
listen to the pronunciation of potential
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} potansiyel

Fizikçi, nükleer füzyonun potansiyel tehlikesinin farkındaydı. - The physicist was aware of the potential danger of nuclear fusion.

İnsan oğluna sonsuz potansiyel bahşedilmiştir. - Human beings are gifted with infinite potential.

{s} olası

Ben olası sonuçları biliyorum. - I know the potential consequences.

Tom olası bir bebek bakıcısıdır. - Tom is a potential babysitter.

potansiyel enerji
(Ticaret) potansiyeli olan
{i} iktidar
yeterlik fiili
mümkün olan şey
(Tıp) Gerilim veya basınç
potential mood gram
{s} gizli
{s} fiz. gizil, potansiyel
{i} yeterlik kipi
(Tıp) Kuvveti olan, kuvvetli, iktidarlı; 2.Elektrik potansiyeli
{s} açığa çıkmamış
{s} olası, muhtemel
potential energy gizilgüç
(Ticaret) gizli güç
mümkün olası
(Biyokimya) gizil güç
potential energy
(Fizik,Teknik) gizilgüç
potential coefficient
potansiyel katsayısı
potential coil
potansiyel bobini
potential difference
potansiyel farkı
potential difference
potential energy
potansiyel enerji
potential equation
potansiyel denklem
potential trough
potansiyel teknesi
potential well
potansiyel kuyusu
potential attenuator
potansiyel zayıflatıcı
potential divider
potansiyel bölücü
potential drop
potansiyel düşüşü
potential for
için potansiyel
potential gradient
potansiyel gradyani
potential intellect
(Felsefe) Potansiyel akıl
potential mood
potansiyel ruh hali
potential opportunity cost
potansiyel fırsat maliyeti
potential publication
potansiyel yayın
potential scattering
potansiyel saçılma
potential unit
potansiyel ünitesi
potential user
potansiyel kullanıcı
potential barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) potansiyel engeli
potential bidders
(Ticaret) ilgilenen teklif sahipleri
potential danger
olası tehlike
potential deficit
(Ticaret) potansiyel açık
potential demand
(Ticaret) olası talep
potential dose
(Çevre) potansiyel doz
potential energy
fiz. gizilgüç
potential epidemic
(Tıp) poatnsiyel epidemi
potential exposure
(Çevre) potansiyel maruz kalma
potential fecundity
(Denizbilim) potansiyel doğurganlık
potential gradient
(Meteoroloji) potansiyel sıkışma
potential gradient
(Elektrik, Elektronik) gerilim gradyani
potential gradient
potansiyel gradyanı
potential gradient
(Meteoroloji) potansiyel gradyan
potential head
(Askeri) mevcut basınç yüksekliği
potential hill
(Nükleer Bilimler) potansiyel tepesi,gerilim tepesi
potential hill
(Bilgisayar) potansiyel engel
potential impact
(Politika, Siyaset) olası etki
potential indicator
(Elektrik, Elektronik) gerilim göstericisi
potential investor
(Ticaret) muhtemel yatırımcı
potential investor
(Ticaret) yatırım yapabilecek kişi
potential of damage
(Askeri) hasar potansiyeli
potential plateau
potansiyel platosu
potential reality
potansiyel gerçeklik
potential theory 
(Matematik) potansiyel teori 
potential tourist
(Turizm) potansiyel turist
potential trough
potansiyel cukuru
potential users
(Eğitim) potansiyel kullanıcılar
potential vacant space
(Askeri) MUHTEMEL BOŞ DEPO SAHASI: Kullanılabilir depolama sahasının; onarım veya tadilat sebebiyle veya belirli zamanlarda depolamaya engel olarak bazı hava şartları yüzünden, geçici olarak, depolama için kullanılmayan kısmı; ya da deponun yeni baştan tertiplenmesi veya istiflerin azami yüksekliğe çıkarılması suretiyle kazanılacak saha
potential yield
(Denizbilim) potansiyel ürün
capillary potential
(Gıda) kılcal çekicilik
chemical potential
(Gıda) kimyasal çekicilik
excitation potential
uyarma potansiyeli
excitation potential
uyarım potansiyeli
exposure potential
(Tıp) maruziyet potansiyeli
global warming potential
(Çevre) küresel ısınma potansiyeli
grand potential
büyük potansiyel
human potential
insan potansiyeli
membrane potential
(Tıp) zar potansiyeli
redox potential
(Denizbilim) redoks potansiyeli
reduction potential
(Kimya) indirgenme potansiyeli
vector potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) vektör potansiyel
vector potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) vektör potansiyeli
vector potential
yöneysel potansiyel
action potential
aksiyon potansiyeli
activation potential
aktivasyon potansiyeli
active potential
aktif gerilim
adsorption potential
adsorpsiyon potansiyeli
anode potential
anot potansiyeli
biological potential
