülde inhalasyon tozu
insect powder
böcek ilacı
keep one's powder dry
her şeye hazırlıklı olmak
keep one's powder dry
işini sağlama almak
magnesium powder
(Askeri) MAGNEZYUM TOZU: Toz halinde magnezyum; çok çabuk ve kolay yanan madde
moulding powder
kalıp tozu
nh powder
(Askeri) NH BARUTU: Bak. "nonhy groscopic powder". NICKNAME (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): TAKMA AD, KISA AD: Tasnif dışı bir anlama verilen ve sadece tasnif dışı idari, moral veya halkla ilişkiler amacı için kullanılan iki ayrı tasnif dışı kelimenin bir bileşimi
nitrocellulose powder
(Askeri) NİTROSELÜLOZ BARUTU: Yüksek infilak kudreti bulunan dumansız sevk barutu. "Piro" barutu (pyro powder) " nitrosellüloz barutunun bir cinsidir
nonhygroscopic powder
(Askeri) HİGROSKOPİK OLMAYAN BARUT: Havanın rutubetini almaya mütemayil olmayan ve mermilerde sevk barutu olarak kullanılan dumansız barut. Buna (NH powder) da denir
oral powder
(Tıp) oral toz
paint in powder form
(Marangozluk) toprak boya
particle size of powder
toz tane büyüklüğü
plate powder
plate powder
parlatma tozu
toz halinde/tozlu
{s} toz: powdered milk süttozu. powdered sugar pudraşeker
toz yap/pudrala
toz haline getirme
pumice powder
(Marangozluk) ponza tozu
purple k powder
(Askeri) k purple kodlu barut
putty powder
parlatma tozu
resolving powder
(Tıp) ayrıştırıcı toz
resolving powder
(Biyokimya) ayrıştırma gücü
resolving powder
(Biyokimya) ayrışım gücü
resolving powder
(Denizbilim) ayrıştırım gücü
scouring powder
mekanik temizleme tozu
sherbet powder
limonata tozu
sherbet powder
şerbet tozu
skin powder
cilt pudrası
smokeless powder
(Askeri) DUMANSIZ BARUT: Ateş edildiği zaman gayet az duman yapan veya hiç duman meydana getirmeyen sevk barutu
smokeless powder
(Askeri,Teknik) dumansız barut
smokeless powder magazine
(Askeri) dumansız barut cephaneliği
smokeless powder magazine
(Askeri) DUMANSIZ BARUT CEPHANELİĞİ: Bak. "magazine"
soap powder
toz sabun, sabun tozu
spray powder
kurutma tozu
super powder charge
(Askeri) tam barut hakkı
take a powder
toz olmak
take a powder
toilet powder
makyaj pudrası
washing powder
tozsabun; toz deterjan
yeast powder
maya tozu
Englisch - Englisch
An explosive mixture used in gunnery, blasting, etc.; gunpowder
To sprinkle with powder, or as with powder; to be sprinkle

A circling zone thou seest / Powdered with stars.

To be reduced to powder; to become like powder

Some salts powder easily.

The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding, grinding, or triturating, or into which it falls by decay; dust

Grind their bones to powder small.

Light, dry, fluffy snow
To reduce to fine particles; to pound, grind, or rub into a powder; to comminute; to pulverize; to triturate
To use powder on the hair or skin; as

She paints and powders.

