The healthcare field that specializes in conditions and function of the human foot It includes examination, diagnosis, and treatment by medical and surgical methods
Podiatry is the professional care and treatment of people's feet. Podiatry is a more modern term for chiropody and also deals with correcting foot problems relating to the way people stand and walk. or chiropody Medical specialty dealing with the foot. Podiatrists diagnose and treat foot diseases, disabilities, and deformities by means of physical medicine and rehabilitation, special shoes and other mechanical devices, drugs, and minor surgery
*: A branch of medicine concerned with the care and treatment of human feet in health and disease
The health care field that specializes in conditions and function of the human foot It includes examination, diagnosis and treatment by medical and surgical methods
a doctor who treats people who have foot problems Podiatrists also help people keep their feet healthy by providing regular foot examinations and treatment
Treat conditions affecting your foot or ankle; licensed to perform surgery and prescribe medication Focus on controlling inflammation, preserving joint function and treating diseases or abnormalities
A podiatrist is a person whose job is to treat and care for people's feet. Podiatrist is a more modern term for chiropodist. a doctor who takes care of people's feet and treats foot diseases British Equivalent: chiropodist (pous )
means an individual licensed by a State or Territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to practice podiatry