
listen to the pronunciation of postal
Englisch - Türkisch
postayla ilgili
posta ile ilgili
{s} postaya ait
postal clerk postane memuru
tasarruf sandığı
postal money order
postal savings bank posta idaresine bağlı banka
postal order posta havalesi
postal convention milletlerarası posta anlaşması
postal union milletlerarası pos

Pazar günü posta hizmeti var mı? - Is there postal service on Sunday?

U.S. Postal Service gelecek yılın başına kadar kapanabilir. - The U.S. Postal Service could shut down as early as next year.

postal convention
(Ticaret) posta anlaşması
postal customs formalities
(Ticaret) posta işlemleri
postal account
posta çeki hesabı
postal address
posta adresi
postal authorities
posta idaresi
postal card
postal check
posta çeki
postal cheque
posta çeki
postal clerk
postane memuru
postal district
posta bölgesi
postal money order
posta havalesi
postal order
posta havalesi
postal receipt
posta makbuzu
postal service
posta servisi
postal union
uluslararası posta birliği
postal code
posta kodu
postal item
posta öge
postal system
Posta sistemi
postal vote
postayla oylama sistemi
postal bar code
(Bilgisayar) posta bar kodu
postal bar code
(Bilgisayar) posta barkodu
postal concentration center
(Askeri) POSTA TOPLANMA MERKEZİ: ABD posta idaresinin bir postanesi veya bürosu. Denizde veya denizaşırı bölgelerde manevra halinde bulunan silahlı kuvvetlere ait her türlü posta evrakı, tasnif, yerlerine teslim veya sevk maksadıyla burada toplanır
postal concentration centre
(Askeri) posta toplanma merkezi
postal delivery services
(Ticaret) posta tebligat hizmetleri
postal finance officer
(Askeri) POSTA MALİ SUBAYI: Belirli bir denizaşırı bölge dahilinde faaliyette bulunan Kara Ordusu postanelerine dağıtılmak üzere elinde posta pulu, pullu evrak, havale formları ve diğer kayda ve sarfa tabi ikmal maddelerini bulunduran sorumlu subay
postal finance officer
(Askeri) posta mali subayı
postal money order
postayla para havalesi
postal money/order
posta havalesi
postal officer
(Askeri) POSTA SUBAYI: Kendi teşkilatı dahilindeki bütün posta işlerine doğrudan doğruya nezaret eden subay
postal officier
posta memuru
postal rates
posta ücret tarifesi
postal regulating detachment
(Askeri) POSTA DÜZENLEME MÜFREZESİ: Bölge komutanlığı veya denizaşırı komutanlık ihtiyaçlarına göre tesis edilen ve faaliyette tutulan bir kadro teşkili. Bu müfrezenin vazifesi; hizmet gördüğü bölge dahilindeki kara ordusu postaneleri arasında ve kara ordusu postaneleri ile, bunlarla posta muamelesi gören üs postaneleri arasında posta sevk ve dağıtım hizmeti görmektedir
postal regulating detachment
(Askeri) posta düzenleme müfrezesi
postal regulating section
(Askeri) POSTA DÜZENLEME KISMI: Bak. "postal regulating detachment"
postal regulating section
(Askeri) posta düzenleme kısmı
postal section
(Askeri) POSTA KISMI: Bir karargahta posta işlerine bakan kısım
postal section
(Askeri) posta kısmı
postal sector
posta sektörü
postal service

Posta hizmetleri devlet tekelindedir. - Postal services are a government monopoly.

Bu ülkede posta hizmeti hızlı değildir. - The postal service in this country isn't fast.