{v} to sprinkle with powder, reduce to dust, salt, or sprinkle with salt
{n} fine dust, dust of starch, gunpowder
a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in a 75: 15: 10 ratio which is used in gunnery, time fuses, and fireworks
An explosive mixture used in gunnery, blasting, etc
The substance that ignites in the cartridge and propels the bullet
Fresh, dry, light snow that hasn't been groomed
If a woman powders her face or some other part of her body, she puts face powder or talcum powder on it. She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge. the old woman's powdered face
Pokémon that can produce and expel powder Skills: Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore
To be reduced to powder; to become like powder; as, some salts powder easily
any of various cosmetic or medical preparations dispensed in the form of a powder
Small solid particles that range in size from 1 to 1000umTitanium powder metallurgy is a growing processing procedure that incorporates both forging and near-net shape technologies
To use powder on the hair or skin; as, she paints and powders
a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles; a solid that has been pulverized
Finely ground glass
Powder consists of many tiny particles of a solid substance. The wood turns to powder in his fingers. a fine white powder. cocoa powder
To sprinkle with powder, or as with powder; to be sprinkle; as, to powder the hair
apply powder to; "She powdered her nose"; "The King wears a powdered wig"
any of various cosmetic or medical preparations dispensed in the form of a powder a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles; a solid that has been pulverized apply powder to; "She powdered her nose"; "The King wears a powdered wig
a finely ground material
I'll powder your jacket for you A corruption of poudrer (to dust) (See Dust ) “Lo! in powdur [dust] ye schall slepe, For out of powdur fyrst ye came ” Quoted by Halliwell under “Poudre ” Not worth powder and shot “Le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle ” The thing shot won't pay the cost of powder and shot
Finely divided solid; particles are smaller than one millimeter in maximum dimension It is metallic, ceramic or a polymer; these can be blended in infinite combinations An important characteristic is the relatively high surface-to-volume ratio of the particles which exhibit behavior that is intermediate between that of a solid and a liquid Powders will flow under gravity to fill containers or die cavities, so in this sense behave like liquids They are compressible like gas Powders are easily shaped, with the desirable behavior of a solid after processing
I think we all know what powder is It's a snowboarders dream It is some sweet snow that is extremely light and fluffy, making any day look up
{i} finely ground material, material pulverized to the consistency of dust
Powder is very fine snow. a day's powder skiing. see also baking powder, chilli powder, curry powder, talcum powder, washing powder
To sprinkle with salt; to corn, as meat
make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust; "pulverize the grains"
Fine powder is usually defined as having particles smaller than 325 mesh (44 microns)
{f} grind to dust, pulverize into very fine particles; apply powder, dust with powder
powder blues
plural form of powder blue
powder hoy
A vessel, often painted red and carrying a red flag, that carried gunpowder to a man of war
powder keg
An explosive or otherwise volatile situation
powder keg
A barrel containing gunpowder
powder kegs
plural form of powder keg
powder monkey
An explosives expert. A person who sets explosives
powder monkey
A skier or snowboarder who avidly seeks out the “powder” (light, dry, fluffy snow)

There are lots of fine cutovers into untouched sugar for powder monkeys (snow permitting, of course).

powder monkey
The persons employed to carry gun powder from the ship's magazine to the gun deck during a battle; in the 18th century Royal British and U. S. Navies, this task (also carrying water) during battles became a permanent nickname for the ship's cabin boys and apprentice seamen
powder monkeys
plural form of powder monkey
powder one's nose
To use the toilet (nearly always refers to women only)

I'll be right back; I just have to powder my nose.

powder one's nose
To temporarily leave the company of others, often to a restroom, for a brief respite from a crowd, to engage in private conversation, reapply make-up, etc

C'mon girls; let's go powder our noses.