biyolojik potansiyel
capillary potential
kılcal potansiyel
chemical potential
kimyasal potansiyel
constant potential
sabit potansiyel
contact potential
kontak potansiyeli
corrosion potential
korozyon potansiyeli
coulomb potential
kulomb potansiyeli
critical potential
kritik potansiyel
current potential curve
akım gerilim eğrisi
deformation potential
deformasyon potansiyeli
difference of potential
potansiyel farkı
diffusion potential
difüzyon potansiyeli
donnan potential
donnan potansiyeli
driving potential
sürücü gerilimi
drum potential
dram voltajı
electric potential
elektrik potansiyeli
electric potential
çıngı potansiyeli
electrode potential
elektrot gerilimi
electrolytic potential
elektrolitik potansiyel
electrostatic potential
elektrostatik potansiyel
hydrogen electrode potential
hidrojen elektrot potansiyeli
inner potential
iç potansiyel
ionic potential
iyonik potansiyel
ionization potential
iyonlaşma potansiyeli
irrigation potential
sulama potansiyeli
magnetic potential
manyetik potansiyel
magnetic vector potential
manyetik vektör potansiyeli
imkan dahilinde
thermodynamic potential
termodinamik potansiyel
velocity potential
hız potansiyeli
Action potential
(Biyoloji) (Fizyoloji) Eylem potansiyeli, hareket potansiyeli, aksiyon potansiyeli. Tanım: Bir dürtünün kas ya da sınır hücresinin zarından geçmesi esnasında elektrik potansiyelinde olan değişiklik
absolute potential
mutlak potansiyel
accelerating potential
hızlandırıcı potansiyel
earning potential
Para kazanma potansiyeli, gelir potansiyeli
firing potential
ateşleme potansiyeli
glow potential
parlama potansiyeli
gravitational potential
gravitasyon potansiyeli, yerçekimi potansiyeli
grid potential
ızgara gerilimi
gwp , global warming potential
GWP, küresel ısınma potansiyeli
identifying potential customers
potansiyel müşterilerin belirlenmesi
negative anode potential
negatif anot gerilimi
nuclear potential
çekirdek potansiyeli
resting potential
potansiyel dinlenme
sedimentation potential
Çökelme potansiyeli, düşme potansiyeli
sedimentation potential
sedimantasyon potansiyeli, düşme potansiyeli
separation potential
ayırma potansiyeli
stopping potential
durdurma potansiyeli
streaming potential
Akma potansiyeli
streaming potential
akıntı potansiyeli
surface potential
yüzey potansiyeli
zero potential
sıfır potansiyel
zeta potential
Zeta potansiyeli, tanecikler arasındaki itme veya çekme değeri ölçümü
appreciation potential
(Ticaret) değer artış beklentisi
constant potential circuit
(Nükleer Bilimler) sabit potansiyel devresi
contact potential barrier
temas potansiyeli engeli
contact potential difference
temas potansiyeli farki
corrosion potential
yenim potansiyeli
current potential curve
akım-gerilim eğrisi
damage potential
hasar potansiyeli
driving potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) sürücü gerilim
economic potential
(Askeri) EKONOMİK GÜÇ, EKONOMİK POTANSİYEL: Bir milletin malzeme, istihsal ve hizmet sağlamadaki toplam gücü veya kapasitesi
economic potential for war
(Askeri) EKONOMİK HARP POTANSİYELİ: Bir milletin toplam ekonomik imkan ve kabiliyetlerinden, harp amacıyla kullanılabilecek kısmı
equilibrium potential
(Kimya,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) denge potansiyeli
evoked potential
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tepkisel potansiyel
excitation potential
uyarim potansiyeli
extinction potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ekstinksiyon potansiyeli
extinction potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sönüm gerilimi
extraction potential
(Nükleer Bilimler) özütleme gerilimi
financial potential
maddi olanak
fishery potential
(Denizbilim) balıkçılık potansiyeli
human potential movement
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) insan potansiyeli hareketi
humidity potential
(Gıda) nem çekicilik düzeyi
humidity potential
(Gıda) nem çekicilik gücü
ionization potential
iyonizasyon potansiyeli
ionization potential
(Askeri) İYONLANMA POTANSİYELİ (HV.): Bir atomdan bir elektronu çıkarmak için yapılması gereken ve elektron-volt ile ölçülen iş
lending potential
(Ticaret) ödünç verme potansiyeli
meaning potential
(Dilbilim) olası anlam
natural potential method
doğal potansiyel yüntemi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) güç halinde
potansiyel olarak

