(Askeri) HARP ESİRİ; ESİR: Milletlerarası kanun ve anlaşmalardaki istisnai haller hariç olmak üzere, muharip kuvvetlerin birbirlerinden esir alıp enterne ettikleri kimseler. PRISONER OF WAR BRANCH CAMP
A POW is the same as a prisoner of war. a prisoner of war. used to represent the sound of a gun firing, an explosion, or someone hitting another person hard, especially in children's comics (From the sound)
An annual report of priority program goals based on the perceived needs of county residents The plan includes estimates of days planned and proposed evaluation strategies for use in individual and system-wide planning
People sometimes refer to a meeting or discussion as a pow-wow. Every year my father would call a family powwow to discuss where we were going on vacation
Türkisch - Englisch
Definition von pow im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch