(Askeri) GEMİ SİGORTA ÇİZGİSİ: Emniyetli, yük haddini belirtmek için geminin bordasına çizilen hat. Gemi, su seviyesi, sigorta çizgisi veya işareti hizasına gelinceye kadar yüklenebilir
Definition von plimsoll line im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
properly the International Load Line, a mark on the hull of a merchant ship to show the waterline under specified conditions. The line shows the maximum capacity load the ship may carry
a line painted on the outside of a ship, showing how low in the water it can safely be when it is loaded (Samuel Plimsoll (1824-98), British politician)
plimsoll line
Plim·soll line
() from Samuel Plimsoll, Bristol merchant and member of Parliament; promoter of the Merchant Shipping Act.