O, potansiyel olarak bizim sorunumuzdur. - That is potentially our problem.

Potansiyel olarak, bu hastalık binlerce kişiyi öldürebilir. - Potentially, this disease could kill thousands.

z. potansiyel olarak: That man is potentially dangerous. O adam tehlikeli olabilir
olanak dahilinde
radiation potential
isinim potansiyeli
railway potential capability
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU HAT KABİLİYETİ, DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME VE İNŞA KABİLİYETİ: Fiziki özelliklere bağlı demiryolu kapasitesi. Bu kapasite demiryolu trafiğini sağlamak maksadıyla kullanılır. Ayrıca bakınız: "railway actual capability"
railway potential capability
(Askeri) demir yolu hat kabiliyeti
receptor potential
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) alıcı potansiyeli
reproductive potential
(Denizbilim) üreme potansiyeli
resting potential
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) eylemsizlik potansiyeli
rich potential
zengin potansiyel
seperation potential
(Nükleer Bilimler) ayırma potansiyeli
swelling potential
şişme potansiyeli
tide generating potential
(Askeri) gel-git oluşma potansiyeli
tourism potential
(Turizm) turizm potansiyeli
vector potential
vektor (yoneysel) potansiyel
vertex potential
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tepe potansiyeli
weathering-potential index
ayrışma potansiyel indeksi
zero potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sıfır gerilim
zero potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) sıfır potansiyeli
zero potential
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sıfır gizilgüç
Englisch - Englisch
Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential
Currently unfulfilled capacity to improve, develop, and achieve impressive feats

Even from a young age it was clear that she had great musical potential.