postal tariff
posta tarifesi
postal tution
mektupla öğrenim
go postal
(deyim) Cinnet geçirmek
intercity postal service
şehirlerarası posta
international postal replay coupon
uluslararası posta cevap kuponu
Military Postal Service Agency
(Askeri) Askeri Posta Servisi Teşkilatı
United States Postal Service
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler Posta İdaresi
Universal Postal Union
(Askeri) Evrensel Posta Birliği
army postal clerk
(Askeri) kara kuvvetleri posta memuru
army postal clerk
(Askeri) POSTA MEMURU: Belirli bir posta faaliyet merkezinde, posta mali işlerini ve diğer bazı posta görevlerini yapmak üzere vazifelendirilmiş kara ordusu eri
army postal inspection service
(Askeri) ORDU POSTA MÜFETTİŞLİĞİ: ABD ordusunda; sahra postanelerinin durumunu, çalışmasını, haklarındaki şikayet ve düzensizlikleri incelemek ve denetlemek üzere kurulmuş, sahra posta hizmetine bağlı bir teşkilat
army postal service
(Askeri) Ordu posta hizmeti
army postal service
(Askeri) SAHRA POSTA HİZMETİ: ABD Ordusunda askeri mevki, kamp ve birlikler ile denizaşırı merkezlerdeki birliklerin posta işlerini yapan, kara kuvvetleri merkez dairesine bağlı posta hizmeti
army postal service
(Askeri) kara kuvvetleri posta hizmeti
army postal unit
(Askeri) sahra posta birliği
army postal unit
(Askeri) SAHRA POSTA BİRLİĞİ: ABD Ordusunda; posta hizmetlerini gören bir kadro birliği. Bu birlik normal olarak, bir sahra postahanesinin işletilmesi hizmetinde kullanılır. ARMY (OR AIR FORCE) POST OFFICE: KARA (VEYA HAVA) KUVVETLERİ POSTAHANESİ: Yetkili teşkillerle personelin posta hizmetini görmek üzere kara veya hava kuvvetleri tarafından kullanılan, personelle teçhiz edilip çalıştırılan ve rakamlarla adlandırılıp ABD posta hizmetinin bir kolu olarak gösterilen askeri bir postane
central postal directory
(Askeri) MERKEZİ ADRES REHBERİ: Bir denizaşırı komutanlıkta, personel adres ve posta adres rehberi hizmet görmek üzere kurulmuş faaliyet
custodian of postal effects
(Askeri) posta muhafızı
joint military postal activity; joint military satellite communications (MILSATC
(Askeri) müşterek askeri posta faaliyeti; müşterek askeri uydu muhabere (MILSATCOM) paneli idarecisi
military postal clerk
(Askeri) ASKERİ POSTA MEMURU: Kamu hukukunca posta mali işlerini ve diğer posta görevini yerine getirme yetkisine sahip, posta idaresi tarafından resmen tayin edilmiş, silahlı kuvvetler mensubu bir şahıs. Terim; Kara, hava ve deniz kuvvetleri, Deniz piyade sınıfı, Kıyı muhafaza teşkilatı Posta memurlarını içine alır
sender postal address
(Bilgisayar) gönderenin posta adresi
terminal postal officer
(Askeri) TERMİNAL POSTA SUBAYI: Bir ABD kara ordusu askeri posta terminalinin komutanı subay. Bu subay askeri postane ile yapılan muhaberatın dağıtımı, askeri postane ve postane birliklerinin açılıp kapanması konusunda bilgi teminini içine alan ordu postanesiyle ilgili hususlarda, sorumlu posta müdürü, posta toplanma merkezi memurları ve posta müfettişleriyle birlikte, bir irtibat subayı gibi vazife görür
Türkisch - Türkisch
Konçlu ve kaba potin
Konçlu ve kaba potin: "Ayaklarındaki postalların yarısı yok bir hâlde mart havasının sert soğuğunda âciz ve sefil titriyordu."- H. E. Adıvar
Düşkün kadın
Englisch - Englisch
Relating to the collection, sorting and delivery of mail
{s} of mail, pertaining to mail services; very antagonistic (term invented following an incident of postal workers going crazy and killing co-workers)
1} A term used for a server who looks way too stressed 2} A term used for a Post Office Worker who looks way too stressed, i e "John looks like he is going postal!"
Postal is used to describe things or people connected with the public service of carrying letters and packages from one place to another. Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service Include your full postal address
Postal is used to describe activities that involve sending things by post. Unions would elect their leadership by secret postal ballot
Relating to the collection , sorting and delivery of mail
of or relating to the system for delivering mail; "postal delivery"
often refers to a 'real world' street address
of or relating to the system for delivering mail; "postal delivery
1250 9th Street, Berkeley, CA 94710, USA
Belonging to the post office or mail service; as, postal arrangements; postal authorities
postal address
The address (of a person or business) to which mail is delivered, as distinct from the actual street address
postal addresses
plural form of postal address
postal authority
An organisation charged by the governing body of a country or region with the provision of postal services within that region. Normally affiliated to the UPU
postal ballot
A vote made on an oficial form which is then sent through the post / mail
postal code
A sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address to aid the sorting and delivery of post / mail
postal codes
plural form of postal code
postal forgery
a forged stamp intended to defraud the post office, rather than defrauding stamp collectors
postal history
Items such as covers and associated material illustrating historical episodes of postal systems (Home page introduction) 2009.