powder room
A women's toilet, especially in a public venue such as a restaurant, boutique, or hotel lobby
powder rooms
plural form of powder room
powder factor
(Madencilik) The quantity of explosive used per unit of rock blasted, measured in lb/yd3 (kg/m3 ) per ton (metric ton) of rock
(Teknoloji) Cover (an object) with a polyester or epoxy powder, which is then heated to fuse into a protective layer
Powder River
River, northern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, U.S. It rises in the foothills of the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming and flows north 486 mi (782 km) to join the Yellowstone River near Terry, Mont. Tributaries include the Little Powder River and Crazy Woman Creek
powder and shot
ammunition consisting of gunpowder and bullets for muskets
powder blue
light blue; greyish-blue
powder blue
Something that is powder blue is a pale greyish-blue colour. A moderate to pale blue or purplish blue. a pale blue colour blue
powder blue
a dusty pale blue color moderate to pale blue or purplish blue
powder box
small container used to hold powder
powder burn
scorching from gun powder
powder coating
100% solids coating applied as a dry powder and subsequently converted into a film with heal
powder coating
A coating that is applied to the surface as a finely ground powder then heated above it's melting point and flows together creating a consistent film
powder coating
A process in which the metal to be coated is heated and inserted into the powdered resin which is fluidized in air
powder coating
Application of a coating in the form of a finely ground powder of colouring agents, resins, and additives; heating of the part, either before or after powder deposition, fuses the powder into a continuous coating
powder coating
Any paint which is applied to the surface as a dry, finely ground powder and then heated above its melting point so that the powder particles may flow together
powder coating
100% solids coating applied as a dry powder and subsequently converted into a film with heat
powder flask
container for carrying gunpowder; made of the hollow horn of an animal
powder horn
{i} small container for holding gunpowder made from horn of a cow or ox
powder horn
container for carrying gunpowder; made of the hollow horn of an animal
powder horn
An animal's horn capped at the open end, used to carry gunpowder
powder keg
a potentially explosive state
powder keg
keg (usually made of metal) for gunpowder or blasting powder a potentially explosive state
powder keg
If you describe a situation or a place as a powder keg, you mean that it could easily become very dangerous. Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg
powder keg
barrel of explosives; situation that could explode at any moment
powder keg
keg (usually made of metal) for gunpowder or blasting powder
powder magazine
storage for ammunition and explosives
powder magazine
magazine: a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored
powder metallurgy
the metallurgy of powdered metals; how to produce solid metal objects from powdered metal by compaction and sintering
powder metallurgy
A method of producing components by pressing or moulding metal powders which may be simultaneously or subsequently heated to produce a coherent mass
powder metallurgy
The practice, description, study and terminology of processing metal powders, including the fabrication, characterization, and conversion of these powders into useful engineering components The processing sequence involves the application of basic laws of heat, work, and deformation to the powder Processing changes the shape, properties, and structure of a powder into a final product
powder metallurgy
The technology of powdered metals, especially the production and utilization of metallic powders for fabricating massive materials and shaped objects. Fabrication of metal objects from a powder rather than casting from molten metal or forging at softening temperatures. In some cases the powder method is more economical, as in making metal parts such as gears for small machines, in which casting would involve considerable scrap loss. In other cases, melting is impractical (e.g., because the melting point of the metal is too high). Powder metallurgy is also used to produce a porous product that will allow a liquid or gas to pass through it. See also metallurgy, sintering
powder mill
factory where gun powder is made
powder monkey
someone who carries explosives (as from the magazine to the guns on board a warship)
powder monkey
One who carries or sets explosives
powder monkey
person who works with explosives; person who worked on a warship and carried gunpowder
powder photography
a process for identifying minerals or crystals; a small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified X-rays; the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification
powder puff
A soft pad for applying powder to the skin. a small round piece of soft material used by women to spread powder on their face or body
powder puff
soft pad used to apply powder
powder room
a woman's restroom in a public (or semi-public) building
powder room
A powder room is a room for women in a public building such as a hotel, where they can use the toilet, have a wash, or put on make-up. a room with a toilet for women, especially in a public place - used to avoid saying this directly
powder room
women's restroom, lavatory (with mirrors for applying makeup)
powder-post termite
extremely destructive dry-wood termite of warm regions
used of competitive activities in which only women take part; "powder-puff baseball"; "a powder-puff football game
Bolivian marching powder

greedily inhale another ten lines of uncut Bolivian marching powder.

Persian powder
An insecticidal powder usually made from chrysanthemums
baking powder
a dry leavening agent used in baking; a mixture of baking soda, an acid (often cream of tartar) and starch to keep it dry; when wetted, carbon dioxide is released
bleaching powder
A white powder, a mixture of calcium hypochlorite and calcium chloride, prepared by the action of chlorine on calcium hydroxide, used as a strong bleaching agent and disinfectant
curry powder
A mixture of spices, usually including turmeric, commonly used in Asian cooking
dry powder
A powder found in a fire extinguisher that is expelled to smother the fire
dry powder inhaler
A device with a canister holding a medicine in a dry powder form, ready to be sucked/sprayed out as aerosols, with the purpose to be inhaled by a patient into the lungs. The device is commonly used for the treatment of asthma and other type of respiratory diseases
face powder
A cosmetic made from coloured talc, applied to the face
five-spice powder
a ground mixture of five varieties of spice used in Chinese, East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine
inheritance powder
Any of several poisons used for murder, but especially arsenic and to a lesser extent, thallium
milk powder
Pulverized milk solids, produced by evaporating all liquid from milk
which has been covered with powder (typically referring to makeup)

powdered ladies.

Simple past tense and past participle of powder
smokeless powder
An explosive, similar to gunpowder, consisting of nitrocellulose mixed with nitroglycerine or nitroguanidine; it burns with very little smoke
stump powder
Explosive powder used for blasting tree stumps when clearing land
take a powder
To leave in a hurry; run away; scram; depart without taking leave or notifying anyone, often with a connotation of avoiding something unpleasant or shirking responsibility

Go on, now. Scram. Take a powder. And don't come back till people on the street start wishing you a good afternoon.