In the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the position of a point, such that its differential coefficients with respect to the coordinates are equal to the components of the force at the point considered; -- also called potential function, or force function. It is called also Newtonian potential when the force is directed to a fixed center and is inversely as the square of the distance from the center
Referring to a verbal construction of form stating something is possible or probable
The energy of an electrical charge measured by its power to do work; hence, the degree of electrification as referred to some standard, as that of the earth; electro-motive force
Anything that may be possible; a possibility; potentiality
A verbal construction or form stating something is possible or probable
Existing in possibility, not in actuality
anything that may be possible
the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts
1) Electrically, the voltage at a point relative to some reference point 2) The degree of electrification at a point in an electric field
1 A function of space, the gradient of which is equal to a force In symbols, F = -φ, where F is the force; is the del-operator; and φ is the potential A force which may be so expressed is said to be conservative, and the work done against it in motion from one given equipotential surface to another is independent of the path of the motion See Gibbs function, potential energy
existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power"
Something that can develop of happen successfully in your behalf
Potential difference at an electrode-solution interface defined with the reference to another specified electrode See Reference electrode [back] [top]
The total target audience i e the maximum number of people in a demographic    Can be sub-classified by (i) demography - age, sex, income etc (ii) psychography - lifestyle, culture, social class, (iii) geography - place of residence etc
In the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the position of a point, such that its differential coefficients with respect to the coördinates are equal to the components of the force at the point considered; also called potential function, or force function
{s} possible, capable of becoming, able to be
Anything that may be possible; a possibility; potentially
A measure of the driving force behind an electrochemical reaction that is reported in units of volts
possible but not yet in existence
The difference in voltage between two points of an electrical circuit
Two stones of the same color with an empty point between them and no enemy stones at either end This formation has the potential to become a stronger formation and is safer than a pair
Currently unfulfilled capacity to improve, develop, and achieve impressive feats. E.g.: "even from a young age it was clear that she had great musical potential"
the inherent capacity for coming into being
the difference produced by an imbalance in the charge distribution that causes the movement of charge carriers in a conductor Also called voltage
If you say that someone or something has potential, you mean that they have the necessary abilities or qualities to become successful or useful in the future. The school strives to treat pupils as individuals and to help each one to achieve their full potential Denmark recognised the potential of wind energy early
You use potential to say that someone or something is capable of developing into the particular kind of person or thing mentioned. The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution. = possible + potentially po·ten·tial·ly Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation
It is called also Newtonian potential when the force is directed to a fixed center and is inversely as the square of the distance from the center
expected to become or be; in prospect; "potential clients"; "expected income"
If you say that someone or something has potential for doing a particular thing, you mean that it is possible they may do it. If there is the potential for something, it may happen. John seemed as horrified as I about his potential for violence The meeting has the potential to be a watershed event. likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future = possible potential customer/buyer/client (potentialis, from potentia , from potere; POTENT). action potential electric potential ionization potential potential energy
{i} possibility; ability; capability of being; possible energy (Electricity)
the inherent capacity for coming into being existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power
potential difference
the difference in potential energy between two points in an electric field; the difference in charge between two points in an electrical circuit; voltage
potential energy
the energy possessed by an object because of its position (in a gravitational or electric field), or its condition (as a stretched or compressed spring, as a chemical reactant, or by having rest mass)
potential vorticities
plural form of potential vorticity
potential vorticity
a quantity which is proportional to the product of vorticity and stratification. When applied to air parcels, aids the understanding of cyclogenesis
potential well
the region surrounding a local minimum of potential energy
potential difference
difference in electrical tension between two points (Electricity)
potential difference
The amount of energy per unit charge needed to move a charged particle from a reference point to a designated point in a static electric field; voltage. Also called potential
potential divider
resistors connected in series across a voltage source; used to obtain a desired fraction of the voltage
potential earnings
maximum possible profit, amount of profit that could be earned in the future
potential enemies
people or groups that are likely to become enemies, possible foes
potential energy
the mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its position; stored energy
potential energy
The energy of a particle or system of particles derived from position, or condition, rather than motion. A raised weight, coiled spring, or charged battery has potential energy. Energy stored by an object by virtue of its position. For example, an object raised above the ground acquires potential energy equal to the work done against the force of gravity; the energy is released as kinetic energy when it falls back to the ground. Similarly, a stretched spring has stored potential energy that is released when the spring is returned to its unstretched state. Other forms of potential energy include electrical potential energy, chemical energy, and nuclear energy
potential energy
energy present in a resting body (Physics)
potential murderer
someone who is likely to commit murder, possible killer
potential unit
a measure of the potential energy of a unit charge at a give point in a circuit relative to a reference point (ground)
action potential
A short term change in the electrical potential that travels along a cell such as a nerve or muscle fiber
decomposition potential
The electrode potential at which current begins to increase appreciably, and electrolysis occurs
electric potential
the potential energy per unit charge at a point in a static electric field; voltage
electrochemical potential
the potential energy in an electric cell or battery
electrode potential
the potential difference of a half-reaction which occurs across a reversible cell made up of any electrode and a standard hydrogen electrode
evoked potential
An electrical potential recorded from a human or animal following presentation of a stimulus, as distinct from spontaneous potentials as detected by electroencephalograms or electromyograms
Powerfully, strongly

I freely assert, that the cosmopolite philosopher cannot, for his life, point out one single peaceful influence, which within the last sixty years has operated more potentially upon the whole broad world, taken in one aggregate, than the high and mighty business of whaling.