postal order
A money order used for sending small amounts of money through the post
postal vote
A vote made on an official form which is then sent through the post / mail
Postal Bank
bank services provided by the postal office without a service fee
Postal Service
the US Postal Service the official name for the US government department responsible for collecting and delivering mail
postal address
5c Great Central Way, Woodford Halse, Daventry Northants NN11 3PZ
postal address
#234 La Reine Commercial Park
postal address
3434 Terrace St , Kansas City, MO 64111
postal address
1111 S Main Street Suite 101 Grapevine, TX 76051
postal address
5553 Del Oro Drive
postal address
Harry Bates Limited, 106 Shaw Heath, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 6QS
postal address
4427 East 200 North
postal address
VALTec Group, 125 Lakeview Drive, Morgantown, WV 26508
postal address
P O Box 530276
postal address
address at which mail can be received, mailing address
postal address
6397 True Lane
postal address
NSW Premier's Department, GPO BOX 5341, Sydney, NSW 2001
postal address
94 Anchorage Circle
postal address
postal authority
body responsible for mail services
postal card
An unadorned card printed with the image of a postage stamp, issued by a government and used for sending messages. Also called post card
postal card
small card that is mailed without an envelope
postal clerk
a clerk in a post office
postal code
Brit Zip code (qv)
postal code
the ZIP or other postal code of the address
postal code
The postal code associated with your company However, the following companies do not have or do not use postal codes: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Ireland, New Zealand, Peru, Taiwan, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe If you are located in one of these countries, then you are not required to enter a postal code
postal code
Postal code of the address where the organization or program is located
postal code
special code comprised of numbers and letters that is added to a mailing address in order to expedite mail delivery, zip code (British, Canadian)
postal code
a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail
postal item
item that has been sent through the mail
postal note
postal check, postal money order, money order taken from a post office
postal order
A postal order is a piece of paper representing a sum of money which you can buy at a post office and send to someone as a way of sending them money by post. A money order. an official document that you buy in a post office and send to someone so that they can then exchange it for money American Equivalent: money order
postal order
check that is given so as to be redeemed in post office branches
postal packet
package that has been sent through the mail
postal rate commission
an independent federal agency that recommends changes in postal rates
postal service
the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office; "the mail handles billions of items every day"; "he works for the United States mail service"; "in England they call mail `the post'"
postal services manager
person who manages the mail delivery service
postal stamp
official stamp applied to a piece of mail to show that postage has been paid
postal system
System that allows persons to send letters, parcels, or packages to addressees in the same country or abroad. Postal systems are usually government-run and paid for by a combination of user charges and government subsidies. There are early references to postal services in Egypt 2000 BC and in Zhou-dynasty China . 1000 BC. The Roman Empire developed various centralized methods of relaying messages. In the Middle Ages there were no centralized postal services. Private postal systems developed with the rise of nation-states during the Renaissance; subsequently, postal services became government monopolies. Charges based on weight rather than distance and the use of prepaid stamps were first proposed in 1837. The General Postal Union (1875; later Universal Postal Union) improved international mail delivery by allowing member countries to retain the postage they collected on outgoing international mail and requiring them to treat incoming international mail as they did domestic mail. Airmail and automated mail handling were developed in the 20th century. See also e-mail
United States Postal Service
A federal agency charged with the delivery of mail
Universal Postal Union
A worldwide postal organization to which most countries are members. The exchange of mail, except parcel post, between the United States and other nations is governed by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union conventionJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
go postal
To behave in a hysterical, angry or irrational manner

The symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service, which has seen so many outbursts that in some circles excessive stress is known as “going postal.” Thirty-five people have been killed in 11 post office shootings since 1983.

goes postal
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of go postal
going postal
Present participle of go postal
gone postal
Past participle of go postal
went postal
Simple past of go postal
Universal Postal Union
The Universal Postal Union (UPU, French: Union postale universelle) is an international organization that coordinates postal policies between member nations, and hence the world-wide postal system. Each member country agrees to the same set of terms for conducting international postal duties. Universal Postal Union's headquarters are located in Berne
go postal
(deyim) Meaning: Go mad, go berserk. Origin: Originated in the USA in 1990s, where there were several incidents of people going berserk and shooting numerous members of the public in post offices
go postal
Go mad, especially from stress. [with ref. to cases in which postal employees have run amok and shot colleagues.]
European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
founded in 1959 by 19 countries (and expanded to 26 during its first ten years) as a coordinating body for European state telecommunications and postal organizations
General Postal Union
{i} former name of Universal Postal Union
Universal Postal Union
UPU, international specialized agency of the United Nations formed in Switzerland in 1875 that administers and governs international postal service (formerly was called "General Postal Union")
army postal services
mail service of the army
go postal
become very angry, become furious and react violently
united states postal inspection service
the primary law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service
united states postal service
an independent federal agency that provides mail processing and delivery service for individuals and businesses in the United States
Türkisch - Englisch
(Askeriye) half boot; combat boot
(army) boots
(Konuşma Dili) trollop, hussy, baggage