talcum powder
Perfumed talc (sometimes with the addition of boric acid) for adsorbing moisture on the skin
washing powder
A powder used in washing clothes, etc.; a detergent
garlic powder
Garlic powder is dehydrated ground garlic, and provides some of the flavor, but not the texture, of fresh garlic
anti-flea powder
powder which prevents flea infestations
atlas powder
A blasting powder or dynamite composed of nitroglycerin, wood fiber, sodium nitrate, and magnesium carbonate
baby powder
powder used to prevent a baby's diaper from chafing
baking powder
Baking powder is a combination of chemicals, usually bicarbonate of soda, sodium aluminum sulfate and a filler The most commonly used baking powder is a double acting type, found in your grocery baking section Test for its strength by mixing one teaspoon baking powder with 1/4 cup of very hot water If you do not get a vigorous foaming action, your baking powder is not fresh Do not use it Purchase a new can from your local supermarket Check the expiration date also while at the supermarket (see expiration date)
baking powder
A leavener containing baking soda, an acid (such as cream of tartar) and a moisture-absorber (such as cornstarch) Double-acting baking soda releases carbon dioxide gas when it becomes wet and again when exposed to oven heat
baking powder
leavening agent containing baking soda and an acid-forming substance
baking powder
any of various powdered mixtures used in baking as a substitute for yeast
baking powder
Used as a leavening agent in preparing baked goods Consists of a carbonate, an acid substance, and starch or flour Check the expiration date as baking powder loses its leavening power over time Instead of discarding when it becomes old just use it as a deodorizer in your refrigerator
baking powder
Baking powder is an ingredient used in cake making. It causes cakes to rise when they are in the oven. a powder used when baking cakes to make them lighter
baking powder
baking powder
Is used to aerate the product it is part of In cakes it gives the rise in the oven as yeast does for bread Baking powder is a mixture of an alkaline a one or more acids When the baking powder is wetted and heat is applied, carbon dioxide gas is released It is this gas that expands the cells formed during the mixing stage of the cake batter, giving the cake its volume There are various forms of baking powder which have varying reaction rates; slow and fast acting and some which contain a combination of the two called double acting baking powder The double acting version is generally used in the baking industry unless specific characteristics are required and therefore a tailor-made baking powder will be used top of page
baking powder
A chemical leavener usually comprised of sodium bicarbonate and a dry form acid and used in baking When mixed with a liquid the acid reacts with the sodium bicarbonate to produce carbon dioxide These gas bubbles are trapped in the dough and expand with heat causing the pastry or bread to rise Double acting baking powder produces CO2 on contact with liquid then produces more CO2when heat is applied
baking powder
A chemical leavener combining an acid with bicarbonate of soda to form the gas which enables baked products to rise The chemical reaction between the acid and the soda produces carbon dioxide to leaven the product The most common form of baking powder is the double acting variety, which produces gas upon mixing and again at high temperatures Always store this tightly covered
baking powder
a combination of baking soda, an acid such as cream of tartar, and a starch or flour (moisture absorber) Most common type is double-acting baking powder, which acts when mixed with liquid and again when heated
baking-powder biscuit
leavened with baking powder
black powder
An explosive mixture of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur, formerly used in firearms
black powder
gunpowder, powder used as an explosive
bleaching powder
a white powder comprised of calcium hydroxide and chloride and hypochlorite and used to bleach and/or disinfect
bleaching powder
powder which is used to whiten fabrics
burn powder
{f} fire a gun
chili powder
Type: Spice (ground) Description: Seasoning made from ground dried chiles, coriander, cumin, garlic, oregano and other herbs and spices Flavor: Mild to hot Uses: Chili, eggs and cheese, soups, stews
chili powder
A seasoning mixture of dried chilies, garlic, oregano, cumin, coriander, and cloves
chili powder
cumin and garlic and oregano
chili powder
Commercially, the product made from ground red chiles, including a variety of other spices
chili powder
powder made of ground chili peppers mixed with e g cumin and garlic and oregano
chili powder
- is a combination of ground spices and dried herbs It can contain all or only some of the following and in varying ratios
chili powder
spice blend a blend of dried ancho chile, oregano, cumin, and cloves or allspice; soups, salads, all meats, fish, vegetables, eggs, cheese, sauces d
chili powder
A spicy blend of ground chile peppers and spices Recipe: Chicken and Black Bean Chili
chili powder
A mixture of two or more chile powders and other spices used as a primary seasoning in chili Typical ingredients include: One or more chile powders, ranging from mild to hot Ground cumin Oregano, preferably Mexican Garlic powder
chili powder
A seasoning consisting of ground chilies mixed with other spices, such as cumin and oregano
chilli powder
chil·li pow·der in AM usually use, and in BRIT sometimes use chili powder Chilli powder is a very hot-tasting powder made mainly from dried chillies. It is used in cooking. chili powder a hot-tasting red powder made from dried chillies