In a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way
redox potential
The difference in voltage between an inert electrode and a system containing oxidation and reduction; a measurement of the system's oxidation
standard electrode potential
an electrode potential measured under standard conditions; a temperature or 298K, 1 atmosphere pressure and at 1 mole of the activity of redox participants of the half-reaction
{a} in power, in effect, in reality
Action potential
(Biyoloji) In physiology, an action potential is a short-lasting event in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly rises and falls, following a consistent trajectory
membrane potential
Membrane potential (or transmembrane potential or transmembrane potential difference or transmembrane potential gradient), is the electrical potential difference (voltage) across a cell's plasma membrane. The plasma membrane bounds the cell to provide a stable environment for biological processes. Membrane potential arises from the action of ion transporters embedded in the membrane which maintain viable ion concentrations inside the cell. The term "membrane potential" is sometimes used interchangeably with cell potential but is applicable to any lipid bilayer or membrane
zeta potential
Electric potential across all phase boundaries between solids and liquids. In colloids, the zeta potential is the potential across the ion layer around a charged colloidal particle. Neutralizing the zeta potential can cause the colloid to precipitate
action potential
Nerve impulse; brief electrical signal that propagates along an axon or muscle fibre
action potential
The sudden change in electrical potential that travels down the axon of a neuron (Anderson)
action potential
The electrical part of a neuron's two-part, electrical-chemical message An action potential consists of a brief pulse of electrical current that travels along the axon to relay messages over long distances
action potential
A momentary change in electrical potential on the surface of a nerve or muscle cell that takes place when it is stimulated, especially by the transmission of a nerve impulse: Stimulating a nerve fiber causes an action potential to spread across the nerve cell, making it contract. Brief (about one-thousandth of a second) reversal of electric polarization of the membrane of a nerve or muscle cell. Stimulation of the cell by certain chemicals or by sensory receptor cells causes depolarization of the membrane, permitting an impulse to move along the nerve fibre (in nerve cells) or causing the cell to contract (in muscle cells)
action potential
An all-or-none membrane depolarization propagated along a nerve fiber without loss of amplitude
action potential
The changes in electrical potential generated by the muscle cell membrane or nerve cell tissue in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimulation There are five phases: phase O is the period of rapid depolarization (polarity changes from negative to positive) and phases 1 through 4 return the cell to resting membrane potential
action potential
a reflection of the difference in the concentration of ions across a cell membrane at any given time
action potential
the local voltage change across the cell wall as a nerve impulse is transmitted
action potential
Cf {\em axon hillock}
action potential
Also known as nerve impulse or spike One generally talks about a cell "firing" or "generating" an action potential, or simply "spiking " An action potential is a brief change in membrane potential caused by the rapid opening and closing of transmembrane channels that pass specific ions through Action potentials travel along axons and transfer information over distance In this virtual lab, action potentials are generated in many of the cells you can find and appear as an almost vertical line superimposed on a horizontal oscilloscope trace The total number and the rate of firing of action potentials can encode information, as well as the actual shape of the action potential (some are longer lasting than others, as you can see in the lab) See Background on Nervous System for more details
action potential
A brief, regenerative, all-or-nothing electrical potential that propagates along an axon
action potential
Changes in electric potential on the membranes of living cells, resulting from cell stimulation, leading to an all-or-nothing action current (H) An abrupt change in the charge differential across the membrane of a nerve cell caused by a change in the permeability of the membrane to sodium ions; the nerve impulse [JA]
action potential
The electrical signal which rapidly propagates along the axon of nerve cells as well as over the surface of some muscle and glandular cells It is the result of a change in membrane electrical potential, the underlying cause of which is a change in flow of ions across the membrane due to voltage-activated ion channels
action potential
a relatively large amplitude, rapid change in potential across a cell membrane that occurs due to the regenerative activation of certain ionic channels when the potential exceeds a threshold coltage
action potential
  Is the result of a brief, localized change in the resting membrane potential When this change of resting potential is measured it can be visualized on an oscilloscope Action potentials are sometimes referred to as spikes or spike potentials
action potential
nerve impulse; transmission of a temporary voltage change down a nerve fibre
action potential
the brief, all-or-nothing change in membrane potential that constitutes a single response in a neurone
action potential
The electrical activity developed n a muscle or nerve cell curing activity; a neural impulse
action potential
a brief fluctuation in membrane potential caused by the rapid opening and closing of voltage-gated ion channels Action potentials sweep like a wave along axons to transfer information from one place to another in the nervous system
action potential
An electric nerve impulse that travels through a neuron when it is set off by a "trigger," changing the neuron's charge from negative to positive
action potential
a change in the electrochemical balance inside and outside a neuron; occurs when electrochemical stimulation of the neuron reaches or exceeds the neuron's threshold of excitation
action potential
The long-distance signal of the nervous system Action potentials are triggered in excitable cells in response to depolarization that exceeds the threshold potential
action potential
