
listen to the pronunciation of polizeiposten
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von polizeiposten im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

police station
polis merkezi

Sami polis merkezindeydi. - Sami was at the police station.

police station

Polis karakolu nerede? - Where is the police station?

Tom bir kaza raporunu dosyalamak için polis karakoluna gitti. - Tom went to the police station to file an accident report.

station house
istasyon binası
station house
sakçı karakolu
station house
polis merkezi
police station
Polis karakolu

Polis karakolu nerede? - Where is the police station?

Tom bir kaza raporunu dosyalamak için polis karakoluna gitti. - Tom went to the police station to file an accident report.

police station
station house
station house
station house
station house
itfaiye merkezi
Deutsch - Englisch