cocoa powder
the powdery remains of chocolate liquor after cocoa butter is removed; used in baking and in low fat and low calorie recipes and as a flavoring for ice cream
curry powder
A blend of up to 20 herbs and spices, curry powder is widely used in Indian cooking Recipe: Sweet Potato Fries with Curried Mayonnaise Dip
curry powder
There are dozens of mixtures of spices commercially available as curry powder Enthusiasts of Indian food are more likely to purchase curry powder at an Indian food store or a spice shop, than to buy at supermarket brands
curry powder
pungent blend of cumin and ground coriander seed and turmeric and other spices
curry powder
Curry powder is a powder made from a mixture of spices. It is used in cooking, especially when making curry. A pungent seasoning prepared from cumin, coriander, turmeric, and other spices. a mixture of spices, used in cooking to give food a spicy taste
curry powder
type of spice used in food
curry powder
A condiment consisting of several pungent ground spices including cayenne pepper, turmeric, and fenugreek
curry powder
spice blend a blend of cloves, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, cardamom, fenugreek, coriander, mace, white pepper d
curry powder
- usually cumin seeds, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, dried red chilies, cinnamon, turmeric, and ground ginger May also have paprika, cloves, saffron, fenugreek, cardamom, or fresh curry leaves
curry powder
a blend of dry herbs and spices used in curry dishes
dover's powder
a medicinal powder made essentially of ipecac and opium; formerly used to relieve pain and induce perspiration
dovers powder
Dover's original prescription with nitrate and sulphate of potash and licorice
dovers powder
It is an anodyne diaphoretic
dusting powder
A fine powder, such as talcum powder, used on the skin
egg powder
eggs in dehydrated form
face powder
light cosmetic powder for the face
face powder
Face powder is a very fine soft powder that you can put on your face in order to make it look smoother. = powder. powder that you put on your face in order to make it look less shiny
face powder
cosmetic powder for the face
five spice powder
Chinese seasoning made by grinding star anise and fennel and pepper and cloves and cinnamon
gelatine powder
gelatine in powdered form
goa powder
A bitter powder (also called araroba) found in the interspaces of the wood of a Brazilian tree (Andira araroba) and used as a medicine
instant pudding powder
special powder for preparing pudding
jamess powder
James, an English physician; called also fever powder
jamess powder
Antimonial powder, first prepared by Dr
joy powder
{i} (Slang) cocaine; heroin
milk powder
white powder which is used as a milk substitute
milk powder
dehydrated milk
consisting of fine particles; "powdered cellulose"; "powdery snow"; "pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding"
Reduced to a powder; sprinkled with, or as with, powder
which has been made into a powder
Sprinkled with salt; salted; corned
past of powder
A powdered substance is one which is in the form of a powder although it can come in a different form. There are only two tins of powdered milk left
{s} ground into dust, pulverized into very fine particles; covered in powder, dusted with powder
consisting of fine particles; "powdered cellulose"; "powdery snow"; "pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding
Same as Semé
from Powder, v
plural of powder
sachet powder
small pouch filled with powder
seidlitz powder
an effervescing salt containing sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt and tartaric acid; used as a cathartic
smell powder
be an experienced soldier, have combat experience
smokeless powder
A high-explosive gunpowder whose explosion produces little, if any, smoke
smokeless powder
an explosive (trade name Ballistite) that burns with relatively little smoke; contains pyrocellulose and is used as a propellant
smokeless powder
A relatively smoke-free propellant charge composed mainly of nitrocellulose, used in projectiles and small artillery rockets
soap powder
a powder that is made from soap and other chemicals, used for washing clothes
soap powder
soap in powdered form mixed with alkaline builders
take a powder
(Canadian and American Slang) disappear, go away, run away
talcum powder
a toilet powder made of purified talc and usually scented; absorbs excess moisture
talcum powder
Talcum powder is fine powder with a pleasant smell which people put on their bodies after they have had a bath or a shower. A fine, often perfumed powder made from purified talc for use on the skin. a powder with a nice smell which you put on your skin after washing (talcum, from talk; TALC)
toilet powder
a fine powder for spreading on the body (as after bathing)
tooth powder
{i} tooth cleanser in the form of a powder
vulcan powder
A dynamite composed of nitroglycerin (30 parts), sodium nitrate (52
vulcan powder
5), charcoal (10
vulcan powder
5), and sulphur (7), used in mining and blasting
washing powder
soap in powdered form mixed with alkaline builders
washing powder
soap detergent used for cleaning laundry
washing powder
Washing powder is a powder that you use with water to wash clothes. soap in the form of a powder used for washing clothes
yeast powder
dried powder form of yeast that becomes active when added to water
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von powder im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

mustard powder
(Gıda) hardal tozu