Occurs when a neuron is activated; the electrical state of its interior membrane temporarily changes from negative to positive The electrical charge travels along the axon to the terminal bud where it triggers or inhibits release of neurotransmitter into the synapse If sufficient transmitter substance is present at the synapse to initiate an action potential in the postsynaptic neuron, the impulse continues
action potential
A short duration, large, positive deflection of the membrane potential It is also sometimes referred to as a spike, because of it appearance in voltage traces The large positive membrane potential causes the neuron to release neurotransmitter, thus information transfer occurs with the action potential The action potential is the smallest quantum of information transfer
action potential
The firing on a neuron Occurs when the charge inside the neuron becomes more positive than the charge outside
biotic potential
An estimate of the maximum capacity of living things to survive and reproduce under optimal environmental conditions
brimming with potential
having a lot of potential, having many unrefined skills, having capabilities which have not been put to use
commercial potential
likelihood of future profits
development potential
possibilities for improvement and growth
electric potential
the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts
electric potential
Amount of work needed to move a unit electric charge from a reference point to a specific point against an electric field. The potential energy of a positive charge increases when it moves against an electric field, and decreases when it moves with the field. Electric potential can be thought of as potential energy per unit charge. The work done in moving a unit charge from one point to another, as in an electric circuit, is equal to the difference in potential energies at each point. Electric potential is expressed in units of joules per coulomb, or volts
electric potential gradient
The net difference in electric charge across a cell membrane
evoked potential
EP's are recordings of the nervous system's electrical response to the stimulation of specific sensory pathways(eg visual, auditory, general sensory) In tests of evoked potentials, a person's recorded responses are displayed on a oscilloscope and analyzed on a computer which allows comparison with normal response times Demyelination results in a slowing of response time EP's can demonstrate lesions along specific nerve pathways whether or not the lesions are producing symptoms, thus making this test useful in confirming the diagnosis of MS
evoked potential
The electrical response in a collection of neurons that is provoked by a stimulus The electrical response in a collection of neurons that is provoked by a stimulus
evoked potential
the electrical response of the central nervous system produced by an external stimulus; "he measured evoked potentials with an electroencephalogram
evoked potential
the electrical response of the central nervous system produced by an external stimulus; "he measured evoked potentials with an electroencephalogram"
evoked potential
Registration of the electrical responses of active brain cells as detected by electrodes placed on the surface of the head at various places The evoked potential, unlike the waves on an EEG, is elicited by a specific stimulus applied to the visual, auditory or other sensory receptors of the body Evoked potentials are used to diagnose a wide variety of central nervous system disorders
ground potential
The potential of the earth A circuit, terminal or chassis is said to be at ground potential when it is used as a reference point for other potentials in the system
ground potential
zero potential with respect to the ground or earth
ground potential
The potential of the earth A circuit, terminal, or chassis is said to be at ground potential when it is used as a reference point for other potential in the system
ground potential
  The zero reference level used to apply and measure voltages in a system   Note: A potential difference may exist between this reference level and the ground potential of the Earth, which varies with locality, soil conditions, and meteorological phenomena
ground potential
– in an electrical circuit, the point (or points) in the circuit that is maintained with a zero potential difference with respect to the Earth
ground potential
The electrical potential of the earth A circuit, terminal or chassis is said to be at ground potential when it is used as a reference point for other potential in the system
ground potential
The potential of the earth, A circuit, terminal, or chassis is said to be at ground potential when it is used as a reference point for other potentials in the system
ionization potential
The energy required to remove completely an electron from its atom. or ionization energy Amount of energy required to remove an electron from an isolated atom or molecule. There is an ionization potential for each successive electron removed, though that associated with removing the first (most loosely held) electron is most commonly used. The ionization potential of an element is a measure of its ability to enter into chemical reactions requiring ion formation or donation of electrons and is related to the nature of the chemical bonding in the compounds formed by elements. See also binding energy, ionization
loom as a potential threat
be a possible threat, comprise a possible menace
in a manner showing much potential
possibly, in a manner of being able to become
With power; potently
with a possibility of becoming actual; "introducing possibly dangerous innovations"; "he is potentially dangerous"; "potentially useful"
something that is potentially dangerous, useful etc is not dangerous etc now, but may become so in the future
In a potential manner; possibly, not positively
plural of potential
resting potential
the potential difference between the two sides of the membrane of a nerve cell when the cell is not conducting an impulse
unfulfilled potential
potential which is not used, capability that exists and is not put to use
zeta potential
An electrokinetic measurement which can be used for the control of coagulation processes
zeta potential
The electrical potential that exists across the interface of all solids and liquids Also known as electrokinetic potential
zeta potential
In coagulation and flocculation procedures, the difference in the electrical charge between the dense layer of ions surrounding the particle and the charge of the bulk of the suspended fluid surrounding this particle The zeta potential is usually measured in millivolts